The Big Sleep – Doctor M Reconstructed Gangrel Hybrid Cut

Updated: 27th April 2024

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The Big Sleep – Doctor M Reconstructed Gangrel Hybrid Cut

Faneditor: Doctor M  
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 1st September 2007
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:3m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:9m:0s
Genre: DramaMystery
Original Title: The Big Sleep (1946)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1946
Original Runtime: 1h:54m:0s
Original Links:

Sound Mix:


Adding 9 minutes to the theatrical release to create the most complete film version of the Raymond Chandler novel as possible by combining scenes from both the 1945 Pre-Release Cut of the film and the final 1946 Theatrical Cut.


Adding 9 minutes to the theatrical release to create the most complete film version of the Raymond Chandler novel as possible by combining scenes from both the 1945 Pre-Release Cut of the film and the final 1946 Theatrical Cut.

Change List:

v1 (Original Gangrel Cut) - Added 1945 Marlow’s search at Gieger’s house. - Added 1945 scene of Marlow in the car with Carmen. - Kept 1946 version of Marlow arriving at the Sternwood house with Carmen. - Kept 1946 dialog about Carmen with Marlow and Vivian at his office. - Added Marlow with Bernie at the D.A.s office after Brody’s death. - Kept the 1946 scene with Marlow and Vivian in the bar as opposed to the 1945 scene with Vivian wearing a black veil outside Marlow’s office. - Kept 1946 alternate dialog with Marlow and Vivian after he knocks out the hijacker. - Kept 1946 scene with Marlow and Carmen at his apartment. - Kept additional dialog from 1946 with Marlow and Bernie in his office. - Added 1945 Mona Mars scene after Marlow is knocked out in the Garage, Mona is played by Pat Clark in this scene instead of Peggy Knudsen (I thought Pat was sexier in the part and the entire film is about sexy women). v2 (Reconstruction changes from Original Gangrel Cut) - Fixed frame rate to restore 23.976 fps (no re-encoding). - Fixed audio keeping DD 2.0 at same bitrate as original DVD (previous release was mpeg audio). - Fixed a cut when Marlow brought Carmen home (the butler opened door twice). - Added 30 seconds of Marlow putting the coded diary on his desk after entering his apartment. (1945) - Replaced 1946 footage with better quality 1945 footage of Geiger’s house (the fight and arrest of Lundgren). (1946 transfer was over-bright and detail was washed out). - Added 30 seconds of Marlow removing his car registration and getting a gun before going into the service station. (1945) - Re-instated 1946 Mona Mars scene with Peggy Knudsen (I felt it was performed better (by everyone) with better close-ups and camera moves. It also allowed me to avoid an ugly cut). (Thanks Gangrel for being cool about this change. – Dr. M).

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Reconstructed from "The Big Sleep – The Gangrel Hybrid Cut".

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