Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Episode III: Children of the Force

Updated: 4th May 2024

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Episode III: Children of the Force

Faneditor: smudger9  
Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie
Fanedit Release Date: 1st January 2016
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:23m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:59m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Star Wars
Genre: ActionAdventureFantasySci-Fi
Original Title: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (TV Series)(2008)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2008
Original Runtime: 3h:22m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Blu-Ray/Digital
Sound Mix:


The third episode of my Clone Wars Movie Series. Nine episodes of the TV series are presented in the classical Star Wars movie structure. Carrying on from Episode II, the Separatists have taken control of the Outer Rim and launched an attack on the Planet Ryloth. With jedi master Di trapped on the surface, Anakin Skywalker leads an assault to break the blockade and free Ryloth. With the Jedi distracted the evil lord of the Sith plans a strike on the Jedi Temple, which could spell the end of the jedi order.


The Clone Wars movie and TV series were a great addition to Star Wars canon. However, there was a lot of filler, it was often very child-orientated and had villains that were less than threatening. I wanted to create a movie series that stuck to the Star Wars movie structure while also stripping out the filler, removing the childish elements and creating threatening villains.

Change List:

This edit uses the classical Star Wars movie structure. I have produced a classical Star Wars opening sequence. The Movie is cut from Supply Lines, Storm over Ryloth, Innocents of Ryloth, Liberty on Ryloth, Evil Plans, Hostage Crisis, Holocron Heist, Cargo of Doom and Children of the Force to produce a single, flowing movie.

Additional Notes:

Supply Lines is intercut with Storm Over Ryloth. All scenes involving Todaria have been cut from Supply lines, leaving only the Ryloth Scenes. Creature scenes cut from Innocents of Ryloth. Initial battle scene from Liberty on Ryloth has been heavily cut and the scene of Mace Windu discussing battle plans has been moved forward. Final Celebration scene cut from Libery on Ryloth. Evils plans is intercut with Innocents of Ryloth and Liberty on Ryloth. All scenes except the scenes directly involving Cad Bane have been Cut from Evil Plans. Hostage Crisis is cut directly into Holocron Heist to produce a coherent story. All scenes involving Ziro have been cut from Hostage Crisis. An additional space battle scene has been inserted between Holocron Heist and Cargo of Doom to produce a smooth story.

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter I [The Chronological Cut]
Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Edit
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker: Ascendant
Prey: The Implicit Cut
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Fixed by Caleb Gamman)
Coming Home in a Bodybag
Once Upon A Time In Mexico: Grindhouse Cut
Star Wars: Andor: Chapter III - The Rebellion
The Lost Boys - Extended Edition