Star Wars: Episode I - The Ancient Lore

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Star Wars: Episode I - The Ancient Lore

Faneditor: Andreas  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st November 2018
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:42m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:32m:0s
Time Added: 0h:6m:0s
Franchise: Star Wars
Genre: ActionAdventureFantasySci-Fi
Original Title: Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1999
Original Runtime: 2h:16m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: U
Source: Blu-Ray/Digital
Sound Mix:


Knowing how many different takes there are on The Phantom Menace - and has been since 1999 (!), what stood out for me very clear since the beginning, apart from a bunch of what I thought were brilliant ideas that could work - was to make it different. Not make it a Fanedit, but a FanFix - more of a remake, if you will. Only then could it actually be worth many years of my time. I grew up with the love of Star Wars and the excitement around The Phantom Menace and the prequel trilogy, but I never felt the magic stay with me for The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones (and to a degree RotS as well) as it did with the Original Trilogy. This was the red herring that made me interested in the creation and intellectual process behind the making of TPM, that made me realize the lost potential and go for a search on how to make it work. And thus The Ancient Lore was born.


As mentioned above, my lust and inspiration for this edit came from the lack of satisfaction from the movie but also the high amount of edits done before my fanediting time. The Phantom Menace needed a remake - a re-birth, and the potential was already in the material itself; it just needed great alterations, pacing and dedication to make it work much, much better.

Change List:

- More cuts and additions than you can possibly imagine. Just watch and enjoy and be surprised!

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

- Star Wars - The Phantom Meance, Blu-Ray, 1080p. - Star Wars - OST (John Williams). - T7Pro, from YouTube, for additional Darth Maul footage. - DigModiFicaTion for a new opening Crawl.

Special Thanks:

- DigModiFicaTion for an amazing opening crawl - which he has many times revisited for me, and encouragement. - Masirimso17, Zamros, Canon Editor, Smithers, ssj, lapis Molari and Nic for continuous support, ideas, suggestions and criticism to make this a better edit every time, and challenge me for the better. - theryaney for encouraging and contributing to a poster for the edit. - for giving me the amazing ability to create my own soundmixes, which is now done for over 50% (!) of The Ancient Lore. - MlutiMedios3D on YouTube for amazing visuals and models for me to use for background events, free of charge. - My girlfriend and brother for encouraging me to do this. - lapis Molari for (upcoming) subtitles.

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