Certificate: PG Source: Blu-Ray Resolution: 1080p Sound Mix: 5.1. Channels Language: English Subtitles:    
The goal of this Fan Edit Compilation is to do just that – combine fanedits, restore deleted scenes, and use the original 1980 cut as a base and go from there. Anyway, this is a dream cut of the movie edited for my family and friends and have enjoyed the hobby.
Edit Compilation Highlights: (No Scenes Deleted)
- Added 8 Deleted Scenes (Restored)
Han & Leia on Hoth
Wampa Attack on Rebel Base
Luke’s Recovery
Luke & Leia
Snowtroopers and Wampa Scene
Asteroid Field – Millennium Falcon Shaking
Han & Leia on Bespin
Lobot’s Arrest
- Added 11 minutes of EXTRA footage from DELETED and BONUS Scenes
- Added Adywan Fixes (Rogue 3 audio fix & Emperor Revisited Hologram)
- Added Boba Fett Fanfilm
- Added Hoth Evacuation clip
- Added Music by Solo and KOTOR I & II
Primary Resources:
- Star Wars Episode V: Empire Strikes Back 4k80 Beta 1: https://www.thestarwarstrilogy.com/project-4k80/
- Creative Force Films – Boba Fett: No Disintegrations Fanfilm: https://youtu.be/Bgf3ptQ8eqQ
- Hal9000’s 1997 ESB Custom Lossless Audio 5.1
- Many Deleted Scenes
- Project Threepio (Subtitles)
- 4k80 Restoration Project (Version Beta 1)
- Adywan’s Episode V Clips
- Creative Force Films - Boba Fett: No Disintegrations Fanfilm
- Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)
- SkyForge: Quarren Corvette Short
- Various Deleted Scenes on Youtube (Links at bottom of document)
Movies Used:
- 4k80 Project – Version Beta 1
- Star Wars: KOTOR video game (Music)
- Star Wars: KOTOR II video game (Music)
- Star Wars: Solo (Music)
Change List:
- Base Video: 4k80 vB1 video and
- Base Audio: Hal9000’s 1997 custom ESB 5.1 audio with added “You’re lucky you don’t taste very good”, Luke’s scream removed falling down the Cloud City Shaft, and Morrison Fett’s Boba lines.
- Subtitles: Project Threepio for English & Spanish. I added in English & Spanish subtitles for all deleted scenes and fanfilms clips with dialogue.
- Added clip of Wampa’s claw during Han & Leia’s talk on Hoth. Added ice scraping sound FX.
- Added Han and Leia Deleted Scene
? Upscaled in Topaz.
? Recolored using Davinci to match scene.
? Used Hoth Rebel Base ambience on rear speakers.
? Scored to “Han & Qi’Ra Reunite” from Solo.
? Added sound FX for R2 at end of scene.
? Added ship sound effect on rear speakers half way through the conversation for atmospheric effect.
- Added Wampa Attack on Rebel Base Deleted Scene
? Recolored using Davinci.
? Added Wampa scream towards beginning of clip.
? Added film fx.
- Added Luke’s Recovery in Bacta Tank Deleted Scene
? Upscaled in Topaz.
? Added film fx.
- Added Luke & Leia deleted scene
? Upscaled in Topaz.
? Scored scene to “Ahto City” from KOTOR and “Aboard the Ebon Hawk” from KOTOR II.
? Added ship ambience on rear speakers
? Cut in C-3PO dialogue and picture from the movie to help merge the clip with the movie.
? Added film fx.
- Added Luke Finds out about the probe droid line “What Probe?”
? Upscaled using Topaz.
? Added ship ambience on rear speakers.
? Added film fx.
- Inserted Adywan’s Rogue three audio fix. Updated subtitles.
- Added Snowtroopers, C-3PO, and Wampa Deleted Scene
? Upscaled in Topaz
? Recolored using Davinci to better match scene.
? Added film fx.
- Added Quarran Corvette Fanfilm clip of rebel ships evacuating Hoth.
? Upscaled using Topaz.
? Added film fx.
- Added overlay effect of rebel fleet from Quarran Corvette fanfilm jumping to hyperspace when Millenium falcon is being pursued by Star Destroyer.
? Overlayed video of ships in the scene
? Added film effect causing to make fleet look like they jumped to hyperspace.
? Added sound fx of rebel fleet jumping to hyperspace
- Added Adywan’s Emperor Revisted fix. Darkened scene in Davinci.
- Added Leia in Millenium Falcon shaking to TIE Bombers deleted scene.
? Upscaled in Topaz.
? Recolored a bit to help mix scene.
- Added Boba Fett Disintegrations Fanfilm
? Added Slave-1 in hyperspace scene from Mandalorian
? Scored beginning to the Boba Fett intro theme from Mandalorian/Book of Boba Fett.
? Recolored using Davinci
? Sped up action scenes
? Trimmed many scenes in fanfilm to tighten it up for the movie
? Added Mandalorian sound fx after the disintegration scene.
? Added in male agony scream sound FX and bone snapping sound FX.
? Trimmed ending to fit with movie transition
? Removed bar scenes
? Added film fx.
- Added “Pazaak” song from KOTOR to Lando introduction.
- Added Han & Leia on Bespin Deleted Scene
? Upscaled using Topaz.
? Recolored to orange sunset color using Davinci.
? Added film fx.
- Added Red Yoda scene from 4k80 B3. (I used B1 as the base movie because it was cleaned up more than B3.)
- Added Star Destroyer on Bespin scene from Darth Vader Arrives at Cloud City. Added film fx.
- Added Lobot Deleted Scene
? Upscaled in Topaz.
? Added filmfx.
Other Sources:
Deleted Scenes:
- Deleted Scene Compilation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86-YB1NfgR0 (I upscaled the scenes I used to 1080p using Topaz)
? Han & Leia talking on Hoth
? Lobot’s arrest
? Luke & Leia (I removed audio noise with Davinci.)
- MariVision: Empire Strikes Back – Deleted Scene – Han & Leia (Fan Edit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM_mBYb5nGM (Asteroid Scene. I upscaled using Topaz.)
- MariVision: Luke’s What Probe Scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZrCx4sXhjg (I upscaled to 1080p using Topaz).
- Special Videos: Han and Leia in Bespin - Remastered HD - The Empire Strikes Back - Deleted Scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8DJ_S9NRtE
- Special Videos: Han and Leia in Bespin – Remastered HD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8DJ_S9NRtE (I upscaled using Topaz. Recolored in Davinci).
- Special Videos: Luke's Recovery - Remastered - The Empire Strikes Back - Deleted Scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dmayzi-R6Wg (I upscaled it to 1080p using Topaz
- Sylo Star Wars: Wampa Attack on Echo Base: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_8XSEE4qKU
- Yoda11: C-3PO and Snowtrooper Wampa Attack: https://youtu.be/p0Aoc4X9vMk (I upscaled it to 1080p using Topaz).
Other Videos Used:
- Adywan: Emperor Revisited “Proper Final version”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0q0CF5Y1cI (I recolored in Davinci to darken it)
- Adywan: Rogue 3 error fix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEUEISUj9M4
- AndrewDeltoro: Rebel Fleet Drops out of Hyperspace | Blender - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffAZ5IXmqj4 (I used sound FX for rebel fleeting jumping out of system)
- Creative Force Films - Boba Fett: No Disintegrations Fanfilm: https://youtu.be/Bgf3ptQ8eqQ
- Millennium Falcons: Millennium Falcon: Star Wars Ambience & Sounds - Rebel Alliance Ship Bridge | Millennium Falcons - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvWbVfoLA0A
- SkyForge: Quarren Corvette “LongFin” Assists in the Evacuation of Hoth – SkyForge Animation: https://youtu.be/WC9Q_lZ1TsI (Reverted Compression and enhanced with Topaz)
- Star Destroyer on Bespin: https://youtu.be/---BXcccuYs