Star Wars - Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith: Reborn

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Star Wars - Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith: Reborn

Faneditor: TM2YC  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st July 2013
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:15m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:10m:0s
Time Added: 0h:5m:0s
Franchise: Star Wars
Genre: ActionAdventureFantasySci-Fi
Original Title: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2005
Original Runtime: 2h:20m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


After 10 years it's about time I could watch the Star Wars Prequel trilogy without feeling physical pain! But not just that, they should be out and out pleasures to watch! ...and so the idea for 'Star Wars:Reborn' arrived.


My goal with these edits was to create versions of the PT that were to put it simply 'enjoyable to watch'. I wanted to make good versions of these films that still felt like the same films in essence. The watch word is CHARACTER! Other great edits streamline the films down to 90 mins but for me a true SW film should give you around 2 solid hrs of entertainment (And not 2.5hrs either!). So I've made sure you'll enjoy spending these 2 hours in this universe.

Change List:

- Deleted material re-instated and dialogue trimmed to make Anakin more likebale in the first and second acts. - Deleted material re-instated and weak dialogue removed to try and restore Padme to the strong character we saw in the Episode I and II. - All references to Vader removed to save that surprise for ESB. - All uses of the phrase "Younglings" removed - Final two Lightsaber duels seperated so the emotional landing-platform scene forms a natural breathing space - All subtitles partially or completely rewritten (There are only a few in ROTS) Total - 151 major changes Cuts and Additions: - 00.00.00 Old ROTJ Fox fanfare used - 00.00.10 OT Lucasfilm logo used - 00.03.19 Chattering Vulture-Droids shot removed - 00.03.38 More Vulture-Droid chatter removed - 00.04.44 "Let them pass between us" line pushed back - 00.04.20 More Vulture-Droid chatter removed - 00.05.20 Buzz-Droid sniggering removed - 00.05.35 "Move to the right..." line removed - 00.06.10 "Move to the right..." line removed - 00.06.24 Two shots of Buzz-Droid attacking R2 removed - 00.06.28 Anakin coaching R2 and two R2 dueling with Buzz-Droid shots removed - 00.07.06 Added OT hero music theme for Hanger battle - 00.07.27 "R2 locate the Chancellor" line and footage removed - 00.07.28 Droid groaning removed - 00.07.31 Locating-the Chacellor-sequence of shots removed - 00.07.43 Grievous-on-bridge scene pushed back - 00.07.44 'Grievous Slaughters A Jedi' deleted scene partially re-instated - 00.08.23 "I look forward to adding..." line removed - 00.08.45 'Escape From The General' deleted scene partially re-instated and audio remixed - 00.08.45 "Don't fire..." and Grievous leaving re-cut - 00.08.53 Water-tunnel-escape sequence removed - 00.08.54 Re-cut shaft-escape sequence to remove all safety-line and greenscreen shots - 00.08.56 Rotoscoped out "Episode III" stamp from Anakin shot - 00.08.59 Rest of water/Droid shots and exploding bulkhead sequence removed - 00.09.18 Shortened Grievous' walk onto the bridge - 00.09.19 "What's the situation..." dialogue and almost all the rest of the scene removed - 00.09.25 'Elevator Antics' deleted scene partially pe-instated - 00.09.59 Rest of the extra elevator footage ang hanger escape removed - 00.10.19 All footage of R2 hiding from Droids in the hanger bay removed - 00.10.31 Recut R2 footage and re-dubbed Obi-Wan's dialogue - 00.10.32 Shot of R2 approaching terminal brought forward - 00.10.43 Recut R2 footage and re-dubbed Obi-Wan's dialogue and cut more hanger footage - 00.11.00 Recut R2 footage and re-dubbed Obi-Wan's dialogue and R2's beeps - 00.11.07 Droids shouting at R2 removed - 00.11.12 Droids grabbing R2 removed - 00.11.24 R2 spraying oil removed - 00.11.30 R2 flying and exploding Droids removed - 00.11.31 Added footage of lift stopping and remixed Audio - 00.11.16 Needless digi-double Dooku acrobatics removed - 00.12.58 Shortened digi-double Obi-Wan falling back - 00.13.18 Shortened two shots of digi-double Obi-Wan flying - 00.13.27 Shortened shot of digi-double Obi-Wan being crushed - 00.14.26 "I shouldn't" line removed - 00.15.24 "He seems to be all right" line removed - 00.17.46 Shortened shot so we don't see R2 flying again - 00.17.58 "Wait a minute..." and "Apparently not" lines removed - 00.18.23 Droid kicking R2 over removed - 00.18.37 "The negotiator..." footage removed or recut and Grievous' vocals remixed - 00.18.38 Droid saying "Excuse me" removed - 00.19.38 Shots of decapitated Droid still fighting Kenobi removed - 00.19.44 Shots of decapitated Droid still fighting Kenobi removed - 00.24.47 Silenced Jar-Jar "'scuse me" line - 00.25.57 "Don't say things like that" line removed - 00.26.20 "Your trembling" line removed - 00.26.06 "Something wondeful has happened" line removed - 00.26.47 Grievous arriving on Utapau scene pushed back to after Anakin's scene with Yoda - 00.27.12 "I want to have our baby..." dailogue and footage removed - 00.30.05 Sexist line about Padme getting fired from the Senate for being pregnant, removed - 00.34.28 'Changes To The Constitution' deleted scene partially reintegrated and music added - 00.35.54 "It's upsetting..." line removed and footage re-dubbed - 00.36.17 "They see your future..." line removed and footage re-dubbed - 00.36.19 "They see you as..." and "I've sensed that" lines dubbed over long shot - 00.37.38 Shot of Kenobi shaking his head at Anakin's empty chair pushed back and replaced with later shot of Mace shaking his head - 00.37.41 Shot of Anakin sitting split in two and Kenobi shot inserted in the middle so our heros make eye contact - 00.37.44 Start of briefing dialogue redubbed over shot of Anakin - 00.38.25 'A Stirring In The Senate' deleted scene fully re-instated - 00.43.52 "What is it?.." dialogue and rest of scene removed - 00.44.20 Opera scene re-coloured to reduce artificial pink tinting - 00.51.29 'Seeds Of Rebellion' deleted scene fully re-instated with establishing shot from AOTC added - 00.51.30 Anakin's second dream removed - 00.51.31 Padme arriving home scene brought forward - 00.55.39 'Confronting The Chancellor' deleted scene fully re-instated - 00.59.30 Lizard CGI-Showreel 360 removed - 01.00.51 Two shots of Obi-Wan having a think removed and de-robing shortened - 01.02.01 Several shots of Grievous twirling his lightsabers removed - 01.08.48 Long shot of Lizard and Bike racing removed - 01.08.51 Two more long shots of Lizard and Bike racing removed - 01.09.44 Several shots of Grievous knocking Obi-Wan around removed - 01.14.20 Shot of Palpatine pausing before he strikes removed - 01.15.16 Fake looking digi-double Palpatine acrobatics removed - 01.19.31 "Henceforth you..." line removed - 01.20.55 "Do what must..." line removed - 01.23.22 Side shot of Lizard removed - 01.26.50 Kid's "Master Skywalker..." dialogue removed - 01.33.55 "Darth Vader" line removed - 01.35.48 "Welcome Lord Vader..." line removed - 01.35.54 Silent reaction shot of Guneray inserted and subtle zoom applied - 01.36.19 Senate sequence recoloured to be much darker, less saturated and more sombre (Less pink) - 01.36.46 "Not even the Younglings survived" line removed - 01.37.21 Again Senate sequence recoloured to be much darker etc - 01.37.59 Again Senate sequence recoloured to be much darker etc - 01.39.54 "Lord vader" line removed - 01.40.26 "Consumed by Darth Vader" line removed and footage recut - 01.40.33 "I don't know where to look" line removed and footage recut - 01.41.22 "I have seen him... killing Younglings" and "Not Anakin..." lines removed and footage recut - 01.43.51 'Magic Button' shot removed - 01.43.55 Two shots of Obi-Wan climbing into a cupboard removed - 01.44.12 Palpatine's office sequence recoloured to be much darker, less saturated and more evil (Less pink) - 01.44.38 Shot of Anakin looking at Padme landing on a monitor removed - 01.44.39 Yoda's arrival in Palpatine's office brought forward, recoloured and Anakin hologram (Plus sound) added to first few frames - 01.45.23 Palpatine taunting Yoda scene brought forward and again recoloured to be much darker - 01.45.51 "Not if anything to say.." line removed and "At an end your rule is" line brought forward - 01.45.52 Yoda flinging Palpatine accross his office removed - 01.45.55 Shot of Palpatine laughing inserted - 01.45.58 Long shot of Palpatine acrobatics removed - 01.46.09 "Darth Vader" line re-dubbed to "My apprentice" - 01.46.37 Yoda vs Palpatine on the rising column sequence brought forward and again recoloured to be much darker - 01.47.05 Closeup of Palpatine grimmacing removed and replaced with two recut, flipped and recoloured shots of Palpatine leaping off to the left to evade Yoda - 01.47.06 Yoda leaping after Palpatine shot brought forward, flipped and again recoloured to be much darker - 01.47.07 Yoda evading Palpatine's thrown objects sequence brought forward and again recoloured to be much darker - 01.49.57 "That you killed Younglings" line removed - 01.51.30 "You're breaking my heart, you're..." line removed - 01.51.53 Removed "No" line and added force-choke sound FX - 01.51.54 Shot of Padme shaking her head shortened - 01.51.56 Shot of Padme again shaking her head and saying "Anakin" removed - 01.52.00 More Force-choking sound FX added - 01.53.45 Several Kenobi vs Anakin duel shots removed to better synch with next duel sequence being brought forward - 01.54.12 The three 'Boardroom Pro-wrestling' scenes removed - 01.54.13 Damage to Mustafar computer shot brought forward - 01.54.35 Palpatine's search for Yoda brought forward but "Tell Captain..." line pushed back - 01.54.43 Yoda organising a lift from Bail sequence removed - 01.56.02 "Lord Vader" line re-dubbed to "My apprentice" - 01.57.11 Reaction shot of Kenobi flipped - 01.57.14 Shot of Kenobi about to leap flipped - 01.57.16 Mini-Duel swinging from the ropes removed - 01.59.07 "I have the high ground" line removed - 02.00.51 Shot of Anakin rolling onto his back brought forward - 02.00.53 Start of Kenobi and R2 shot shortened to accomodate rolling shot - 02.01.14 "Obi-Wan, is Anakin alright?" line removed - 02.01.45 Yoda on moonbase sequence brought forward and Palpatine's arrival pushed back - 02.02.48 Three opening shots of Anakin writhing around removed from Palpatine's arrival sequence - 02.02.46 Shot of Anakin beside lava river inserted with Obi-Wan cropped out and Clone audio re-dubbed - 02.02.52 "He's still alive" line removed and footage re-cut and re-dubbed - 02.03.14 Palpatine's return to Coruscant pushed back - 02.03.18 "For reasons we can't explain..." lines removed - 02.03.22 "...she's lost the will to live" lines removed - 02.03.44 First cut away to Vader's 'Birth' removed - 02.04.12 NEWSUB "It's a baby boy." - 02.04.14 "Luke" and "Helo Luke." lines removed - 02.04.29 NEWSUB "Push... push..." - 02.04.36 NEWSUB "Push." - 02.04.44 NEWSUB "He has a sister." - 02.04.46 "Leia." line removed - 02.04.47 Second cut away to Vader's 'Birth' removed - 02.04.55 "There's good in him" line removed - 02.05.17 Third and final cut away to Vader's 'Birth' removed - 02.05.18 Tantive IV's Arrival on Naboo estabishing shot removed - 02.07.36 'Exiled To Dagobah' scene restored (It was in the UK Theatrical cut but removed in the 2011 Blu-Ray) - 02.08.10 Vader and Palpatine Star Destroyer/Death Star sequence removed and Tantive IV shot shortened - 02.08.56 Kenobi on Tatooine finale re-coloured to appear a little less artificial - 02.10.13 Final cheeky credit for yours truly

Additional Notes:

The original 'Revenge Of The Sith' was the only PT film that even vaguely worked for me, however there were still plenty of things that were not right. In this edit, I've added scenes at the beginning that make Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship more friendly and jovial (To throw the dark ending into sharp relief). All Padme's deleted scenes are restored so she is now more akin to the strong Senator character we saw in Episode I & II (With the added bonus that Bail has more screen time). She actually has a purpose in this edit, to plot against Palpatine's rise (Instead of just sitting in her apartment fretting). Her dialogue is also alot better now, more in character as the powerful Senator she is. I've reworked alot of the Palpatine, Padme and Anakin material in the middle act to make Anakin's decent more believable. You can now see Palpatine stoking his paranoia about his abilities and the Jedi council, while also pushing him to distrust Padme (Now with some justification). We can see that Palpatine is slowly isolating Anakin from everyone that cares about him. I've made the usual trims to remove bad Digi-Doubles and upped the pace of the Duels in places. I've also seperated Yoda and Kenobi's duels with the sith. This gives Yoda's fight more power, as it no longer feels like a distraction from the main Kenobi vs Anakin thow down. Plus the 'landing-platform' scene now forms a natural breathing space for the audience between the Yoda fight and the final epic duel on Mustafar. Most importantly I have gone through and removed all references to Anakin being called Vader and you do not see him being put into the suit. Because I've created these FanEdits to be watched in Episode order by future young fans... who will still get a mighty surprise at the end of ESB, hurray! (Of course, the clever boys and girls might just work it out! ).

Other Sources:

ROTS 2004 DVD ROTS 2011 Blu-Ray (And bonus disc) ROTJ GOUT DVD ROTJ Soundtrack CD ROTS Soundtrack CD Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II Soundfiles

Special Thanks:

Thanks to all those that have contributed to the 'Star Wars:Reborn' threads on

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