This is a reconstruction of the 1980 theatrical version of The Empire Strikes Back. The original shots were painstakingly restored using various sources (listed below) and the film received an extensive shot by shot colour correction.
The remastered version (v2.0) represents a significant improvement in picture quality over the earlier 1.0 version due to the use of better encoding and higher quality sources and replacing many of the despecialized shots with higher quality ones.
OK, since I’m now done with the ROTJ Reconstruction, I’m officially starting work on the PARTLY DESPECIALIZED EDITION v3.0 and since this project will be quite different from the previous versions, I decided to call it just DESPECIALIZED EDITION and start and new thread, in order to avoid confusion. I’ll be posting everything regarding the new versions here now.
I’m starting with TESB, since I can use Ady’s Theatrical Reconstruction as a source and won’t have to wait for DJ’s GOUT V3. And since Ady’s done such a great job on the reconstruction, it should also be the easiest and I’m gonna do most (and some more) of the changes that Ady did. But I’m gonna try to just use Ady’s reconstruction for rotoscoping with HD materials, so as to keep it as HD as possible.
I’m going to use the 14GB MKV of Ady’s ESB 97SE and higher bitrate versions of SW (I’m not using Ady’s AVCHD of SW this time) and ROTJ. V3.0 will be 720p DVD9 AVCHDs; I’m absolutely decided on that, I don’t want to make these Blu-Ray because I haven’t got access to a BD burner and the uploads would be painful too but I want it to be playable on BD players. 720p looks great - actually I’ve got a 6,5GB 720p version of AOTC and it looks way better than an 8GB 1080p version because the compression took away more detail on the 1080p than what was gained by the resolution. I’ll also be encoding HQ 2PASS this time to keep as much quality as possible. Noticing the loss of quality and detail in the previous PDE versions was actually the main reason that prompted me to make new versions, so I’ll try to make these the highest possible quality given the source materials.
Change List:
The MKV version contains a large number of audio tracks, including the latest versions of the preservations of the original audio mixes in DTS-HD, three different commentary tracks, an isolated score and dubbing tracks in 13 different languages.
The AVCHD version contains the latest versions of the preservations of the original audio mixes, three different commentary tracks and an isolated score.
STAR WARS Episode V The Empire Strikes Back Official Blu-Ray 2011
STAR WARS Episode V The Empire Strikes Back 2006 Bonus DVD
(sourced from the 1993 Definitive Edition Laser Disc Master - upscale by Mattman Omega)
Adywan’s THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK 1997 Special Edition Reconstruction 1080p MKV (HDTV source)
The Empire Strikes Back 1997 Special Edition (“TB” DTV capture)
Team Negative1 35mm print scan
Custom mattes, 35mm film cell scans etc.
Adywan’s THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK 1980 Theatrical Reconstruction NTSC DVD
Puggo Strikes Back (16mm print transfer)
Additional Notes:
This is a fan restoration made for culturally historical and educational purposes.
Fanedits, preservations and restorations must not be bought or sold.
Please report the seller if you find this project for sale on eBay or elsewhere.
Fanedits and preservations are an art form and to be shared only among legal owners of the officially available releases.
Do not support piracy.