Brian Wilson biopic 'Love and Mercy' with the John Cusack 1980s half removed, leaving just the Paul Dano 1960s material.
Love and Mercy' tells the story of Beach Boys star Brian Wilson's rise, fall and eventual redemption across two different intercut time periods. One half starring Paul Dano as 1960s Brian, recording his most famous work and the other half starring John Cusack as 1980s Brian, in the grasp of his controlling Psychiatrist. The 80s material isn't bad by any means and tells an interesting story, it's just that Paul Dano's performance is so fantastic and the 60s recording sessions are recreated with such love and detail... that I really only want to rewatch those parts. Thankfully, the narrative when the 80s material is stripped away remains cohesive. So this is my ideal John-Cusack-free version of 'Love and Mercy', called 'The Brian Wilson Sessions'. See Brian record the masterpieces 'Pet Sounds', 'Good Vibrations' and 'Smile' uninterrupted. The music is it's own redemption.
Change List:
00.00.00 - Added and TM2YC titlecards 00.00.24 - Added vintage 1969 'Columbia' titlecard from 'Easy Rider' Blu-Ray (As this is a Sony picture I thought it was almost-appropriate for the time period) 00.00.26 - Added 'Our Prayer' from The Beach Boys LP 'Smile' over 'Columbia' logo and first scene (Sorta dreamlike feel I hope) 00.00.41 - Added deleted 'Brian Meets Phil Spector' scene. Showing Brian's inspiration to move beyond the Surf-Pop genre that will play out across the film. Also added fade-in. Now transitions into credit sequence 00.01.32 - Removed original opening scene (Brian in studio talking to self) to use later. Also removed soundscape and 70s Brian in bed scenes 00.01.36 - Removed John Cusack, Paul Giamatti and Elizabeth Banks credits and replaced them with my own. Also remade Paul Dano credit (Full credits retained at end) 00.04.00 - Added 'Love and Mercy: The Brian Wilson Sessions' title and layered Brian (His head and Guitar) over the top 00.04.11 - Removed 6.5 minute John Cusack 80s section (Car showroom meeting) and added deleted 'Murray Interrupts The Recording Sessions' scene. Shows the pressure being exerted on Brian, which now transitions into his panic-attack on the plane. 00.04.56 - Removed exagerated 4th-wall-break that feature in the deleted material 00.05.39 - Removed second 4th-wall-break 00.06.46 - Removed third 4th-wall-break 00.07.12 - Added slow build-up of airplane noise over end of studio scene 00.08.18 - Added more airplane noise over the outro and added a slow buildup of metronome sound 00.08.29 - Added deleted 'Brian Talks With His Family' scene 00.13.53 - Added deleted 'Brian Looks For A Collaborator' scene. Added coda of The Beatles 'Nowhere Man' from 'Rubber Soul playing in background, which Brian was refrencing in the last scene 00.14.31 - Adjusted timing of first 'God Only Knows' Piano notes to leave space for Dano's last line in previous scene 00.14.32 - Removed 4-minute John Cusack 80s section (Concert date) 00.18.29 - 'Pet Sounds Sessions July 1965' title added 00.22.11 - Mixed in "Take 5" of 'Wouldn't It Be Nice' from 'Pet Sounds Sessions' Boxset to transition into next scene 00.22.16 - Added earlier scene of Brian in studio talking to self 00.23.21 - Removed 4.5-minute John Cusack 80s section (Dinner date) and added crickets chirping to night scene 00.27.28 - Replaced 2nd soundscape with 'Let's Go Away For Awhile (Stereo Mix)' from 'Pet Sounds Sessions' Boxset 00.27.32 - Removed 12-minute John Cusack 80s section (Beach house and Landy confrontations) 00.42.46 - Mixed in 'Sloop John B (Stereo Mix)' from 'Pet Sounds Sessions' Boxset to transition into "comedown" scene. Also added fades in/out of black to emphasise the break between albums 00.43.07 - Removed 6-minute John Cusack 80s section (Night together) 00.47.04 - 'Good Vibrations Sessions February 1966' title added 00.52.29 - Used shot of Brian depressed in bed from end montage to transition into 'Surfs Up' performance 00.52.35 - Removed 4-minute John Cusack 80s section (Over medicated) 00.53.12 - 'Smile Sessions August 1966' title added 01.01.45 - Totally recut, reordered and remixed the audio for the closing montage, removing all 80s shots and dialogue 01.02.07 - Removed 6-minute John Cusack 80s section (Landy confrontation) 01.03.06 - Removed 4.5-minute John Cusack 80s section (Landy and the Will) 01.04.53 - Removed 6-minute John Cusack 80s section (Closing scenes) 01.04.56 - Replaced original four closing narration cards, with four new ones focusing on the plot elements from this edit only 01.05.49 - Added 'Brian Wilson Sessions' title underneath 'Love and Mercy' title (Left other titles intact, so original full cast/crew get credit).
Additional Notes:
- All four 60s deleted scenes restored (7 minutes) with minor re-grading - All 80s scenes removed - Scenes lightly resequenced - Ending montage remixed - Custom fanedit titles added/replaced - Studio date titles added (x3) - Additional Beach Boys music added (Plus a little Beatles too) - New postscript written.
Other Sources:
Love and Mercy (Blu-Ray) Pet Sounds Sessions (CD Boxset) Smile Sessions (CD) (Various additional SoundFX).
Special Thanks:
Thanks to the filmmakers for recreating these sessions with such care and love. Thanks to Brian Wilson for the spectacular music.