Halloween Ends: Extended Cut

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Halloween Ends: Extended Cut

Faneditor: kidjupiter92  
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:56m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:5m:0s
Franchise: Halloween
Genre: DramaHorrorRomance
Original Title: Halloween Ends (2022)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2022
Original Runtime: 1h:51m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


Back in October of 2022, Halloween Ends -- the third chapter of David Gordon Green's reboot trilogy of the Halloween franchise -- was released in theatres, billed as the "final explosive chapter in the Michael Myers/Laurie Strode story". The film proved to be quite divisive within the Halloween fandom due to choices made within the film regarding how Michael was handled and the introduction of new character, Corey Cunningham, who serves quite a large role within the film for the entirety of the film's runtime. Everyone has strong opinions regarding the film: you either love it or hate it. Being in what appears to be a small minority, I enjoyed the movie for what it is, and its that enjoyment that made me want to create an extended edition that reintegrated all of the deleted and extended scenes to create the longest cut of the film possible. I am proud to present Halloween Ends: Extended Cut.


To extend Halloween Ends to its longest length possible.

Change List:

- 00:00:00:00: Added 12 frames of black. - 00:00:00:12: Added FE Warning. - 00:00:06:09: Added 12 frames of black. - 00:00:06:21: Added Netflix Style FE logo. - 00:00:11:15: Added 12 frames of black. - 00:00:12:03: Added personal FE logo. - 00:40:01:17: Reintegrated the "Michael Shakes Things Up" extended scene before Corey's face-to-face encounter with Michael Myers and subsequent escape. - 00:50:41:07: Reintegrated the "Joan's Bunny Slam" extended scene before Corey meet Allyson at the diner. - 01:12:57:07: Reintegrated the "Corey Reflects Upon Himself" deleted scene before the October 31st opening. - 01:20:31:19: Reintegrated the "Ronald's Stuck at Work" extended scene. - 01:25:04:17: Reintegrated the "Margo Gets the Boot" extended scene. - 01:25:40:04: Reintegrated the "Joan's Recipe for Disaster" extended scene. - 01:25:52:03: Replace the shot of the blurred box with the unblurred version of the same shot from the finished film. - 01:55:52:04: Added 12 frames of black. - 01:55:52:16: Added Netflix Style FE logo. - 01:55:57:10: Added 12 frames of black.

Additional Notes:

- DaVinci Resolve: The deleted extended scenes were regraded to match the rest of the film. I also took the time to remove the green filter from the rest of the film. - NUGEN Audio Halo Upmix: All of the stereo audio for the deleted and extended scenes were upmixed to 5.1 in Adobe Audition using this plug-in.

Other Sources:

- Halloween Ends 4K Blu-ray: The film and its deleted and extended scenes were sourced from the 2K Blu-ray disc included in the 4K combo pack release. - Halloween Ends (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Vinyl: Music that was needed to bridge scenes and cover up cuts was sourced from the vinyl version of the soundtrack, digitized and cleaned up by me.

Special Thanks:

The New Mutants - The Definitive Thriller Cut
Thanksgiving - Grindhouse Edit
Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West
Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter I [The Chronological Cut]
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (Starlight Edition)
Do Androids Dream of Funkadelic Sheep? (Blade Runner Grindhoused)
Chicken Little and the War of the Worlds
The Dark Side of the Rainbow
The Thief and the Cobbler : Tsasakos Cut