Picnic At Hanging Rock: Complete Unabridged

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Picnic At Hanging Rock: Complete Unabridged

Faneditor: TM2YC  
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:56m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:9m:0s
Genre: DramaHistoricalMystery
Original Title: Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1975
Original Runtime: 1h:47m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: Yes


The main source for this edit is the Director's Cut blu-ray, with all unique footage of the Theatrical Cut put back in, while also retaining the small amount of unique DC footage. The HD DC footage looks fantastic but the SD TC footage looks extremely poor, however, I've attempted to grade it to match and added film grain to try and make it look a bit more like terrible 16mm or 8mm footage, rather than terrible videotape. Not wanting to crop the already blurry TC footage any further, I've elected to letterbox the DC footage to match the 1.66:1 ratio of the TC. The difference is still obvious though.


I've owned the Second Sight 3xDVD set of 'Picnic At Hanging Rock' since it came out but have been put off watching either of the included cuts because the Director's Cut is missing 9-minutes of footage and the Theatrical Cut is a poor videotape transfer. So years later I decided to buy the Second Sight DC blu-ray too and use it as the basis for reconstructing the longer TC in (mostly) HD, using the TC DVD as the reference and source for the missing scenes. Except in the process I discovered that the DC has a small amount of it's own unique footage, so I changed the project into making this a completely uncut hybrid of both official cuts. So the viewer doesn't have to miss out on anything.

Change List:

00.00.00 - Added fanedit.org & TM2YC titles. 00.02.15 - (Retained 5-frames of Miranda asleep from DC.) 00.06.40 - Added 36-seconds of the girls on the balcony before they come down the stairs from TC. 00.07.52 - Added 4-seconds of Miss Lumley watching Sara walk away from TC. 00.08.13 - Added 22-seconds of the girls sitting down at the table from TC. 00.08.35 - FX fix on very jarring gate-weave on the blu-ray transfer as we cut to the girls exiting a door. 00.13.53 - Added 4-second medium shot of the Fitzhuberts from TC. 00.16.47 - Added 3-seconds of the cart stopping from TC. 00.17.33 - (Retained 1-frame of cake from DC.) 00.25.48 - Added 14-seconds of Michael looking around from TC. 00.26.01 - (Retained 3-second shot of Albert looking around from DC.) 00.26.03 - Added 2-seconds of a tree before the camera pans down from TC. 00.35.17 - (Retained 4-frames of Miss McCraw from DC.) 00.35.26 - (Retained 1-frame of rock from DC.) 00.36.34 - (Retained 1-frame of girl screaming from DC.) 00.53.47 - (Retained 2-frames across an edit from DC.) 01.12.32 - (Retained 2-frames across an edit from DC.) 01.27.59 - Added 6-minutes of scenes featuring Irma, Albert and Michael from TC. 01.34.09 - Reversed the order of the three "missing presumed dead" photos from the blu-ray, to match the TC order. 01.34.20 - Added 1-minute church scene from TC. 01.36.05 - (Retained 33-seconds of photographer and 2-seconds of Sara from DC.) 01.44.36 - Moved 4-second shot of bed forward to match TC. 01.44.51 - Added 43-seconds of Mrs. Appleyard from TC. 01.45.34 - (Retained 12-seconds of Albert and Michael from DC.) 01.48.19 - (Retained 2-frames across an edit from DC.) 01.56.25 - Added 12-second final titlecard from TC, incorporating background grain from the blu-ray. Director's Cut: 107 minutes Theatrical Cut: 115 minutes Complete Unabridged Cut: 116 minutes (not including fanedit titles) Time Added: 9 minutes.

Additional Notes:

- Added all unique footage from the Theatrical Cut (TC). Slowed down back to 24fps from PAL speed, graded to match the DC blu-ray and with added film grain. - Retained all unique footage from the Director's Cut (TC). Letterboxd on the left and right to match the 1.66:1 ratio of the TC DVD. - 1st audio mix primarily uses the blu-ray, 2nd audio mix primarily uses the DVD (PAL speed-up corrected). - Custom subtitle track created using 'Subtitle Edit' OCR of the DVD and blu-ray tracks edited together and re-timed.

Other Sources:

- Picnic at Hanging Rock: Director's Cut (Second Sight Region-B Blu-Ray) - Picnic at Hanging Rock: Theatrical Cut (Second Sight PAL Region-2 DVD Bonus Disc).

Special Thanks:

Star Wars: Andor: Chapter III - The Rebellion
Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Edit
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back: Revisited
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Fixed by Caleb Gamman)
Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Chapter I
Once Upon A Time In Mexico: Grindhouse Cut
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Revisited
The Hobbit: The Tolkien Edit