After 10 years it's about time I could watch the Star Wars Prequel trilogy without feeling physical pain, damn it!. But not just that, they should be out and out pleasures to watch! ...and so the idea for 'Star Wars: Reborn' arrived.
My goal with these edits was to create versions of the PT that were to put it simply 'enjoyable to watch'. I wanted to make good versions of these films that still felt like the same films in essence. I've seen other great edits that chop the films down to 90 mins but for me a true SW film should give you around 2 solid hrs of entertainment (And not 2.5hrs either!). I've achieved this by:- Trimming action scenes to increase pace. Reworking all major Lightsaber duels. Evaluating and then editing every line of dialogue that I felt didn't work. Adding a few OT music queues. Adding portions of most but not all deleted scenes back in. Removing over-the-top CGI shots and Digi-Doubles. But most importantly of all I've focused on transforming the characters. In TPM Anakin is brave and an amazing pilot, Padme and The Queen are one character, while Jar-Jar has purpose and is no longer annoying. In AOTC Anakin is now likeable and you believe the romance with Padme. In ROTS needless messing around with R2 is replaced with warm character moments between Anakin and Obi-Wan, while Padme is no longer confined to her apartment, she has a role in the senate, she feeds Anakin's growing unease and she has a part in the seeds of the coming Rebellion. Lastly Anakin is not revealed to be Vader so you can still enjoy ESB.
Change List:
Change total almost 300 (Not including another hundred or so dialogue re-dubs to go with new subtitles)
Subtitles Key:
NEWJJSUB = New Jar-Jar subtitle
NEWCTSUB = New Captin Tarpals subtitle
NEWWATSUB = New Watto subtitle
NEWANSUB = New Anakin subtitle
NEWSEBSUB = New Sebulba subtitle
NEWBESUB = New Beed subtitle
NEWBNSUB = New Boss Nass subtitle
- All Jar-Jar/Gungan audio replaced with alternate soundtrack and newly written subtitles.
- All references to Anakin crashing his pod, being clumsy or not being a good racer have been removed.
- All references to Padme and the Queen being seperate people are removed.
- All subtitles partially or completely rewritten to alter character and story.
- 00.00.00 Old ROTJ Fox fanfare used
- 00.00.10 OT Lucasfilm logo used
- 00.10.58 First gurning closeup of Jar-Jar removed
- 00.11.04 NEWJJSUB "Oma-Oma save me!
- 00.11.07 NEWJJSUB "What... was that?"
- 00.11.16 NEWJJSUB "Master Jedi, you..."
- 00.11.17 NEWJJSUB "Hey, wait!"
- 00.11.20 NEWJJSUB "I owe you my life"
- 00.11.23 NEWJJSUB "Brainless? I Speak!"
- 00.11.28 NEWJJSUB "No no. You saved my life Master Jedi,"
- 00.11.30 NEWJJSUB "I am Prince Jar-Jar Binks,"
- 00.11.32 NEWJJSUB "I always repay a debt"
- 00.11.34 NEWJJSUB "Oh but it is, the Gungan gods demand it!"
- 00.11.39 NEWJJSUB "Oh no!"
- 00.11.49 NEWJJSUB "You saved me again Master Jedi!"
- 00.11.55 NEWJJSUB "More?"
- 00.11.57 NEWJJSUB "More you say!"
- 00.11.59 NEWJJSUB "This Droid army came from nowhere."
- 00.12.02 NEWJJSUB "I must alert my farther in Otuh Gunga."
- 00.12.04 NEWJJSUB "For now, our people should be safe there,"
- 00.12.06 NEWJJSUB "It's a hidden city..."
- 00.12.09 NEWJJSUB "Ah huh."
- 00.12.12 NEWJJSUB "Yes, follow me."
- 00.12.13 Rest of "A thousand terrible things" scene removed
- 00.12.19 NEWJJSUB "Otuh Gunga is here, under this lake."
- 00.12.21 NEWJJSUB "I hope you Jedi can swim!"
- 00.12.23 NEWJJSUB "Gungans don't usually permit strangers to enter..."
- 00.12.26 NEWJJSUB "So don't expect a warm welcome!"
- 00.12.32 Elaborate Jar-Jar dive almost entirely removed
- 00.12.40 NEWJJSUB "Come, follow me friends."
- 00.13.27 NEWJJSUB "Thank Oma-Oma! The city is still safe."
- 00.13.36 NEWGUNGANSUB "Outsiders here? Call the guards!"
- 00.13.47 NEWCTSUB "My Lord! We'll kill these intruders immediately!"
- 00.13.49 NEWJJSUB "No! Captain Tarpals, my friends require transport..."
- 00.13.52 NEWJJSUB " once!"
- 00.13.53 NEWCTSUB "I apologise Prince Jar-Jar!"
- 00.13.54 NEWCTSUB "Guards, what are you waiting for!"
- 00.13.55 NEWCTSUB "Prepare a sub without delay!"
- 00.13.57 Jar-Jar getting electroshocked and the whole meeting with boss Nass removed
- 00.13.58 Neimoidian invasion talk with Sidious brought forward
- 00.14.34 Sub leaving Otuh Gunga pushed back
- 00.14.52 NEWJJSUB "No. the Gungans and Naboo have never got on."
- 00.14.54 NEWJJSUB "We nearl came to war, erm..."
- 00.14.57 NEWJJSUB "about a century ago."
- 00.15.11 NEWJJSUB "You see, the Naboo are... artists and philosophers,"
- 00.15.15 NEWJJSUB "the Gungans on the other hand... are mighty warriors!"
- 00.15.25 Jar-Jar reaction re-dubbed
- 00.15.28 NEWJJSUB "An Opee Sea-Killer, we're doomed!"
- 00.15.44 Jar-Jar line removed
- 00.15.48 2nd planet core scene removed
- 00.15.49 Theed occupation scene brought forward
- 00.16.32 'Waterfall' deleted scene partially re-instated
- 00.16.34 NEWJJSUB "Welcome to Theed young Jedi."
- 00.17.27 Jar-Jar tripping into the water removed
- 00.19.01 OT hero sting used over Droid fight/Queen rescue
- 00.19.09 Jar-Jar clowning and Obi-Wan landing removed
- 00.19.25 NEWJJSUB "These Jedi sure are powerful warriors!"
- 00.20.23 Queen's indecision and Padme line removed
- 00.21.35 Obi-Wan and Jar-Jar Droid bay scene removed
- 00.21.56 Shots of Jar-Jar in Droid bay removed
- 00.23.16 Queen discussing Tatooine scene brought forward
- 00.23.24 Mention of Padme's name removed
- 00.24.00 Darth Maul holo introduction pushed back
- 00.24.47 Padme cleaning R2 scene removed
- 00.25.27 Panaka "Wait" request scene removed
- 00.25.50 Jar-Jar slipping in sh*t removed
- 00.26.03 NEWWATSUB "Greetings, come in..."
- 00.26.07 NEWWATSUB "How can I help today?"
- 00.26.17 NEWWATSUB "Anakin, quick! There's money to be made."
- 00.26.23 NEWWATSUB "Just you be quicker next time!"
- 00.26.25 NEWANSUB "I was tuning that new X-34 speeder."
- 00.26.27 NEWWATSUB "Yes, yes. Mind the store, I got a deal to make."
- 00.26.36 Qui-Gon telling Jar-Jar off and Jar-Jar blowing a raspberry removed
- 00.26.38 Qui-Gon and Watto in junkyard scene brought forward
- 00.27.34 1st Anakin talking to Padme scene pushed back and joined with 2nd scene
- 00.28.27 Jar-Jar clowning in Watto's shop almost totally removed
- 00.28.29 Anakin "Fixing things line" removed as Jar-Jar was ALL OVER IT!
- 00.28.30 Shot of Qui-Gon leaving minimised to minimise Jar-Jar juggling
- 00.28.36 Jar-Jar getting lost shot removed
- 00.28.38 NEWWATSUB "Huh... outlanders!"
- 00.28.41 NEWWATSUB "They're gona need looking after in this place."
- 00.28.44 NEWANSUB "I kinda liked 'em."
- 00.28.46 NEWWATSUB "Well then... go warn 'em,"
- 00.28.48 NEWWATSUB "a sand storm's coming."
- 00.28.49 "Yippee!!!" removed
- 00.29.12 Jar-Jar argueing with Qui-Gon removed
- 00.29.22 Jar-Jar/Sebulba scene re-sequenced so Sebulba makes an unprovoked attack on Jar-Jar in a reference back/forward to ANH Cantina incident
- 00.29.23 NEWJJSUB "Oh... those look delicious."
- 00.29.27 NEWSUB "Hey, hey. No browsing stranger!"
- 00.29.32 NEWSEBSUB "I don't think he likes you very much,"
- 00.29.34 NEWJJSUB "I was only... ahhh!"
- 00.29.36 NEWSEBSUB "and I don't like you either."
- 00.29.40 NEWANSUB "What's this Sebulba?"
- 00.29.42 NEWANSUB "Beating up tourists again?"
- 00.29.44 NEWANSUB "It's gotta be easier than beating me on the track."
- 00.29.47 NEWSEBSUB "Shame you're not racing tomorrow monkey boy,"
- 00.29.51 NEWSEBSUB "I'd love to run you into a canyon wall.. slave scum!"
- 00.29.56 NEWANSUB "You'd have to catch me first!"
- 00.30.10 NEWJJSUB "You're sure brave boy,"
- 00.30.13 NEWJJSUB "I'm lucky you came along."
- 00.30.14 Qui-Gon trouble line removed
- 00.30.15 Jar-Jar protesting removed
- 00.30.18 1st Jira scene brought forward
- 00.31.05 NEWJJSUB "I'm glad to be outta that storm."
- 00.31.09 NEWJJSUB "Hello."
- 00.31.17 NEWJJSUB "Ah, this looks tasty!"
- 00.32.30 Obi-Wan and Panaka sandstorm scene pushed back
- 00.32.48 Queen message scene removed
- 00.32.50 Message from Naboo re-coloured to appear in the cockpit with Obi-Wan
- 00.33.55 NEWJJSUB "How awful!"
- 00.34.04 Jar-Jar eating fruit removed
- 00.34.17 Qui-Gon grabbing Jar-Jar's tongue removed
- 00.35.24 NEWJJSUB "We don't have anything to trade."
- 00.36.56 Qui-Gon disagreeing with Padme removed
- 00.37.17 Discussion of Anakin crashing his last Pod removed and shots resequenced
- 00.37.27 "That you did line" removed
- 00.37.27 "The boy's good..." line brought forward
- 00.38.13 NEWWATSUB "Your new friend sure likes to take risks, huh."
- 00.40.12 Kitster's sarcasm removed
- 00.40.14 Ginger kid mocking Anakin removed
- 00.40.15 NEWSUB "Your gonna need luck Ani!"
- 00.40.24 Anakin warning Jar-Jar removed
- 00.40.25 Jar-Jar fumbling wrench replaced with shot of R2
- 00.40.26 All shots of Jar-Jar getting zapped by the energy binders removed
- 00.40.27 C3PO's Jar-Jar is odd lines removed
- 00.41.54 Qui-Gon's Mediclorian count line removed
- 00.41.57 Obi-Wan's over twenty thousand line removed
- 00.42.59 Dawn before the podrace deleted scene partialy re-instated
- 00.43.33 Padme's your mother line removed
- 00.44.36 Jar-Jar reaction shot removed
- 00.44.37 Watto's Sebulba always wins line removed
- 00.45.42 NEWWATSUB "Good luck my boy."
- 00.45.45 NEWWATSUB "Better stop your friend's gambling, before I own him too!"
- 00.46.06 Scene describing Anakin as such a bad pilot he's never actually finished a race removed
- 00.46.29 Grid sequence deleted scene partially re-instated
- 00.46.30 NEWBESUB "Welcome to the 'Boonta Eve Classic',"
- 00.46.32 NEWBESUB "the highlight in the calender of all Podracers."
- 00.46.51 NEWBESUB "Let's run through todays contenders..."
- 00.46.55 NEWBESUB "Gasgano's in his custom Ord Pedrovia."
- 00.46.58 NEWBESUB "Beside him, Teemto Pagalies,"
- 00.47.03 NEWBESUB "and of course the Grand-Champion of Pixelito..."
- 00.47.08 NEWBESUB "Sebulba!"
- 00.47.57 Jar-Jar stealing Mars Guo's applause removed
- 00.48.27 Three-Stooges pit Droids shot removed
- 00.48.45 Flag Parade music remixed and extended
- 00.48.51 Jar-Jar fart gag removed
- 00.49.14 NEWSEBSUB "You won't walk away from this one kid,"
- 00.49.17 NEWSEBSUB "I'll make sure of it."
- 00.49.19 NEWANSUB "Don't count on it, slime ball."
- 00.49.22 NEWSEBSUB "You're gonna be Bantha fodder."
- 00.49.52 NEWBESUB "Now entering the arena, the mighty Jabba The Hutt."
- 00.50.08 NEWSUB "Welcome podracing fans from across te galaxy."
- 00.50.12 NEWSUB "To the racers who survive, we salute you!"
- 00.50.48 Padme questioning Qui-Gon's judgement removed
- 00.51.45 Jar-Jar me no watchin' line and shot removed
- 00.51.51 Quadinaros frustration shot removed
- 00.51.53 Ratts Tyerell exchanging looks with his wife removed
- 00.51.56 Jabba spitting on a gong removed
- 00.51.58 Start of podrace re-cut so Anakin no longer stalls on the grid
- 00.53.05 Shot of Ratts Tyerell's wife reacting to his death
- 00.53.22 Shot of Quadinaros on grid removed
- 00.53.24 Quadinaros having engine trouble sequence removed
- 00.53.24 Crowd shots flipped to better follow left to right race flow
- 00.53.27 NEWBESUB "In the lead, Sebulba!"
- 00.53.22 Ody Mandrell pit trouble scene removed
- 00.53.31 Jabba flicking creature removed
- 00.53.36 Shot of Anakin in distance removed
- 00.53.48 Shot of alien selling snacks removed
- 00.53.53 Extended lap two deleted scene partially re-instated
- 00.54.34 Bumpy Roose pit scene removed
- 00.56.41 Teemto Pagalies crash shortened to make it clear he didn't survive
- 00.56.42 Beed "That's gotta hurt" line removed
- 00.56.43 Shots of Jawas looting wreckage underfire from Tuskans removed
- 00.56.69 Jar-Jar "Here he comes" and crowd reaction shots removed
- 00.57.46 OT hero sting mixed over Anakin aerial manoeuvre and subsequent shots
- 00.58.05 NEWJJSUB "What a pilot!"
- 00.59.45 Jar-Jar "Careful Ani" shot removed
- 00.59.48 NEWSEBSUB "He never gives up!"
- 01.00.36 Shot of Sebulba surviving removed
- 01.01.02 NEWJJSUB "We won Ani!"
- 01.01.08 NEWWATSUB "The race musta been fixed!"
- 01.01.19 NEWJJSUB "You've saved us Ani!"
- 01.01.31 "You have brought hope to those who have none" line removed
- 01.02.25 NEWJJSUB "Hello."
- 01.02.33 Obi-Wan's "Pathetic lifeform" line removed
- 01.02.43 Anakin's Scuffle With Greedo deleted scene fully re-instated
- 01.03.05 NEWSUB "He must of."
- 01.03.22 NEWSUB "One day Greedo, you're gonna pick a fight with the wrong person."
- 01.08.23 Farewell To Jira deleted scene partially re-instated
- 01.08.32 "Kindest boy in the galaxy" line removed
- 01.09.31 "I'm tired" line removed
- 01.09.58 Shot of Qui-Gon lying down removed
- 01.11.56 "Queen is worried" line removed
- 01.11.58 "She must convince the Senate" line removed
- 01.12.22 "Many things will change" line and remainder of the scene removed
- 01.13.11 Exchange of looks between Anakin and Padme removed
- 01.13.12 "Report on situation" line removed
- 01.13.51 Long shot of Anakin looking at Qui-Gon and Padme line removed
- 01.14.02 NEWJJSUB "Now, Queen Padme will get the senate to help us,"
- 01.14.06 NEWJJSUB "I'm sure of it"
- 01.17.01 "Highest concentration of medicloreans" line removed
- 01.17.02 Qui-Gon line redubbed to "It is possible he was conceived in the force"
- 01.17.49 Anakin looking for Padme scene removed
- 01.22.13 NEWJJSUB "You're thinking your people are dying?"
- 01.22.19 NEWJJSUB "Gungans might be dying too..."
- 01.22.26 NEWJJSUB "Gungan's won't die without a fight... my father,"
- 01.22.30 NEWJJSUB "commands a grand Gungan army."
- 01.22.34 NEWJJSUB "Maybe that's why your people distrust us."
- 01.26.36 Medicloreans dialogue and footage removed
- 01.27.01 NEWJJSUB "We're going home!"
- 01.28.15 NEWJJSUB "You need my help?"
- 01.29.37 NEWJJSUB "There were signs of a battle,"
- 01.29.40 NEWJJSUB "and the city is deserted."
- 01.29.48 NEWJJSUB "I don't think so,"
- 01.29.50 NEWJJSUB "My father must have led our people to the,"
- 01.29.53 NEWJJSUB "Gungan's sacred refuge deep in the swamps."
- 01.29.55 NEWJJSUB "Quick follow me!"
- 01.30.15 NEWCTSUB "Sire, your son brings before you, Queen Amidala of the Naboo..."
- 01.30.18 Bodyguard arrival and Boss Nass talking to Jar-Jar shots removed
- 01.30.19 Boss Nass speech footage brought forward
- 01.30.20 NEWBNSUB "Your capital is overun with this mechanical army,"
- 01.30.23 NEWBNSUB "so what do the mighty Naboo want with us lowly Gungans?"
- 01.30.27 Bodyguard speech and Queen reveal shots removed
- 01.31.10 NEWBNSUB "I don't think a Naboo Queen has ever nealt before the Gungans!"
- 01.31.17 NEWBNSUB "I am quite overwhelmed,"
- 01.31.22 NEWBNSUB "I think the Gungans and the Naboo can be... friends."
- 01.32.01 NEWSUB "Here they come."
- 01.32.15 NEWBNSUB "I'm very proud my son."
- 01.32.18 NEWBNSUB "Jar-Jar, this alliance with the Naboo is thanks to you,"
- 01.32.22 NEWJJSUB "No, no, no..."
- 01.32.23 NEWBNSUB "Yes! You and Tarpals shall be our armies Generals."
- 01.32.28 Jar-Jar feinting removed
- 01.33.23 NEWBNSUB "The Gungans do not fear death."
- 01.34.51 NEWCTSUB "Halt!"
- 01.34.55 NEWCTSUB "Start up the shield generators."
- 01.35.42 Qui-Gon "Once we get inside" speech removed
- 01.36.18 Qui-Gon "Ani find cover" line removed
- 01.36.20 Padme "Get to your ships" line redubbed with superior TPM Trailer take
- 01.36.48 Direct shot of bodyguard removed
- 01.36.52 Shots of Anakin taking off brought forward
- 01.36.53 Anakin saying "Oops" etc removed
- 01.37.09 Shots of Anakin leaving hanger brought forward
- 01.37.10 Anakin's "Try and override it" line removed
- 01.37.25 Shots and dialogue of Anakin arriving in space brought forward
- 01.37.26 "That's where the auto..." line removed
- 01.37.52 NEWJJSUB "Steady... steady."
- 01.38.46 NEWCTSUB "I got a bad feeling about this..."
- 01.39.02 NEWCTSUB "Fire!"
- 01.39.05 Jar-Jar falling off his mount removed
- 01.39.07 All shots of Jar-Jar clowning around with "Big boomers" removed
- 01.39.16 Panaka "Red group" line and surrounding shots removed
- 01.39.17 "Hey wait for me" sequence removed
- 01.39.38 All footage involving Droidikas and Anakin removed
- 01.39.39 Queen exiting hanger footage brought forward
- 01.39.51 Hanger duel long shot removed and rest of hanger duel brought forward
- 01.40.56 All footage of Jar-Jar clowning with broken Droid removed
- 01.41.15 "this is tense" line removed
- 01.41.18 "R2 get us off..." line and footage removed
- 01.41.19 "Okay let's go left" line removed
- 01.41.21 "Go back..." line and footage removed
- 01.41.30 "I'll try spinning..." line and cockpit footage removed
- 01.43.59 NEWJJSUB "Halt, halt!"
- 01.44.02 All dialogue and footage of Jar-Jar hiding under boomer cart removed
- 01.44.07 NEWJJSUB "If I can just release these bombs... ahhh!"
- 01.44.10 All Shots of Jar-Jar looking in horror and running from Boomers removed
- 01.44.17 NEWJJSUB "General Tarpals!"
- 01.44.22 All footage of involving Jar-Jar, Tarpals and the Tank ride removed
- 01.44.26 Jar-Jar shaking head vocal re-dubbed
- 01.45.15 "Oops" removed
- 01.46.04 close up of Obi-Wan screaming "Noooooooo!" removed
- 01.46.29 NEWCTSUB "This is the end General Jar-Jar,"
- 01.46.32 NEWCTSUB "I hope we bought the Naboo enough time."
- 01.46.34 "My give up" line and footage removed
- 01.46.52 Bodyguard dialogue removed and partial footage removal
- 01.46.56 "After her..." line removed
- 01.47.20 Space battle finale brought forward
- 01.47.24 "Take this... whoah!" dialogue removed
- 01.47.32 "Oops" removed
- 01.48.01 "This is podracing" line removed
- 01.48.02 Anakin leaving control ship hanger brought forward and "whoooo" line removed
- 01.48.03 "One of ours..." line removed
- 01.48.04 Anakin and other pilots celebrating brought forward
- 01.48.11 Pilots escaping shot pushed back
- 01.48.22 NEWJJSUB "They've all stopped..."
- 01.48.24 NEWCTSUB "The Naboo must of knocked out the control ship... look!"
- 01.48.28 Jar-Jar poking Droid removed
- 01.48.36 Obi-Wan's first solo duel with Maul pushed back
- 01.48.52 Long shot of Obi and Maul twirling their sabres around removed
- 01.49.03 All footage after this point showing Obi-Wan getting knocked down the pit removed
- 01.49.04 Obi-Wan killing Maul scene brought forward
- 01.49.05 Obi-Wan flip over Maul removed and green saber rotoscoped to blue in all shots
- 01.53.32 NEWJJSUB "Hello everybody!"
- 01.53.52 Shot of Jar-Jar catching his foot in stirup removed
- 01.54.17 NEWBNSUB "Peace!"
- 01.54.58 Final cheeky credit for yours truly
Additional Notes:
I was excited by reading Adywan's plans for the SW:PT trilogy on the Revisited website and knew this would be years in the making. So I decided to try and fix them for myself. I'd seen a VHS rip of The Phantom Edit a decade ago and I'd completed a fan edit of Kill Bill several years ago so I knew it was both possile and fun! Before doing these edits I avoided watching any other versions to keep my mind fresh. After completing these Star Wars edits I've gorged myself on other SW fan edits and they did some stunning work. They tightened up pacing, they swapped scenes, they trimmed repetition but for me they didn't always get to the heart of the problem.
I felt the this problem with the PT was "Likeability". If you liked the characters, liked the scenes and liked the dialogue you shouldn't need to chop the films down to 90 mins or less. Because you'll want to spend the full standard SW 2 hours in this world just like the OT. In this edit I've trimmed bad dialogue and acting throughout, recut, condensed or removed scenes, redubbed the Gungans, rewrote all subtitles, inserted the classic Fox and Lucasfilm logo opening, removed the Queen/Padme subplot, made Anikin a courageous hero and made Jar-Jar a Prince. I've also added back all the deleted material (But trimmed that for quality too).
I hope this is the first part of a trilogy that people are truly going to ENJOY.
Other Sources:
Revenge Of The Sith CD Soundtrack Return Of The Jedi CD Soundtrack GOUT Return Of The Jedi DVD
Special Thanks:
Members of the for helping me find out how you get these edits out there!