Ghost in the Shell 2017: Lean & Mean EditionOriginal Title: Ghost in the Shell (2017)Faneditor: FairFriendFranchise: Ghost in the Shell
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st February 2019
Fanedit Runtime: 91
Synopsis: The theatrical cut was full of lines which were very on the nose. Additionally, there was a subplot, involving Motoko's mother, that went nowhere. These issues have been addressed in the Lean & Mean cut. Moreover the beginning of the movie was re-edited to mimic the way the original animated movie starts. To this purpose, the credits scene was rescored using Kenji Kaway new rendition of the original main theme. Scenes from the very beginning of the movie have been used to create a flashback sequence that now appears much later. Multiple scenes where shortened, lines of dialogues were either deleted or altered or used in different contexts. The cemetery scene was restored to its original state and purpose. As far as I can tell, in the theatrical cut it was sliced in 2 to accomodate for the character of Motoko's mother, which I presumed was added at a later time to address the whitewashing controversy and to make up for the deleted scenes which included the character of Paz.