Babylon 5 Project V: The Long, Twilight Struggle

Updated: 13th April 2024

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Babylon 5 Project V: The Long, Twilight Struggle

Faneditor: subjectzero  
Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2020
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:17m:0s
Time Cut: 2h:1m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Babylon 5
Genre: ActionAdventureDramaSci-Fi
Original Title: Babylon 5 (1993)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1994
Original Runtime: 4h:18m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


The Babylon 5 Project aims to focus on the arc stories of the TV show by creating a series of films. This creates a more streamlined rewatch of Babylon 5 for those who want to maximize the arc without having to watch the mostly stand-alone episodes with arc storylines in them.


Babylon 5 has such a riveting arc based story that I've returned to watch time and time again but I'm not a big fan of the standalone episodes. However, many standalones do have some arc based storylines which are paid off later. I wanted to craft a new way to watch the series which creates an "all killer, no filler" B5 experience. Some films would just be three or so episodes strung together because of how heavily arc concentrated they are. Other films need to be built from the ground up from the pieces of many episodes which creates new viewing experiences and slightly changed narratives. The Babylon 5 Project also looks to exorcise some loose plot threads that don't pay off down the line. Talia Winters is reduced in her role throughout the early seasons for this reason. Some inconsistencies are also removed, especially when it comes to Babylon Squared and the War Without End two-parter.

Change List:

Crafting a story from a bunch of bottle episodes was pretty difficult. The backbone of the edit was Midnight on the Firing Line and Babylon Squared with Londo's plotline from Born to Purple stringing the whole thing together. Quality of Mercy was used to also introduce Dr. Franklin and the alien healing machine... and give the good doctor something to do. The Battle of the Line segment from Babylon 5: In the Beginning provides a prologue and sets up Sinclair. He regains his memory from a flashback in Babylon Squared rather than "And the Sky Full of Stars" which gets to the point quicker (avoiding what I think of as a weak episode) and removes Sinclair's flash-forward in B-Squared which never happens.

Additional Notes:

There are too many cuts to go through but here's a quick rundown: Removed: Midnight on the Firing Line - Most of Talia's storyline (sorry Talia/Ivanova shippers!) - Londo at the casino Babylon Squared - The breakfast scene - Fasten/zip sequence - Minor edits to remove inconsistencies with War Without End Additions: - Battle of the Line footage from In the Beginning as a prologue. Minor edits made to hide certain bombshell revelations by Delenn. - Truncated version of the Londo/Adira love story. Removed the Purple Files aspect and made a more runaway slave kind of story. - Truncated version of the alien healing device storyline with Dr. Franklin. - Sinclair's memory from And the Sky Full of Stars of the Battle of the Line were added and mixed with footage from In the Beginning of the same event. - The final scene from And the Sky Full of Stars of Sinclair giving his personal log. - A shot or two from War Without End added for consistency.

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Zarius, sgp1428, memoryblau, and TM2YC for all of the feedback in the beta edits! Made this the best possible edit!

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