Blade Runner: Danse Macabre

Updated: 3rd May 2024

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Blade Runner: Danse Macabre

Faneditor: Beezo  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st July 2015
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:20m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:37m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Blade Runner
Genre: ActionCyberpunkDramaDetectiveMystery
Original Title: Blade Runner (1982)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1982
Original Runtime: 1h:57m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Blu-Ray/Digital
Sound Mix:


Blade Runner is a boring movie. Beautiful? Yes. But insanely boring. This is an attempt to pump new blood into this bore by replacing 95% of the droning score with classical music, removing slowly paced and unnecessary scenes, rearranging scenes for more narrative interest, modifying character motivations and focusing the cluttered thematic material. No slave commentary, no romance, no origami and no happy ending.


After watching (and reviewing) the fanedit Tears in the Rain, I couldn't help but think there was a way to unlock an interesting movie from Blade Runner that wasn't boring. I was pleased to discover that all of my film enthusiast friends found the original (and the subsequent releases) just as dull as I did, after telling them of my ambition. This was my attempt to salvage this "masterpiece" for me and other like-minded movie-goers.

Change List:

Removed 95% of original score and replaced with various excerpts of classical music. Act 1: -Added Blade Runner: Danse Macabre title -Removed Opening Text Scroll -Added new Text (fictional quote from Tyrell) -Removed most of Deckard getting food -Removed most of Leon's V.K. Test -Re-edited opening shots of LA to correlate with new music -Removed Gaff's origami -Trimmed dialog between Deckard & Bryant -Removed dialog, "No." "But that's a risk..." -Re-edited Rachael V.K. Test so that more time appears to have passed -Removed dialog, "Commerce, more human..." -End scene after dialog, "Memories..." Act 2: -Intercut between Deckard in Leon's apartment with Leon/Roy going to Chew's -Remove Deckard inviting Rachael into his apartment -Intercut between Pris meeting JF and Deckard in his apartment -Removed Unicorn Dream -Modified "CSI" scene to be slightly less egregious -Removed Deckard/Taffy scene -Removed Deckard calling Rachael -Removed "headshot" of Leon -Added hard out -Re-edited Deckard/Rachael scene such that romance is minimized and his aggression is highlighted (he rapes her) -Removed scene of JF meeting Roy -JF doesn't "Checkmate", only "Checks" -Re-edited Roy killing Tyrell so it's more "heard, not seen" -Removed Roy riding the elevator Act 3: -Re-edited Pris' attack on Deckard so it's less implausible -Re-edited final shot of Deckard killing Pris so it's more "heard, not seen" -Removed Roy's first encounter with Pris' body -Removed Roy's head going through the wall -Removed the dove -Removed "Slave" dialog -Removed repetive shot of Deckard looking at Roy -Removed dialog, "Done a man's job..." -Removed dialog, "Finished." -Removed Unicorn Origami -Removed Deckard/Rachael scene.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter I [The Chronological Cut]
The Thief And The Cobbler - Recobbled Cut
Home Alone: The 'Kevin Alone' Cut
Crimson Maul's - The Last of Us Part 1
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Trials Of Deception (The Last Jedi)
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope [Despecialized]
Jurassic World Dominion
Do Androids Dream of Funkadelic Sheep? (Blade Runner Grindhoused)
Prometheus: Giftbearer