LV 426

Updated: 27th April 2024

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LV 426

Faneditor: The Man Behind The Mask  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st February 2017
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:33m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:40m:0s
Time Added: 0h:9m:0s
Franchise: Alien
Genre: HorrorSci-Fi
Original Title: Prometheus (2012)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2012
Original Runtime: 2h:4m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


This fanedit turns Prometheus into a direct prequel to Alien (1979) by turning the planet LV 223 into LV 426. It's more "direct to the point".


I liked Prometheus all right at first viewing but it was not what I expected. Too much talking for nothing. But the worst aspect was that it looked so close to being a direct prequel of Alien (1979) without being one, that it was a letdown for a lot of people. During the movie, you tell yourself, of that's the ship! Yes, but it's not the same. It's also not he same planet. not the same monsters, not a prequel.... In fact Prometheus used everything fans wanted to see but at the same it tells them, no, it's not what you wanted. So in the end the movie was frustrating. This fanedit tries to make it looks less frustrating.

Change List:

Everything in my edit turn around that goal of making the planet LV 426. I tried a lot of editing choice before using the ones I was the most comfortable with. At one point the edit was quite long and more special effects were made, but in the end I was not happy wit the result, so I chose to make something else and it became shorter and, IMO, more efficient. I removed everything that did not make the plot move forward but at the same time I added some deleted scenes to flesh out some characters. I turned the whole movie black in white (it serves the purpose of a prequel and it looks great). I added special effects here and there. I switched scenes. Used lips sync. Every little tricks that a faneditor can use!

Additional Notes:

Other Sources:

- Deleted scenes from the Prometheus Bluray - Few seconds of Alien (1979)

Special Thanks:

Thanks to L8wrtr for his feedback on the workprint and for his help on the making of the Bluray version (soon the be released).

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