Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Episode II: A New Threat

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Episode II: A New Threat

Faneditor: smudger9  
Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie
Fanedit Release Date: 1st July 2015
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:12m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:26m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Star Wars
Genre: ActionAdventureFantasySci-Fi
Original Title: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (TV Series)(2008)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2008
Original Runtime: 2h:38m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Blu-Ray/Digital
Sound Mix:


The second episode of my Clone Wars Movie Series. Seven episodes of the TV series (Cloak of Darkness, Lair of Grievous, Death Trap, Lethal Crackdown and the Malevolence Trilogy) are presented in the classical Star Wars movie structure. Carrying on from Episode I, the Clone Wars continue to rage. Republic forces have captured Viceroy Gunray and it is up to Luminary Unduly and Ahsoka Tano to escort this valuable prisoner to Coruscant. Meanwhile, the Seperatists continue to ambush Republic fleets with a deadly new battleship. Can this new weapon be stopped before Count Dooku's forces take control of the outer rim?


The Clone Wars movie and TV series was a great addition to Star Wars canon. However, it had a lot of filler, was often very child-orientated and had villains that were less than threatening. I wanted to create a movie series that stuck to the Star Wars movie structure while also stripping out the filler, removing the childish elements and creating threatening villains.

Change List:

Classical Star Wars opening and crawl. Lateral space pan to opening scene. Cloak of Darkness and Zillo Beast are intercut. Death Trap and Lair of Grievous are intercut. Extra Malevolence scenes manufactured and put early in the movie, to give a better impression of a continuous story. Cloak of Darkness Cut exterior close-up shot of Jedi Cruiser. Cut Ahsoka "Finally, it's been such a boring trip". Cut Ahsoka "he doesn't look that dangerous". Cut Scene where Dooku and Sidious discuss Gunray's Capture and Ventress is despatched to resolve the problem. Cut Ahsoka threatening Gunray. Cut Ahsoka "But" when asked to guard the Viceroy. Cut part of scene where Ventress sets the charges including clones talking to the droid. Cut Ahsoka/Ventress dialogue - removes any evidence that hey have met before. Cut Ventress "Skywalker's not here to save you". Change Luminara "Ahsoka" to "padawan" as Ahsoka attempts to jump down the lift shaft. Cut Ahsoka dialogue talking about Luminara not knowing what Ventress is capable of and move next Ahsoka/Argeyuss scene forward to replace it. Re-score scene where Luminara is looking for Ventress with "Qui-Gon's Noble End". Cut scene where Luminara and Ahsoka find the droid in the rubble. Cut Ahsoka "we'll take her together". Cut Anakin "it's okay snips". Cut Ahsoka/Luminara goodbye scene. Zillo Beast Included are the scenes up to the appearance of the Zillo Beast. Opening battle scene has introductory dialogue removed and added battle effects and re-scored using "The Clones". Cut initial dialogue of the doctor. Add in dialogue of Mace "this is a mistake". Add in dialogue of Palpatine "i did not take this decision lightly master Jedi". Remove Battle Droid "oh no" before bomb detonates. Reduce length of bomb detonation sequence. Combine multiple scenes to discuss the failure of the bomb, have the treaty signed and for Palpatine to send Mace and Anakin in search of the Malevolence. Add in manufactured Malevolence scene of it destroying a Republic fleet - brings the Malevolence I tot he story and ties with Anakin And Mace being sent to search for it. Scored using "Ion Canon". Death Trap Shorten opening cruiser approach scene. Remove Clone Cadet scene aboard the cruiser. Recut scene to make it appear that Anakin and Mace are boarding the ship, not the clone cadets. Add in scene from a Cloak of Darkness where Anakin, Luminara and Ahsoka discuss re-capturing Gunray. Cut scene where Cadets use the gun turret. Alter initial Boba/Aura communication scene - remove reference to Boba's name, and replace with call name "traitor". Cut clone telling Boba he's lying. Cut "lets show these troops how the clone youth brigade rises to the challenge. Cut cadets talking about a seppie attack. Cut Admiral dialogue "I won't have it, Killian out". Cut Boba "But what about the crew, it's not about them only Mace". Cut Aurra "If you want Windu dead, do as I say". Cut Boba "I couldn't help it Aurra". Cut Aurra "They're living witnesses honey" Cut Boba "That was never part of the plan, I just want to kill the Jedi who murdered my father". Cut Aurra "Well that will have to wait, grow up. You'll get your revenge in time. Or you can go with your friends who I'm going to jettison into the unknown". Cut Boba hesitating to press the release button and Aurra "Do it!". Lair of Grievous Cut Ahsoka "Good Hunting". Cut Gunray "Double shifts for everybody". Cut battle droid "Errrr" and "they're right behind you". Cut Gunray "What.... Where?" Cut Battle droid "Have you ever killed a Jedi". "No". "Me neither." Cut Battle droid "Don't even think about it Republic dogs". Cut Fisto "at the first sight of us he would have run like the coward he is". Cut Grievous "You expect victory over Jedi, but all you give me is battle droids". Cut Grievous "Gore where are you". Cut Doctor "Don't be upset with me master, if you were a better fighter we wouldn't be having this conversation. Look what you let those Jedi do to you, you're a walking scrap pile. It gong to take me forever to get you back into decent shape. I'll go fetch your spare parts." Cut Killian scene telling the Cadets to get into the escape pods as a drill practice. Cut "Lucky, stay with the group". Move escape pod launch scene to after Anakin discusses abandoning ship. Cut Cadets "We missed the rendezvous" Cut scene where Mace and Anakin tell the Admiral he must abandon ship and Killian refuses. Cut scene where clone cadets discuss the pod malfunction and being lost. Cut Grievous "It has been prepared for uninvited guests like you". Cut Grievous scene sending Gore to attack the Jedi. Prolong the Grievous evil laugh to aid scene transition. Cut doctor "your armour patches are getting cold and I do have other things to do" Move Gore scene to after Grievous is repaired. Trim down Jedi v Gore scene. Cut Grievous "playing with" and "Gore!". Cut doctor "In your condition you need to rest". Cut Grievous "I'll rest when the Jedi are dead". Cut Nahdar "you were right master". Cut Doctor "The uninvited guests". Cut doctor "How exciting". Cut Fisto "Is that you?" Cut Grievous "The Jedi Fisto Escaped" Replace Dooku "so there is room for improvement" with "return to the Malevolence immediately". Add evil Grievous laugh. Cut scene of Fisto and Jedi Council. Lethal Trackdown Delete scene of bounty hunters discussing the hostages and needing proof of Windu's death. Add Aurra "Bossk, fire up Slave 1". Cut all scenes where he bounty hunters return to the wrecked cruiser to look for Windu. Cut R2 firing oil at the gundark. Cut Mace "I thought your astrometry was supposed to call for help, not take off and leave us here". Alter Bossk's dialogue from basic to Trandoshan and add subtitles. Cut Bossk "We've knocked out his communications" and "You've got one shot at this kid". Cut Boba "Which one". Cut scene where R2 returns to the Jedi Temple. Insert second scene of Malevolence destroying a Republic ship. Insert scene from R2 come home where Anakin and Mace discuss Boba and Anakin is after revenge - alter Plo Koon dialogue to "we have received a transmission from our fleet along the Hydian Way". Insert Jedi council scene using multiple clips and audio, including 2 audio lines from Clone Wars cartoon. Rising Malevolence Cut Dooku "this will be a suitable test for our new weapon". Cut Kenobi "the separatists are being unusually tidy". Cut scene where Kenobi finds out from Austen that Anakin has redeployed himself. Cut Ahsoka "R2 set the scanner, modulate for incoming mystery weapons". Cut Plo Koon "that signal is weak". Cut Battle Droid "go get them boys", "let's cut this can open" and "there they go". Cut Ahsoka "I think someone noticed we're gone. Cut Battle droid "let's finish the job", "what's a Jedi doing out here" and "time to put the squeeze on them". Cut Anakin "patience we're trying to boost the power, hang on". Cut battle droid "what the...". Change Ahsoka "R2ooey" to "R2". Cut clone "general, this is another fine mess we've gotten into". Cut Plo Koon "your sense of humour is improving". Cut Medical droid dialogue. Cut Ahsoka "you forgot, we turned him off". Cut Ahsoka "we're clear". Cut closing scene. Shadow of Malevolence Cut clone "the head clanker, Skywalker is getting pretty ambitious". Cut clones aggressive chatter. Cut Anakin "I so enjoy your company my padawan". Cut Ahsoka "only General Grievous would go after clones who can't fight back". Cut Ahsoka "I had a feeling you would be coming along. Your ship has already been prepped". Cut Ahsoka "I know R2ooey, this is gonna be a tough one". Cut Anakin "Cut the chatter Ahsoka". Cut Grievous "I want to get there before too many wounded clones escape". Cut Ahsoka "Does anyone care what the Padawan thinks" and "thanks R2ooey". Cut Anakin "Of course we care snips, but we're still going through that nebula". Cut Ahsoka "Right now I can't see anything at all". Cut Clone "I know where I'm going... I'm going to blow up that battleship". Cut Plo Koon "A clear path if ever there was one". Cut "Ahsoka "so sky guy". Cut Ahsoka "Those gas gulpers are huge" and "They'll panic, I'm about to panic". Cut Battle droid "but Sir, the fighters will be caught in the blast". Cut scene where Shadow squadron checks in after initial battle. Cut scene on medical base discussing the loss of half the bombers. Cut Battle droid "I have a bad feeling about this". Cut Battle droid "station has been targeted". Cut Grievous "Start the Ion canon acceleration". Re-score scene where Kenobi's fleet arrives to add more tension using "The First Battle". Cut Anakin "the battle was pretty rough on my men. We're heading for the medical station". Move final scene of Anakin and Ahsoka aboard the medical station to the end of the movie. Destroy Malevolence Cut Battle droids & Grievous discussing the state of the Malevolence. Cut Padme "This isn't right". Cut scene of Grievous using internal ship transport. Cut Plo Koon "There he goes again, craving adventure and excitement". Cut Ahsoka "You get used to it". Cut Battle Droid "Looks like the engines are set to destroy themselves" and "hey, that's just rude". Cut scene where battle droids attempt to put out the ship fire. Cut Kenobi "oh, brilliant. Let's get going". Cut scene where Grievous walks back to the bridge. Cut scene where Battle droids talk about a ship docking at the emergency airlock. Cut Battle droids "I knew it, it's them...... Oh no". Cut Ahsoka "That's my master". Cut battle droid "we don't know, we didn't catch it in time". Cut battle droids "Shoot...... No, wait......I knew that was a bad idea". Cut 3PO "someone stop this contraption please..... I suppose I did ask for that". Cut battle droid "that was impressive". Cut battle droids jumping off the ledge and missing the train. Cut battle droid "I guess repairs are finished, prepare to charge up the hyperdrive". Cut battle droid "you heard the general". Cut Padme "beginner's luck". Cut 3PO "Excuse me general, but R2 says the enemy ship's hyperdrive is activating". Cut Anakin "don't worry about it". Cut battle droid "Quick, reset the navicomputer". Cut Dooku "have you made your escape yet". Cut Battle droid "We're gonna die, abandon ship". Insert end scene from Shadow of Malevolence at end of movie, scored with "The Rebel Fleet".

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Star Wars: The House of Boba Fett - Chapter I [The Chronological Cut]
Star Beast: Alien Grindhoused
Terminator 3: Salvation
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi [Despecialized]
Superman Redeemed
Raising Cain - Director’s Cut
Coming Home in a Bodybag
Cloverfield - The Camcorder Edit
Violent Night: HO HO HO! Edit