Twin peaks: Mid-Season 2 (Revisited)

Updated: 2nd May 2024

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Twin peaks: Mid-Season 2 (Revisited)

Faneditor: MisterCooper  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st August 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 8h:13m:0s
Time Cut: 2h:3m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Twin Peaks
Genre: CrimeDramaMystery
Original Title: Twin Peaks (TV Show)(1990)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1990
Original Runtime: 10h:16m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: Yes


ABC forced Frost and Lynch to name the killer mid-season and it really changed the series direction from Episode 10 and on. This fanfix covers ONLY those episodes, which is everything after Laura's killer's reveal. The goal of this edit is to keep the main Cooper/Black Lodge story in focus while also keeping the subplots that actually had a payoff at the end of the season and keeping Windom Earle a more menacing force.


Was very disappointed with the direction of Windom Earle and the filler plotlines (like most fans) in Season 2. I also thought it could use a few updated pieces of music, I used 2 tracks by David Lynch that fit very nicely.

Change List:

Removed Little Nicky subplot (Andy/Dick/Lucy already have another subplot happening) Removed all of Windom Earle and Leo scenes till the very end *Episode 19*. Pushing Windom to the back gives Cooper an opportunity again to be a detective on-screen. Leo no longer gets killed by spiders, his death happens off-screen now and isn't played silly. Removed Catherine eavesdropping on Josie when on the phone with Eckhart. Removed some scenes of Pete and Catherine giving Josie a hard time as a maid. We see her become a maid and her vent to Harry about it already, but removed most of this as the story ran on too long. Removed Ben's dissociative Civil War fugue/ Audrey & Bobby team up that goes on forever. Removed Lana and Dick scenes at Miss Twin Peaks audition rehearsal. Removed scene of Audrey and Pete watching Jack's plane fly away. Removed 98% of James's subplot when he leaves Twin peaks. His story happens off-screen but Donna does go searching for him and is in for a surprise. Trimmed up Garland being shot by the horse. It no longer shows Windom Earle's face and shows Garland's vision instead. Removed Dartboard Garland scenes. Reorganized the Nadine/Mike/Hank/Ed/Norma subplot. Removed scene of Audrey and Jack that breaks up the scene of Harry being attacked. Cut Ben Horne making shadow puppets when Hank tells him he's fired. Updated two songs in Episode 11 with 2 instrumental tracks by David Lynch ("Say it" & "Waiting Here" Instrumental (from The Big Dream). Recreated opening credits for Episode 17 because I didn't have footage I could use. (This episode had Windom and Leo in the opening).

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

DAVID LYNCH – THE BIG DREAM: SUPER DELUXE EDITION - "Say It' (Instrumental Version) - Replaces James motorcyle music DAVID LYNCH & LYKKE LI – "I'm Waiting Here" (Instrumental Version) - Replaces Ben Horne's 8mm film screening.

Special Thanks:

Coming Home in a Bodybag 2
Prey: The Implicit Cut
Dune (1984) The Alternative Edition Redux / Special 1080p Edition
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