Terminator 2 [raymix]

Updated: 28th April 2024

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Terminator 2 [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st November 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:5m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:23m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Terminator
Genre: ActionSci-Fi
Original Title: Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1991
Original Runtime: 2h:33m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


My goal was to create a version of the film that doesn't explain the plot upfront, but instead allows the story unfold naturaly as the film progresses & saves it's surprises. I've also made many additional alterations to the Extended Cut shape my own ideal version.


I've always wanted versions of the first two Terminator films that don't spoil the plot upfront, but instead let the story play out in more of a noir mystery style. This is the second of those two edits.

Change List:

-added my fanedit production logo. -added "A James Cameron Film" credit. -cut the opening scene showing the future. -cut Sarah's opening narration. -cut the opening credits. -cut the title. Arrival- -the time-portal opens & closes faster. -new music begins as the Terminator stands. (T2 Main Title) -extended the shot of the Terminator looking towards the bar. -cut the Terminators POV as it approaches the bar. Title Card- -added a new title logo. -new title. (simply, Terminator 2) -new sound effects during title. (steel sliding, metallic clang) Inside the Bar- -new music fades into the original soundtrack as the pool balls break. -cut the Terminators POV as it scans the room. -shuffled a few shots as the Terminator walks across the room. -cut the Terminators POV as it scans for fitting clothes. -the biker doesn't blow smoke in the Terminators face. -cut the Terminators POV as the biker blows smoke into it's face. -added new sound effects. (talking & bar sounds) -replaced music to match the new edit. (Guitars/Cadillacs by Dwight Yokam) Outside the Bar- -cut this entire scene. Hospital Tour/Sarah in Her Room- -cut this entire scene. T-1000 Goes to John's House- -moved this scene to later on. Sarah's Psych Evaluation- -added the establishing shot of Pescadero Hospital, cut from earlier. -cut Sarah's dream about Reese & the future. -cut Sarah saying that she knows the date the machines become self-aware. -cut Sarah naming the date. -moved the scene at Cyberdyne to later on. -smoother edit when Sarah mentions that she's shown improvement. Relics at Cyberdyne- -inserted the scene of Miles Dyson at Cyberdyne, cut from earlier. T-1000 Goes to John's House- -inserted the scene of the T-1000 questioning John's foster parents, cut from earlier. The Terminator follows John to the Mall- -cut a shot of the Terminaor's POV as it identifies John. Mall Fight & Getaway- -adjusted the contrast as the T-1000 recovers on the floor to better match surrounding shots. -John doesn't have trouble starting his bike. -cut a shot of the T-1000 coming down the stairs. Flood Channel Chase- -cut a short shot of John on his bike. -cut a short shot of the truck in pursuit. -shortened the landing after the Terminator drives off the ramp. Stop n' Chat- -cut John saying "OK, timeout! Stop the bike!" -cut John saying "...You are a Terminator, right?" & the Terminators response. -cut John saying "This is intense. Get a grip, John." -John doesn't poke the Terminator as much. -cut the Terminator saying "30 years from now..." -cut John saying "This is deep." T-1000 Steals Another Cop Car- -cut this entire scene. T-1000 Kills John's Dog- -cut this entire scene. Hangin' With the Terminator- -cut the first time John yells "Get this psycho off of me!" -John doesn't ask why he was let go, he figures it out on his own. -cut John's "Yes!" when the Terminator does what he commands. -cut John saying "Cool. My own Terminator." -cut the Terminator saying "...I'm a Terminator." -cut John saying "Listen to me very carefully. You're not a Terminator anymore. Got that?" -cut John saying "What do you mean "why"? You just can't." -cut the Terminators 2nd "Why?" Hospital Escape- -cut the hospital orderly licking Sarah's face. -cut a short shot of the Terminator running towards the elevator. -shortened the shot of the guard getting out of the car after Sarah shoots. -cut the Terminator throwing the guard. -shortened the shot of the T-1000 forming in the elevator. -shortened the shot of the T-1000 coming out of the elevator. -cut a shot of the T-1000 running towards the car. On the Road- -cut John confirming that the T-1000 isn't still chasing them. -cut Sarah asking John if he's ok. -cut Sarah saying "I didn't need your help, I can take care of myself." -cut the Terminator asking John "What's wrong with your eyes?" & John's "Nothing." Terminator Brain Surgery- -cut the Terminators POV as it looks into the mirror. -cut the Terminators POV as it switches off. -cut John saying "But he's my friend, alright?" -cut some of the argument between Sarah & John. -cut the Terminator reactivating. On the Road Again- -cut John trying to teach the Terminator slang phrases. Roadside Rest Stop- -cut John trying to teach the Terminator to smile. Future Events Rundown- -cut the dates from the Terminators chain of future events. At Enrique's Desert Camp- -cut the Terminator saying "..."Uncle Bob"?" -cut John talking about how this was all normal to him growing up. -cut the Terminator's smile when he picks up the mini-gun. Working on the Truck- -cut John mentioning when he'll met his dad & what date he sends him back to. -cut the Terminator asking "Why do you cry?" & John's explanation. -cut the continuing "crying" conversation as they go to start the truck. -masked Arnold's mouth so de doesn't appear to be talking. -replaced with John's dialog with "You could lighten up, yourself." cut from earlier. -new sound effects to replace the old dialog. (wind, footsteps, leather jacket, hand claps) -cut the Terminator saying "No problem-o." after starting the truck. -cut the "High Five!" scene, except one shot. -the remaining High Five shot has been sped-up to remove the slo-mo. -cut Sarah's narration. -cut Sarah's dream about the future. Going to Stop Sarah- -cut the Terminator suggesting that killing Dyson could prevent the war. -cut John's lecture about not killing people. At the Dyson's- -shortened John & Sarah's chat. -altered the music starting as the Terminator rips the flesh off his arm. -increased the volume of Dysons "Oh my god" as he recognizes the robot arm. -extended the shot of the Terminator's robot hand. -slight zoom-in on the shot of the Terminators robot hand. -fade-out on the shot of the Terminators robot hand. -cut Sarah's narration. -fade-in on the shot of Miles Dyson, after having heard the story. -altered music fades back into the original soundtrack as Miles speaks. Hit the Road to Cyberdyne- -removed Sarah's narration. Fending Off the Cops- -cut the helicopter pilot saying "That's a damn mini-gun!" -cut the Terminators POV as it surveys the area. -cut the Terminator saying "I'll be back." -cut the cop saying "Ow, it hurts!" -cut the Terminators POV as it scans for casualties. -cut the T-1000 telling the helicopter pilot to "Get out." -cut the helicopter pilot's goofy head nodding response. Highway Chase- -altered the concerned driver's goofy "Hello?" -cut a short rear-screen shot of the Terminator reloading. At the Steel Mill- -cut the Terminator saying "Hasta la vista, baby." -cut two shots of John & Sarah getting out of the truck. -cut some shots of the liquid metal reforming. -cut the T-1000's arm malfunctioning. -cut the T-1000's feet malfunctioning. -cut the Terminators POV as it searches for the T-1000. -shortened a shot of Sarah as the T-1000 threatens her. -cut a shot of the fake Terminator head getting bashed. -cut the Terminators POV as it reboots. -cut the T-1000's feet malfunctioning. -cut the T-1000 morphing into it's victims as it melts. -cut the Terminator saying "I need a vacation." -cut the Terminator telling John he knows about crying. -cut the Terminator's thumbs-up. -cut Sarah's closing narration. -added closing "No Fate..." text. End Credits- -theatrical version of the end credits text. -replaced the GnR song during the end credits with the track SWAT Team Attacks. Post-Credits- -added a post-credits shot of the Terminator in flames, cut from the opening credits. -added the track Trust Me to the burning Terminator shot. -added my production logo to the end.

Additional Notes:

I tried to stay true to the original editing style set by Conrad Buff, Mark Goldblatt & Richard A. Harris. I didn't want anything to seem obviously altered at all.

Other Sources:

Video- -Terminator 2: Judgement Day (Lionsgate bluray, 2015) Additional Audio- -Terminator 2: Judgement Day score (Varèse Sarabande Records, 1991) -Guitars, Cadillacs by Dwight Yokam (from the album Guitars Cadillacs Ect Ect, 1986) -sound effects (youtube.com).

Special Thanks:

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker: Ascendant
Coming Home in a Bodybag
Frank Zappa's Baby Snakes - Concert Cut (122 Minutes, Restored Audio/Video)
Heavy Metal Turbo Killer Blood Machines in the Matrix
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Fixed by Caleb Gamman)
Pulp Fiction: The Chronological Edit
Kombat Bloody Kombat
Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Chapter I
Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Chapter II