Faneditor: Tranzor   Fanedit Type: FanFix Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2008 Fanedit Runtime: 1h:41m:0s Time Cut: 0h:9m:0s Time Added: 0h:0m:0s Franchise: The Living Dead Genre: Horror • Zombie Original Title: Dawn of the Dead (1978)    Original Release Date: 1st January 1978 Original Runtime: 2h:7m:0s
Original Links:
Certificate: 18 Source: DVD Resolution: Sound Mix: Language: Subtitles:    
Underneath some of the dumb dialog lies a pretty dark and serious movie. By removing most of the stupid lines and reconstructing a few things this brings it out.
Underneath some of the dumb dialog lies a pretty dark and serious movie. I removed most of the stupid lines and reconstructed a few things to help bring this out.
Change List:
- Slightly altered film title screen - Cut out Bart saying “they trashed Metropolis”. And cut Andre’s “look dumb ass” reaction. - Cut out CJ telling them to clean up Metropolis - Cut out some dialogue when Bart is watching TV and some of Terry’s lines - Cut out Bart calling Terry a fag. - Cut out some of the dialogue on the rooftop when they see the truck drive into the mall - Cut out most of the Steve’s dialog - Cut out Kenneth “fuck y’all” line - Cut out and altered When Ana check’s the dead woman’s pulse. You can see she is dead and Ana already knows what happens to them at this point. I do not think she would then risk getting that close. I also extended the view of dead woman on bed - Cut out part of dialog on “bites” that follows the scene above. I did this because Ana mentions how she took the woman’s pulse. Since I cut that scene I had to cut this dialog too. - Cut down “time passing” montage and rescored it - Cut out pointless talk of the security guards in the holding cell after montage - Completely removed the zombie sniper scene with Andy. Although a great scene, the dead do not act in character the way they do for the rest of the film - I had to cut out Kenneth’s sign of “good shooting see you later” to Andy since I cut the zombie sniper scene. However I altered the audio to still fit the scene - Cut out one scene of the zombie shootout in the garage. It shows one zombie literally jumping like nine feet in the air and onto a fence. If they could do this they could scale the truck parked by the mall and get in through the roof - NO MORE ZOMBIE BABY - Slightly cut down scene that follows zombie baby so it has more flow than before - Cut out more of Steve’s dumb comments after building up the mall busses montage - Cut out Andy’s reply on the radio after his escape plan fails. It quickens the pace and adds more suspense since you still are unsure if he is ok or not - Cut out Steve whining right before they go into the sewers - Re-arranged getting out of the sewer scene so zombies do not react to the manhole cover being closed - Cut out Cj’s comment in elevator to keep the tension going - Reconstructed and re-scored the ending - Might be a few more edits that I forgot to list.