Faneditor: imunfair   Fanedit Type: FanMix Fanedit Release Date: 3rd November 2021 Fanedit Runtime: 6h:33m:1s Time Cut: 0h:0m:0s Time Added: 0h:0m:0s Genre: Drama Original Title: Squid Game: Season 1 (TV Show)(2021)    Original Release Date: 1st January 2021 Original Runtime: 8h:10m:10s
Original Links:
Certificate: 12A Source: Digital Resolution: 1080p Sound Mix: 5.1. Channels Language: Korean Subtitles: English    
Hundreds of cash-strapped contestants accept an invitation to compete in children's games for a tempting prize, but the stakes are deadly.
Heavily trimmed the slow start to the essentials, reduced the nauseating flashing room a bit, trimmed a bunch of sections to help the pacing, and kept but heavily streamlined the cop storyline. The ending is also significantly changed, removing the twist and the open ending for a sequel season to make it a self-contained single-season show.