The Good,The Bad and The Ugly (The'PotatoParadox' Extended Edition)

Updated: 27th April 2024

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The Good,The Bad and The Ugly (The'PotatoParadox' Extended Edition)

Faneditor: ThePotatoParadox  
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 1st November 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:57m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:15m:0s
Genre: Western
Original Title: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1966
Original Runtime: 2h:42m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


This edit adds in 15 minutes of deleted and extended scenes back into the film to create a nearly 3-hour epic in 4K.


The extended edition (or the original Italian release) was made available by MGM in 2004 as a DVD. In 2021, Kino Lorber released a UHD Blu-Ray that featured extensive color correction, restorations and bonus features such as the deleted and extended scenes. This edit is simply a reincorporation of said scenes into the film to create the only complete The Good, The Bad and The Ugly experience in 4K resolution.

Change List:

Deleted scenes - Tuco recruits three bandits to kill Blondie. - Angel Eyes goes to a Confederate outpost. - Tuco taunts Blondie in the desert. - Tuco gets directions from a Confederate soldier. - Tuco and Blondie read a map while on a stagecoach. - Blondie kills two of Angel Eye's henchmen while camping. Extended scenes - Three bounty hunters ride to a cantina to kill Tuco. - Angel Eyes intimidates a farmer. - Tuco's bandits attempt to kill Blondie. - Tuco prepares a bath. - Tuco and Blondie rig a bridge with dynamite.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

I would like to thank Artisdead for reviewing my fanedit and for creating an awesome cover art for it.

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