Dead Set Serious

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Dead Set Serious

Faneditor: CBB  
Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie
Fanedit Release Date: 1st December 2008
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:54m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:30m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Genre: HorrorZombie
Original Title: Dead Set (TV Show)(2008)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2008
Original Runtime: 2h:21m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Digital/DVD
Sound Mix:


This turns the TV show DEAD SET into a true zombie movie. Gone are the dragging, too funny, annoying and over-the-top scenes to present an extraordinary quality horror film from the UK. The image has been recolored and the brightness levels were improved for a more movie like experience.


Dead Set was an incredibly great TV show and the most shocking one for a long time. Responses all over the globe were praising it and rightfully so, because it was from the plot over the cast to the filming and the special effects a really well crafted horror show, combining elements of Big Brother and a Zombie outbreak. And there you already get it, because that sounds ridiculous and funny. On the one hand the audience gets the dragging scenes and talks from the Big Brother inmates and on the other hand the horror from running, killing and flesh eating zombies. In addition to that some scenes are incredibly over the top (Patrick shitting in the bucket, hacking Grayson, being eaten, etc) or stupid in wanting to be funny (the light machine, the policemen, Marky shooting at Riq, etc). That’s where I wanted to get in. This show had so much potential for a cool fanedit movie that I just could not let it pass and I think the outcome is among the best zombie movies of the entire genre.

Change List:

Cut list: - added new starting credits - cut Big Brother beginning - cut housemates reunion - cut inmates argument - cut Kelly bringing coffee - cut phone in the camera runs - cut inmates preparing for the show - cut housemates reunion part 2 - cut inmates waiting for the show - cut all inmate scenes from the eviction - split guard scene approaching the car - cut some of Pippa’s waving - moved Danny seeing Chloe - cut the first jealousy scene with Kelly about Danny - cut the inmates talking about the outside screams - cut the next morning in BB house - cut the inmates’ egg argument - cut BB inmates argument and detecting the cameras are not moving and discussing it - cut “mobile phones must be switched off” - cut BBinmates discussing what has caused the dead to rise - cut Patrick eating - cut Pippa telling Patrick to stop wasting air - cut Patrick drinking champagne - cut Patrick eating and drinking and thinking about peeing - cut Kelly coming with fire extinguisher to kill Angel - cut Space holding the fire extinguisher - cut Alex’s survival speech - cut Patrick peeing in the bucket - cut Marky reads about himself in the newspaper - cut most of the stupidity fo the cops - cut Joplin stalking on Veronica taking a shower - cut Patrick pooing in the bucket - split the van arriving scene - cut Patrick and Pippa discussing the “light machine” - cut Patrick mentioning the bucket pooing - cut the inmates discussing “youtube” “Amazon” - cut Pippa mentioning Patrick pooing - cut Pippa repeating “I don’t like it” - cut Veronica and Space discussing the reason of the outbreak - cut Joplin and the others discussing the outbreak and the maning of it - cut most of Patrick slicing pieces from Grayson’s body and ranting - cut Marky saying “He says he is a normal person” and continuing to shoot - cut Patrick ranting while he is eaten - cut Joplin munching - added new end credits.

Additional Notes:

The idea was simple, the creation not so much, most of all because of technical problems though. Turning DEAD SET into a true zombie movie tries to take all the best horror elements from it and leave all what was distracting from that on the cutting floor. That’s why the audience really meets the Big Brother inmates when Kelly enters the Big Brother house, not before that. The plot has been trimmed for better pacing and the worst over-the-top moments have been removed (most of all those are scenes with Patrick – the producer) as well as dragging conversations or scenes that lead nowhere. By recoloring and correcting the brightness the image quality reflects more of a movie experience, because the original show was incredibly dark and made days almost look like nights.

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Thank you: Winnie, ThrowgnCpr, Mollo, Ghostcut and the fabulous FE community.

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