Star Wars - Revenge of the Sith: RebalancedOriginal Title: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)Faneditor: SiliconmasterFranchise: Star Wars
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2019
Fanedit Runtime: 120
Synopsis: Revenge of the Sith: Rebalanced is a fan edit of Episode III that sets out to attain the following goals: 1. Keep the best parts while trimming substantial amounts of droid slapstick, exposition, and bloated editing. 2. Shift Anakin's fall to the dark side away from Padmé, and toward Palpatine. 3. Learn from existing edits, use the best of their ideas, and fine-tune each and every scene. 4. Make as seamless and professional an edit as possible. So many fan edits have great ideas, but you can tell if the music is a little uneven, or if the rhythm of a sequence gets off balance. I wanted to create a version that you could watch without knowing anything changed. If an edit, however ideal, resulted in a noticeable glitch, it had to go.