Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West

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Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West

Faneditor: GratefulDeadpool  
Fanedit Type: Special Projects
Fanedit Release Date: 15th February 2016
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:20m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Star Wars
Genre: ActionAdventureFantasySci-Fi
Original Title: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2005
Original Runtime: 2h:20m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 720p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: English


Star War The Third Gathers: The Backstroke of the West (often referred to as Star War Episode: The Backstroke of the West or shortened to Backstroke of the West) is a bootlegged version of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The bootleg contains hilarious English subtitles translated poorly from Chinese. Due to the language barrier, many of the words and phrases were translated either literally or with alternate meanings, and thus the original meaning was lost. Most likely, the broken English is the result of being machine translated twice from English->Chinese, and then back-translated from the translated-Chinese -> English, which introduced many phonological translation errors. For instance, "Anakin" would be phonologically translated to "???", but then in the back-translation literal meanings were used causing ?? = Allah + ? = Gold = "Allah Gold." The film became the subject of an Internet phenomenon when one American living in China who purchased a copy of the DVD put up a website containing various screenshots from the film with the humorously translated subtitles. Amongst the most quoted lines is "Do not want", the translation of Darth Vader's already widely parodied "Noooooo!" at the end of the film. Although Padme or The Plum Of said it first.



Change List:

The majority of the characters' names were back-translated from the Chinese transliterations, such as "Dáx? Wéidá" (Darth Vader) meaning "Reaching the west of reaches". Padmé Amidala: The Plum Of or The Gets the Rice Chinese: One of the characters in Padme's name is most certainly ? (méi - "plum"). Perhaps it is ??? (Pàdeméi - "the plum of a handkerchief"), though it is unusual to use a grammatical particle like ? as a phonetic. The normal Chinese transliteration of her name is ???·???? (Pàdéméi Àim?dál?). C-3PO: Blow the Skin Chinese: ??? (Chu?pí?u) - ? means "blow", ? means "skin", ? is a phonetic character used in transliteration. Chewbacca: Drag Along Chinese: Normally his name is written as ??? (Qi?b?k?) or ??? (Qi?b?ik?) but the relationship to "drag along" is uncertain, unless one of the characters used is ? (tu? - "drag") or its synonym. However, ? (qi?), which could also have the meaning of "drag", could be a plausible candidate to relate the syllable with the back-translation. Count Dooku: The (Obi-Wan calls him Drop in the mistranslation of "You won't get away this time, Dooku", which is translated as "You this time ran to do not, Drop"). This is debatable; there is no real solid evidence that this is how his name translated into Chinese and back, although the mistranslation of the beginning scroll ends with "the", while General Grievous' line, "But we lost the", replacing "But... the loss of Count Dooku..." makes this likely. However there is a fundamental problem with this as a proposed back-translation: Mandarin Chinese has no word for "the". ???? (?? Dùkù ?? Bójué - "Count") is how the name is normally written in Chinese. General Grievous: Space General Chinese: presumably ???? - "space general". His name in Chinese is variously written as ??????, ??????, or ??????. It is most likely that in the original English-to-Chinese translation, "Grievous" was deemed too hard to translate, and the translator simply invented the name "Space General" instead. Ironically, this would make it one of the only names to be accurately backtranslated. Also Commander Cody was similarly translated to Commanding Officer, while Senator Bail Organa is simply called Senator. Obi-Wan Kenobi: He is called The Willing to Compares or Ratio the Tile and just Ratio Tile throughout the movie, but is also called Ratio Prosperous during the opening scroll, General Grievous also calls him Section Ratio General before their lightsaber duel on Utapau or the Pimping Mainland, which seems to mean "General Kenobi" and Bail Organa calls him "Section pulls the ratio", which seems to mean "Master Kenobi" Chinese: ???·???(?ub?w? K?n?ub?). ? is a phonetic character used in transliteration, ? means "ratio" or "to compare", ? means "tile", ? means "willing". The rendering of ??? (?ub?wàng) is more standard; ? means "prosperous". In Taiwan his name was rendered as ??? (?ub?wáng - "King Obi") in the non-pirated version of this film. "Kenobi" is more commonly transliterated as ??? (K?nnuòb?). Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine: Mr. Speaker or Speaker D, also sometimes just called D The Superior Although the translation is almost correct in the sense that it refers to Palpatine as a high ranking politician, Palpatine is not the Speaker of the Senate, as Mas Amedda is the Speaker. Chinese: ???? (Yìzh?ng Xi?nsheng "Mr. Chancellor", "Mr. Speaker", "Mr. President"). Also, ??? (Pàb?d?ng "Palpatine"), where ? is the fourth Heavenly Stem. The Heavenly Stems are often used for enumeration purposes, similar to the way the letters of the alphabet are used in English for enumeration. In this case, ? is equivalent to D. R2-D2: R2 or Reach the Man. Although "Artoo" is the more accepted spelling, this is nonetheless the only correctly translated name in the film. However, other astromech droids in the film, such as R4-P17, are also referred to as "R2". However, Artoo (and R4-P17) are occasionally referred to as 'Reach the Man'. Anakin Skywalker: The Peaceful is Willing To or Allah Gold often shortened to "Gold" Chinese: ??? (?nàj?n) is the standard transliteration of Anakin. Perhaps in this rendition, the name was transliterated as ??? (?l?j?n) or ??? (?nl?j?n), both translated as "Allah gold" if it is separated into two terms - ?? and ?, or ?? and ?. Later in the film, his name may have been translated as ??? (?nnàk?n): ? means "peaceful", and ? means "willing". Additionally, ? can mean "peaceful". The character "?" (Ken) also means "Willing". At one point, Text How Big and Vanquish Is call him "Line". The last name Skywalker is literally translated as ??? (Ti?n xíngzh?), with ? meaning "line". Darth Vader: Reaching The West Of Reaches Chinese: ??·?? (Dáx? Wéidá) ? means "reach", ? means "west", ? has a number of meanings, including "dimension". The normal Chinese rendition is ??·?? (Dás? Wéidá). Luke Skywalker: See Me Chinese: ?? (translated from a Mondegreen)—"Luke" misheard as "look", which translates to "?" in Chinese.) "?", or "I" in English, was added to make the phrase "??". It was then translated back into English as "See Me", although a more correct translation would be "look at me". Leia Organa: See Yoda: Vanquish Is or Particularly Reach the Master (?? Yóudá, his standard Chinese name, literally translates to "particularly reach"). Yet another usage of "?" as the "da" sound. Tarfful: See again It is entirely possible that the the translator simply omitted Tarfful's name when translating the phrase as "See again" is the literal meaning of the Chinese equivalent for "Goodbye", ??, as used in the mistranslation of his line, "Goodbye, Tarrful. Goodbye, Chewbacca. Miss you, I will." Mace Windu: Text How Big Chinese: One character in his name is almost certainly ? (Wén), which means "text". Terminology Sith Lord: South Host. Palpatine also warns Obi Wan and Anakin that Count Dooku is "a big". Obi Wan reassures Palpatine: "Mr. Speaker, we are for 'the big'." Chinese: "Host" presumably comes from ??, meaning "master/lord" but also "host", depending on the context. Sith: West & Big Chinese: ?? (X?s?) - a transliteration of "Sith". ? means "west", ? is a phonetic often used to transliterate the "s" sound or to approximate "th", a sound that Chinese does not have. Jedi Council: Presbyterian Church, Hopeless Situation Presbyterian or Hopeless Situation Parliament. Chinese: ??? (literally "Council of Elders") or perhaps ???? ("a religious gathering held by the elders"). The Presbyterian Church is ruled by "presbyters", or "elders". Therefore, it is in fact "a religious gathering held by the elders." Jedi Knight: Hopeless Situation Warrior; "Hopeless Situation" or just "Hopeless" for short. In the later videos, they are referred to as Hero's Ground. Chinese: ???? (Juédì w?shì - Jedi warrior) - Literally, ?? means "end ground". It is used to describe battles with no possible retreat, hence "hopeless situation" and "hero's ground". ?? (Juetai) also means "hopeless situation") Jedi Temple: Hopeless Situation Temple Galaxy: Milky Way. Star Wars is not set in our galaxy, so this would not technically make sense in English. Chinese: ??? - In Chinese this term means "silver river system", referring to the Milky Way. The term can be used loosely to refer to any galaxy, however the more appropriate term would be ?? ("star system"). Spacecraft or Spaceship: Airship. Just about every form of spacecraft, be it a mothership or a small fighter vessel, is referred to as an "airship". Chinese: ?? Buzz droids: Airship robots. Chinese: Escape pods: First aid Chinese: ?? - "emergency rescue", also meaning "first aid" in Chinese. The Force: Wish Power, Original Dint Chinese: ???? means original, ? means Dint. ?? ("wish power") may have come from the translation of "may the force be with you" ("the wish power are together with you"). Dark side of the Force: Dark World & The Black Influence Chinese: ????????? Sand People: Pathetic People Chinese: ???? - "Sand" having been misheard as "sad" (??), with people being ??. Confederacy of Independent Systems/Separatists: Abruption Doctrine, or Doctrine Alliance. The droid army commanded by the Separatists is referred to as "the alliance." Chinese: ???- ? means "doctrine", ?? means "to separate" or "to become independent." "Abruption" is an overly formal term meaning "separation"; a Separatist is literally "one who subscribes to the doctrine of separation." Other words and phrases Do not want (Nooooooooooooooo!) ?? - Chinese, Simplified or Traditional has no word for "no"; instead, the verb would be repeated in the negative. ??, literally meaning "do not need", also means "don't", "do not want". The Good Elephant (seems like/it seems/apparently) Chinese: ??[sic]. The character ? (image/likeness) is often colloquially (and strictly speaking, incorrectly) replaced by ? (elephant) in Simplified Chinese. This causes the translation of ?? (looks like / seems) as "good elephant". smelly boy (scum) Chinese: ??? - "stinky boy", equivalent to "brat". Strong and big (powerful) Chinese: ?? - ? means "strong" and ? means "big"; the two characters together mean "powerful," but were translated into separate words. fuck (to do) Chinese: ? - while its most common meaning is the verb "to do", the word also means "fuck" when used independently. On the hoof (this phrase is used every time someone is supposed to say 'alive' i.e. 'Is the baby on the hoof?' or 'And I guarantee to you as long as he is on the hoof the Parliament will support the war by voting.') A day after the fair (an obsolete idiom that means "too late") But we can will account, and then account (spring the trap) I think that I can then extracation he to (I sense Count Dooku) Resemble the last time? (Next move?) We must go out, we must be everywhere in search of (We don't want to get out, we want to get moving) R2, telephone quickly the steps is here (R2, activate elevator 31174) Pull the name of the gram republic with the space (In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic...) The disgusting thing came! (Flying is for droids!) Our Dichotomy opens the combat! (Let them pass between us!) I feel far from good. ( I have a bad feeling about this.) This is your own masterpiece (You have done that yourself.) Pregnancy? Pregnancy. (Premonitions, Premonitions.) Everybody is good. (Hello there.) Then his land killed him to let him going to bed (Then his apprentice killed him in his sleep.) The geography that I stands compares you superior (I have the high ground.) He is in my behind (They're all over me.) Good kind of (In the name of...) We cant throw down him (His fate will be the same as ours) Chinese: ?????????Literally, "we can't throw him down". It is more properly translated as "we can't leave him behind". He big in nothing important in good elephant (He seems to be alright) Chinese: ???[sic]????? Literally, "he good elephant no have big important problem". Once again, the "misspelling" of ?? (like) as ?? (good elephant) gives us a classic line. The more appropriate translation would be "it doesn't look like he's seriously injured". This is really too stick. (That's wonderful.) Chinese: ?????????? is the Chinese idiom for "awesome". The characters individually spell out "too" (?) and "stick/club" (?). The wish power are together with you (May the force be with you) Chinese: ???????Literally word by word, "may force with you together". The characters for "may force", ??, form the word meaning "the power of wishes". Note that "force" is usually translated as ?? ("the original force"). "May the force be with you" is usually translated as ???????. The Chinese translation missed a character. You are already at full cock now (You have done well, my apprentice.) Save me Allah gold! (Help me. Help me!) I would like to throw in your door is next (I pledge myself....) Good of Good (Good...) Only like this you then can become the power like this you then can save to return your (Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side to save Padme.) The republic organizes afresh become the empire of the first choice! (The republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire!) Unfortunate of is great majority city all on the pimping mainland in this area' (Fortunately, most of the cities are concentrated on this small continent here on the far side) Mr Speaker we can never compromise to black (Then the Jedi Council will make finding Grievous our highest priority) Very good, the ratio is prosperous, very good (Good, Anakin. Good) The nobody greets (Another happy landing) That hopeless situation killing off just now (Execute Order 66)

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