Prometheus Unbound

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Prometheus Unbound

Faneditor: Beezo  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st November 2013
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:54m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:21m:0s
Time Added: 0h:11m:0s
Franchise: Alien
Genre: Sci-Fi
Original Title: Prometheus (2012)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2012
Original Runtime: 2h:4m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Blu-Ray/Digital/DVD
Sound Mix:


Highlights of the edit include the following: The opening sequence with the first Engineer has been all but replaced with the opening Ted Talk followed by a montage courtesy of Tree of Life. Holloway's douchy-ness has been seriously reduced, Shaw no longer makes faith-based decisions and Vickes' bitchiness has been mostly removed. No more exploding head and the attack on Fifield and Milburn has less idiocy on their part. The ship falls on Vickes without giving her time enough to "just make a right turn".


The original film is rife with ludicrous character choices and unnecessary, convoluted narrative points. This thrust of this edit is make the characters more convincing and the plot more accessible.

Change List:

All added scenes are color corrected to better correspond with the film's palette 5.1 Audio available on DVD and BluRay ISO Files Fan Edit Commentary available on DVD and BluRay ISO Files Stereo only for MP4 File Act 1: Removed opening sequence with Engineer Added TED Talk sequence Added Genesis sequence from Tree of Life Added piece of extra footage interview Removed audible noise while in space Removed flashback/dream scene of Shaw as a child Removed Vickes/David scene Removed line, "I'm here to make money." Removed dialog concerning crew's questioning of the mission Removed dialog concerning Shaw's faith Removed Vickes/Shaw/Holloway scene in Vickis' room Removed line, "Just like home." Removed dialog concerning pending loss of daylight Removed dialog concerning bringing weapons Removed dialog of Holloway antagonizing David Removed trivial dialog as they go to the dome Act 2: Removed dialog of Holloway bossing Fifield around Added deleted scene of the first discovery of alien life Removed dialog concerning the non-freezing water Removed dialog concerning not having weapons as holograms appear Removed line, "Congratulations on meeting your maker." Removed dialog asking for how old the head is Removed line, "Sweaty." Removed dialog concerning the silicon storm's threat Removed dialog concerning the changing atmosphere in the dome Removed line, "It's just another tomb." Removed dialog concerning Holloway yelling at Shaw Removed dialog concerning Fifield venting at Janek Removed Vickes from head examination sequence Removed Holloway from head examination sequence Removed head explosion from head examination sequence Removed "Try Harder" scene in the hallway Removed line, "Big things have small beginnings." Removed dialog concerning Shaw talking into her recorder Removed dialog, "How long is this going to take?" Removed dialog, "My room, ten minutes." Re-edited sequence so that the snake/alien attacks much quicker Removed dialog concerning Vickes asking David to turn on his video recorder Removed dialog, "He shut me off." Removed David pushing randomly at buttons in the Navigation room Added Flashback/Dream sequence of the Scotland cave discovery Removed dialog concerning the lack of medical equipment Removed dialog concerning David having seen Shaw's dreams Added portion of deleted scene of Janek consoling Vickes Removed dialog concerning the med-pod not working on women Replaced Fifield's attack on Prometheus with more Alien-looking Fifield Act 3: Removed part of scene in which Shaw puts on her uniform Removed dialog, "Yes, Father." Removed dialog concerning Shaw's protest that she never wanted her parents dead Added deleted scene with extended interaction between the Engineer and Weyland Removed dialog banter between co-pilots Removed countdown to impact audio Re-edited the falling of the ship so that it gives Vickes too little time to escape Removed scene of Shaw lowering David's body Removed VO Added Title Credit Added Special Thanks.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Additional Footage included from Tree of Life Additional music included from the Prometheus Motion Picture Soundtrack.

Special Thanks:

G1orkatsos, Gatos, Seciors.

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