The Problem with Synthetics: Episodes 1 & 2

Updated: 27th April 2024

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The Problem with Synthetics: Episodes 1 & 2

Faneditor: Wakeupkeo  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st July 2021
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:23m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Alien
Genre: HorrorSci-FiThriller
Original Title: Alien: Covenant (2017)   Prometheus (2012)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2017
Original Runtime: 4h:6m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 15
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


"Paradise" is easily one of my favorite franchise-saving fanedit of all time. It highlights what is great about the prequels, and ditches everything else. I watched it endlessly. Over time, I wondered - what would a chronological edit look like? And after having gotten the blessing of jobwillins himself, I began to experiment. The initial simple chronological re-edit lost all the magic and tension that made Paradise great. But I kept playing with different ways to try to keep the "David-centric" story, and settled on this two-episode format. This is an admittedly inferior re-imagining of Paradise, but still a fun and different way to focus on the deeper questions raised in these films, each about 70 minutes.


And while I was editing these anyways, I wanted to address continuity issues mentioned so often in these prequels and make this truly an Alien Prequel story. - David is undoubtedly now the source of the xenomorphs (we reveal only the baby trilobite from the Prometheus episode, and only seeing more once David begins tinkering, and his monologue in his lab is adjusted to support this.) - No chestburster scenes or terrible Xenomorph confrontations. (Trying to honor the original Alien movies.) - Prometheus does not land on LV-223. (Remove all mention of the planet name.) - Better connect it to the Juggernaut in Alien. (A juggernaut closes in on the Covenant in the final shots.) - Remove or minimize stupidity of crew decisions to be less obvious and maddening. (As much as footage an narratives allow of course).

Change List:

All scenes have minor edits to dialogue and visuals for better pacing, continuity, and storytelling. Main Changes: A heavily trimmed Weyland Ted Talk opens Episode one. David's awakening from Covenant used for David's intro, dialogue adjusted. All Prometheus footage before the ship in space are removed, we begin with David. David does now look into dreams. Scenes of Crew awakening from cryosleep are removed. Weyland's presentation trimmed. Holloway's presentation trimmed and graphics for LV-223 are removed. Prometheus ship planet landing sequence trimmed for better logic. Crew interactions in the dome trimmed for to remove focus on anyone but the doctors and David. Xenomorph mural reference removed. Paradise scene of Shaw debreifing the room with Country Roads cover used. Vickers confrontation with David in hallway removed. Shaw "DNA" discovery trimmed for less information. David's tainting of Holloway's drink adjusted for speed. Scenes of crew left in dome removed. Discussion of Shaw's physical issues removed. Vickers and Janek scene trimmed to only highlight Vicker's questionable status as a human, David's "VR Simulation" scene trimmed. Fifeilds return removed. Vickers confrontation with Weyland removed. Vickers dies before she can escape the Prometheus. Shaw is killed by the falling Juggernaut. End of Episode 1. Episode 2 begins with Extra footage of Walter's "birth." Paradise intro of Walter with Beatles music used. Daniels mementos scene removed. Bridge discussion scene dialogue trimmed Oram's religious overtones dialed down as much as possible Covenant repair scenes trimmed for pacing Transmission discussion scene trimmed for logic Lander flying to planet rescored with Prometheus soundtrack of similar scenes Recon team scenes trimmed for pacing. Ledward scenes of him getting infected removed. "The Crossing" trimmed and rescored, used during David's introduction. Oram looking into a pod removed, and Oram's chestburster scene removed. David's genocide scene trimmed and moved to after Walter finds Shaw's body. Xenomorph confrontation on both the Lander and the main Covenant ship removed.

Additional Notes:

Show, don't tell principles effect. Smaller more focused storylines with less main character focus to highlight the philosophical questions presented in the films, and cutting screen time and interest for characters that make glaringly bad decisions.

Other Sources:

Paradise by Job Willins Bluray Deletes Scenes and Extras.

Special Thanks:

Job Willins of course, for his amazing inspiration and for allowing me to tinker with his art. Daydream in Blue for countless viewings in extremely early drafts compared to now. Malthus for giving an early draft a look and giving great feedback. Last Impressions for solid feedback in the threads. ClosertoGod for multiple audio reviews.

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