Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan Redux - Expanded VFX Replacement Theatrical Cut

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan Redux - Expanded VFX Replacement Theatrical Cut

Faneditor: Wraith  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st December 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:54m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Star Trek
Genre: ActionAdventureDramaSci-Fi
Original Title: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1982
Original Runtime: 1h:53m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


Star Trek " The Wrath of Khan without the recyled VFX from Star Trek The Motion Picture.


To replace the recylced VFX from Star Trek The Motion PIcture with equivalent VFX of conematic quality and similar aesthetic, with a handful of additional tweaks.

Change List:

0:00:00 Added Paramount Star Trek Fan Film Disclaimer 0:00:18 Added WRAITH Logo 0:00:48 Added Logo 0:00:55 Version id 0:00:57 Added Paramount logo from TRANSFORMERS to pan up to the stars 0:01:10 Cross fade to panning up starfield taken from 4K Star Trek: The Motion Picture overture to act as new background plate to new titles. Tracked with care for near seamless transition. 0:01:18 All new opening Credits created from scratch. All captions required manual “kernelling”. 0:03:09 Added Faneditor and VFX main sources (full sources in end credits) credit 0:03:14 Added VFX sources credit for most used sources 0:06:00 VFX 001 – 3 Klingons vessels 0:06:10 VFX 002– 3 Klingons vessels 0:06:20 VFX 003– 3 Klingons vessels prepare to fire torpedoes 0:06:22 VFX 004– 3 Klingons vessels fire torpedoes 0:09:44 Score 01 – SCORE 01 “Kirk Takes Command” From STII CD to span into the first scene addition 0:25:42 VFX 012-015 VFX shot replacements of the Enterprise in drydock 0:26:52 VFX 016-018 Additional VFX shots establishing the journey inside the spacedock taken 0:28:15 VFX 019 Travelpod docks 0:30:32 VFX 020-027 Added 9 new shots from 2 sources , with some resequencing and tweaks to Enterprise light up now in Dry 0:33:08 VFX 028-038 10 new shots of the Enterprise departing drydock from three sources The remaining new VFX shots 039-052 are 4 new establishing shots of the Enterprise, a couple of score enhancements, and fixing absent navigation lights in a handful of shots of both the Enterprise and Reliant. 1:45:00 VFX 147 Theatrical jump cut from pan to planet, corrected and now smooth 1:4627 VFX 148 nu pan fly off warp star final shot Bespoke end credits VFX sources added Audio sources added Thanks added Music sources added Fan disclaimer Wraith.

Additional Notes:

For this original version of my edit of Star Trek II, the VFX shots are nearly all NOT the VFX used in the Expanded Director’s Cut, and are visually and tonally very much like the shots they replaced. This maintains the tone of the movie we all love hopefully. This version should address some (if not all) of the concerns some have justifiably "voiced" about tone and continuity while removing the STTMP distraction of those pesky recyled "we are on a tight budget" recyled shots. I also fixed some issues that were present in ST 2, the most notable being the navigation lights that blew during shooting some VFX of the Enterprise. These VFX were not re-sh when the issue was seen in dailey due to budget and timing constraints; these have been fixed invisibly.

Other Sources:

Star Trek II Expanded CD Brainstorm , James Horner CD YouTube DeLimited Productions Hike Animation.

Special Thanks:

ArtisDead for previeweing this some years ago, and again more recently.

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