Independence Day: No Family Edition

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Independence Day: No Family Edition

Faneditor: thecuddlyninja  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st June 2015
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:40m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:45m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Independence Day
Genre: ActionSci-Fi
Original Title: Independence Day (1996)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1996
Original Runtime: 2h:25m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Blu-Ray/Digital
Sound Mix:


Will Smith has no wife and son. The president has no wife. Some silly moments with Goldblum and his ex are cut. Randy Quaid has no family. The movie has no Randy Quaid.


I love the late 90s cheese and action in Independence Day but the movie should definitely not be two and a half hours. A lot of scenes with Vivica Fox and the First Lady drag in the middle of good action set pieces. The movie grinds to a halt every time Randy Quaid says a "joke." I wanted to focus on the characters core to the story and remove the bloat.

Change List:

Cut president talking to wife on phone Cut president and advisor talking about campaign before SOD calls Cut David’s (Jeff Goldblum) line about Styrofoam cups Cut Imperial Valley scene with Russell (Randy Quaid) and his kids Cut White House Communications Director talking before going in and seeing the president Cut “there’s no shame in hiding” and “I’ve got to call my mother” Cut Russell diner scene Cut Russell’s family out of the sequence where the disc ships move into place Cut Steven (Will Smith)/Vivica Fox talking about the aliens Cut Steven/Vivica Fox goodbye scene Cut scene of president talking to wife on the phone Cut 1st scene of David and his dad in the car Cut scene of Russell’s kids watching him on tv Cut Russell Case scene Cut Steven talking about his girlfriend to fellow soldier Cut Vivica Fox strip club scene Cut “yeah…all cable men can, pops” since I cut the scene where he gives him crap for being a cable repair man Cut dialogue about David punching president last time he saw him – not that relevant, safe to assume president is standoffish because he’s in a crisis and that’s the ex-husband of his trusted advisor Cut president’s wife getting evacuated Cut Vivica Fox scene in her car Cut David’s boss trying to call his therapist in the Hamptons Trimmed some of Vivica Fox’s stripper friend on the roof so she’s not a focus Cut Steven’s wife, dog and son running from the fire Cut scene with Russell and his family in the camper driving Cut scene with President in the plane Cut Vivica Fox and son in the aftermath Cut Vivica Fox finding a car Cut David’s dad talking to his ex-wife on plane Trimmed scientist dialogue about not getting out much Cut scientist “freakshow” line and trimmed his “humor” a bit Cut White House staff squabbling over Area 51 existence Cut Steven asking about El Toro Cut Vivica and co by the fire Cut “let’s nuke the bastards” line – stronger if president just says “nuke ‘em” and the scene ends Cut scene of David and ex drinking on plane Cut Steven stealing chopper and reuniting with wife Cut president talking to his dying wife in hospital Cut David drunk and his dad talking to him about faith Cut Steven’s family out of Area 51 Cut “I gave it a cold” line since I cut David drunkenly figuring out the virus plan from his dad talking about a cold Cut SOD referencing President’s dead wife Cut Russell at Area 51 talking about his desire for revenge Cut David’s ex not wanting him to go up Cut Steven’s wedding Cut Russell’s family during the president’s speech (left Randy in the first shot of group and shot at end because there are a bunch of random pilots) Cut Russell saying goodbye to family Cut Steven saying goodbye to family Cut most of David and his dad saying goodbye Left some shots of Russell piloting, since they focused on the president and another random pilot, too. I cut his over the top line about revenge, though. It doesn’t feel like “who the hell is that guy” just that they’re following the president and a couple of pilots they showed during his speech Cut David’s dad leading prayer with disgraced ex-SOD Cut all shots of Vivica Fox after ship is blown up Cut celebration so that movie ends with David and Steven walking up and being picked up (no family celebrations).

Additional Notes:

My approach was to completely remove the family subplots that slowed down the story in my opinion. All Vivica Fox and her son, the First Lady, Randy Quaid's alcoholism and abduction story (all of Randy Quaid, actually), Randy Quaid's family and some of the stuff with Goldblum and his ex (the night they get drunk, mostly).

Other Sources:

Independence Day OST

Special Thanks:


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