Crystal Lake Memories: The Friday the 13th Compendium

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Crystal Lake Memories: The Friday the 13th Compendium

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: Documentary/Review
Fanedit Release Date: 1st August 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 5h:14m:0s
Time Cut: 1h:45m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Friday the 13th
Genre: DocumentaryHorror
Original Title: Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th (2013)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2013
Original Runtime: 7h:0m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 15
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


My main Intentions were to remove any reference to things that have been removed from my edits of the films, making this version of the documentary work with my [raymix] series. I've also removed some filler & odd comments.


I wanted to make a version of the documentary that works with my Friday the 13th [raymix] series.

Change List:

Opening Titles -added my production logo. -stabilized the fake gateweave on the production credits. -added the subtitle "The Friday the 13th Compendium." -removed the "campfire story" wraparound. -cut the series overview intro. Creating Pt. 1 -cut the info about Cunningham's eary soft-core pornos. -cut the part about killing the snake. -cut the bit about the ending hospital scene. -many other small trims throughout. Creating Pt. 2 -added "Chapter 2" to the title. -cut the bit about Jason being dead at end end of Pt.1 -cut the part about the original opening with Alice. -cut the pervy comments about Kirsten Baker. -cut the erronious report that the wrong side of the machette was used. -cut the part about the pee under the bed. -many other small trims throughout. Creating Pt. 3 -cut some of the talk about the 3D gimick. -cut mention of the crazy old man. -cut the scripts sexual abuse implications. -cut everybody taking credit for the mask. -removed discussion about Debbie being pregnant. -cut the part about the dream-ending. -many other small trims throughout. Creating Pt. 4 -added "Chapter 4" to the title. -cut the part about the roadside graves scene. -cut the talk about timeline continuity errors. -cut the alternate ideas for Jason's death. -many other small trims throughout. Creating Pt. 5 -new title: "Copy Cat Killer". -cut the part about the 'chicken scene'. -cut the paramedic calling the kids a "bunch of pussies." -cut the singing in the outhouse. -cut the bit about Tiffany Helm's original death scene. -cut the bit about the continuity with the sweater. -cut Shavar Ross saying Reggie's red jacket was the "Blood of Jesus". -cut the part about the "Possesed Tommy" ending. -cut all the shade being thrown at the film. -many other small trims throughout. Creating Pt. 6 -cut shade being thrown at Pt.5. -cut the part about the James Bond intro. -cut some parts about returning Jason to his "resting place". -cut the bit about writting "The Man Behind the Mask". -VERY MANY other cuts throughout. Creating Pt. 7 -altered the colors of the title sequence. -cut the bit about trying to get FvJ made. -cut comments about an unclear timeline. -removed the errounious report that Susan Jennifer Sullivan is dead. -cut comments about "FriGay the 13th". -cut the section about the original ending. -cut the part about a "final girls" sequel. -added a clip about how Hugh Jackman wants to play Jason. -many other small trims throughout. Creating Pt. 8 -cut the bit about competition from the NoES series. -cut the info about Jason resurecting via electrocution. -cut mention of an inconsistant timeline. -cut everything about Jason turning back into a child. -many other trims throughout. Creating JGtH -cut the bit with the girl who played the baby. -cut the part about the shaving scene. -VERY MANY other cuts throughout. Creating JX -cut the producers throwing shade at the Leprechaun & Hellraiser movies. -cut the part about K.M. wanting fake boobs. -VERY MANY other cuts throughout. Creating FvJ -cut some info about the unmade drafts. -cut the producer throwing shade at the pervious films. -cut some of the complaining about Kane not playing Jason. -cleared up that Jason is NOT afraid of water in the film. -cut shade being thrown at the film. -cut the part about comics. -many other trims throughout. Creating F13 '09 -new title & title card. -cut the part about "is it a reboot or a remake or a whatever". -cut the part about the original actress for Amanda. -cut the part about the reshot/official version of the Mask scene. -cut the bit about the stupid dialog during the sex scene. -cut the part about the jump-scare ending. -cut the part about "remake backlash". -many other trims throughout. Reflections & End Credits -altered colors of the tite sequence. -new title: "Reflections". -MANY many trims & cuts to the cast & crew reminiscing. -removed the "campfire story" wraparound. -cropped out the actors reciting dialog during the end credits. -changed the end credits music to Pt. 3 Theme [raymix] & Pt. 1 Main Theme. -added clips of Victor Miller & John Shepard to post-credits. -added my production logo to the end.

Additional Notes:

I didn't want anything to seem changed at all, so I stuck to the documentarian style used.

Other Sources:

Sources Used: -Crystal Lake Memories- The Complete History of Friday the 13th (RLJ Bluray, 2017)

Special Thanks:

Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back: Revisited
Kombat Bloody Kombat
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker: Ascendant
Crimson Maul's - The Last of Us Part 2
True Romance - Rotten in Denmark
Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Chapter I
Star Wars: Andor: Chapter III - The Rebellion
Prometheus: Giftbearer
Pulp Fiction: The Chronological Edit