Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: RevisitedOriginal Title: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)Faneditor: AndreasFranchise: Harry Potter
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st January 2018
Fanedit Runtime: 140
Synopsis: Order of the Phoenix is actually one of my favorite HP movies, alongside Prisoner of Azkaban. The movie is fast-paced, often intense, and it has big stakes for our characters. I think the movie’s biggest flaw is its feeling of complete dissonence from the rest of the series, feeling much less like a Harry Potter movie and much more like a drama/thriller piece. Therefore, my biggest priority has been to establish a greater connection between this and the rest of the series - including remastered versions (by myself) for Voldemort’s Theme, A Window to the Past, Hogwart’s Theme, Neville’s (upcoming DH) theme, Gilderoy Lockhart’s Theme (now more of a Dark Arts Class theme), Quidditch Theme and more. The movie has also been color graded to remove the heavy reliance on blue, as well inclusion of two deleted scenes, removal of Filch as an idiot and a lot of new SFX and even new scenes.