Terminator Salvation: The T4 Cut

Updated: 4th May 2024

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Terminator Salvation: The T4 Cut

Faneditor: Agent 9  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2013
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:38m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:19m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Terminator
Genre: ActionDramaSci-Fi
Original Title: Terminator Salvation (2009)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2009
Original Runtime: 1h:57m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


The T4 Cut, has altered Salvation by changing Marcus's entire storyline (who he is, and why he was created) & his romance with Blair, removal of Kyle Reese from the Kill List, added music tracks from the Terminator Series, and a complete re-coloring of the entire film. All this to try and match the tone within the Terminator franchise.


I really wanted to love this film when it came out, but I just couldn't. I knew something had to be done, I thought about it and looked at it and compared it to the others in the series and thought, if all this stuff was done, it could be a decent film, maybe it could feel more like the series, so with all my notes I decided to give it a try.

Change List:

Theme song and opening Credits have been altered. Entire Movie has been Re-colored Removed Marcus on death row in correction facility seq. Silenced Soldier yelling commands to John to often. Removed Marcus's screams after climbing out of base Music Altered when Marcus puts on resistance soldier uniform. Removed General Ashdown putting gun to Connor's head. - like Theatrical Vers. General Ashdown doesn't say “Profosied leader of the resistance” General Losenko No longer mentions who is #1 & #2 on the Kill List. John Connor never ask's who is #1 on the Kill list. Medium Low Angle shot of John walking down the hall way has been cut. Altered Music track of John and Kate hugging. Removed Marcus walking in the desert. Added Music to John listening to cassette of Sarah. Sarah's dialog altered to the Original Track from Terminator. Removed John's line "And Skynet is hunting him" (in reference to Kyle.) Removed half of the scene between John & Kate talking about testing the signal. Slight music variance when Kyle Reese introduces himself to Marcus. Removed Kyle’s hand gesture to Star & her dropping shotgun, and running. Removed Star looking down at destroyed T-600 Removed the captured terminator worm sequence. Removed Kyle's hesitance to grab the shotgun from Marcus. Removed Kyle's Line "Dad tried to fix it.........." Removed John's line "I hope he's listening to this." Removed Marcus being shocked by car battery and Star putting a bandaid on his arm. Removed most of the conversation around the Engine between Kyle and Marcus. Removed the Music from the Car stereo. Removed Kyle's line "Must of heard the Music." Removed the Terminator Scout Identifying Kyle. Removed Star finding Lugnut Wrench T-bar and handing to Marcus. Removed half the scene at gas station with everyone talking. Removed Johns line about HK's searching deep into the territory Removed Star handing flare to Marcus. Added Music to Beginning of gas station action seq. Removed Star handing Kyle grenade launcher. Removed Marcus's line "Well I've been dead a while and I'm getting use to it." Removed Kyle's conversation with passengers in the transport Vessel seq. Moved the HK signal scene before Marcus and Blair find the Gas Station. Silenced John's line “We gotta make sure signal works on the bigger machines.” Color Corrected the view through John Connor's Binoculars to have a Night Vision feel. Marcus and Blair at the gas station seq. has been cut in half. No boob's, No looking at each other, no attempted rape, no getting cosey around a fire. Removed Kyle whispering to one of the prisoners about escape. Removed Marcus's visions of being in Prison. Removed Blair's line "He saved my life." Removed Scene of prisoners being processed & Kyle being grabbed by large robotic arm. Intercut John & Kate's scene talking about not knowing his enemies, and Blair freeing Marcus. Added new music during Marcus and Blairs escape seq. Added Music Que to John's line "I'll be back." Added a 2nd Track of Guns'N'Roses to Bike sequence, very similar to T2's, to make reference. Removed Marcus digging up digital newspaper clips on Skynet Computer. Slight Music Variance to John's entrance into Skynet building. Altered and Removed Certain lines and shots from Marcus's conversation with Skynet computer. Music Variance to John's discovery of the T-800. Added Music Que to John finding Kyle. Altered Music of Kyle taking out a Terminator. Added Music Track in Terminator production area. Removed shot of John losing detonator. Removed shot of Star picking up detonator. Altered Music John vs T-800 Removed shot of Star handing John Connor detonator switch. Added Music for Destruction of Skynet Facility. Added Music to John Connor dieing seq. Removed Marcus's speech about being human. New ending Theme.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Music from all three Terminator Movies before it.

Special Thanks:

Star Wars: Old Ben Kenobi (The Tusken Edit)
Sisu Grindhouse Edit
Pulp Fiction: The Chronological Edit
Coming Home in a Bodybag
Dune (1984) The Alternative Edition Redux / Special 1080p Edition
Star Wars: Andor: Chapter III - The Rebellion
Heavy Metal Turbo Killer Blood Machines in the Matrix
Star Beast: Alien Grindhoused
Do Androids Dream of Funkadelic Sheep? (Blade Runner Grindhoused)