X-Files – Exordium

Updated: 27th April 2024

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X-Files – Exordium

Faneditor: ThrowgnCpr  
Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie
Fanedit Release Date: 1st September 2008
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:7m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: X-Files
Genre: CrimeDramaMysterySci-Fi
Original Title: The X-Files (TV Show)(1993)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1993
Original Runtime: 0h:0m:0s
Original Links:

Source: DVD
Sound Mix:


This is the first of a series of edits focusing on the mythology episodes of the X-Files. Several episodes have been edited together for a theatrical experience.


I wanted to present the mythology episodes of the X-Files in a theatrical way. There were so many great stories and events leading up to the feature film FIGHT THE FUTURE. I wanted to make these into movies that would give me the same experience. What I have done here, is try to present the first season as a movie. This film is represented by 5 episodes: the pilot, ‘Deep Throat,’ ‘Fallen Angel,’ ‘Tooms,’ and ‘The Erlenmeyer Flask.’ This is really the story of the start of the X-Files.

Change List:

Cuts removed/added/extended : * added THX style FAN logo intro * added Fox Fanfare intro * added intro credits * reframed from 4:3 fullscreen to 1.85:1 (16×9) widescreen * cut Scully walking into FBI headquarters * cut airplane scene * cut some dialogue in car referencing medical examiner as possible suspect * cut “I’m wired” line by Mulder * removed some commercial fades * cut confrontation at cemetery * cut discussion of “father knowing about sons involvement in abductions” with Tracy at diner * cut father/son reunion * added Smoking Man in warehouse over dialogue from Mulder to phone conversation to heighten tension and aid transition * cut credits to pilot * cut theme intro to ‘Deep Throat’ episode * integrated intro to ‘Fallen Angel’ before Mulder & Scully pnone call and intro of ‘Deep Throat’ * removed reference to crash happening in Wisconsin * some panning and reframing to Mulder meeting Scully in bar – to remove episode credits * lots of cropping/panning/editing to Mulder & Scully case discussion in bar – to remove episode credits * cut crazy fly-fisherman * added some nature sound effects & score over some cuts during Scully talking outside to smooth audio transition * cut waitresses line “Quiet like a hummingbird” – This makes no sense. Hummingbirds are VERY vocal. * cut kids from film. While they were good characters, they really served no purpose for this edit * completely rebuilt audio with score and sound effects for night helocopter chase to accomodate loss of kids * removed more obnoxious commercial fades * cut reference to kids in hotel conversation * cut kids leading mulder through fence. Mulder is not guided. He explores on his own. * did I mention about removing commercial fades??? * had to cut some dialogue of Scully holding agent at gunpoint to remove kids from scene * reworked end of Deep Throat (meeting between Mulder & Deep Throat at track) a bit * trimmed some of Mulder’s dialogue from final meeting with Deep Throat (from Deep Throat episode). * cut credits to ‘Deep Throat’ * cut intro credits to ‘Erlenmeyer Flask’ * lots of reframing to remove credits * cut all local police scenes, and the search for the missing suspect * cut actual murder scene of Dr. Berube * arrgggggg, begone ye worthless commercial fades * removed corny dialogue between Scully & Mulder about trust and faith. * removed reference to Deep Throat meeting Scully before * cut final phone call between Mulder & Scully. There is no talk now of shutting down the X-Files. It would have been way too soon to all happen (opening & closing) in 1 movie. * removed end credits to Erlenmeyer Flask * custom end credits * many many more little cuts that aren’t listed. I probably forgot a lot

Additional Notes:

Episodes Included : pilot, Deep Throat, Fallen Angel, Tooms, The Erlenmeyer Flask.

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Special thanks to boon23 for all his help with this project, and zorzalita, AvP, and everyone else who showed interest & support.

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