Star Wars - An Old Fear: Just Another Rey Nobody Sequel Trilogy EditOriginal Title: Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) •
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) •
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)Faneditor: WakeupkeoFranchise: Star Wars
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2021
Fanedit Runtime: 277
Synopsis: My goal was to streamline the storylines of the main characters through all three movies, as if the end was planned from the beginning. Kylo and Rey were of course most important.
• Kylo’s arc is pretty well fleshed out already, the most cohesive character arc of the ST, imo. As much as possible stays for Kylo.
• Rey needs to stay a nobody. And she slowly discovers her powers. She does not hit a stormtrooper with her first shot, and she less powered along the way as much as possible. She is just a special “nobody.”
• Poe’s character arc is nowhere near as complex as Kylo, but pretty much laid out for us.
• Finn is not force sensitive. This means he does not ever make and successful attacks with the lightsaber as well. Only once does he ask Rey about a boyfriend, from then on he keeps friendship motivations. Admittedly, Finn kinda disappears in the final fight, but there are just too many absurd parts to leave him in (no horses on spaceships in this cut!)
• Characters like Hux and Rose have been severely sidelined as they just do not have satisfying character arcs. Both simply fade out of importance in the final movie, but I hope I have not made it too obvious. Hux is no spy, simply muscled out by other power hungry commanders. I loved Rose in TLJ, but without adequate character development in TROS, it was best to minimize her to simply a person helping Finn on HIS character arc. Consequently, the scenes at Canto Bight are greatly reduced, and Rose and Finn simply do not pilot speeders at the battle of Crait.
Then I also audited the whole edit, based on a great youtube video essay about “showing, not telling.”