The Walking Dead: Days Gone Bye

Updated: 3rd May 2024

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The Walking Dead: Days Gone Bye

Faneditor: AD_Phoenix  
Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie
Fanedit Release Date: 1st November 2016
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:32m:0s
Time Cut: 2h:20m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: The Walking Dead
Genre: DramaHorrorThrillerZombie
Original Title: The Walking Dead (TV Series)(2010)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2010
Original Runtime: 4h:52m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


The Walking Dead: Days Gone Bye' takes Season 1 of The Walking Dead and condenses the story down into a 2 and a half hour film, trimming down the filler and speeding up the pace of the story.


The aim of this fanedit was to create a feature length movie from Season 1 of The Walking Dead, using the comic as a template. The story will only stray elsewhere if it is essential to the evolution of certain characters, or if otherwise important to later events. It is the first in a possible series of films focused on Rick's journey. As Season 1 is (loosely) based on the first chapter of the comic (Days Gone Bye), I thought it would be an appropriate title for the film as a whole; the group have to come to terms with the end of their old world.

Change List:

I wanted to create an edit that was a hybrid of what happens in the comics, with additional sub-plots unique to the show added in. Essentially, I combined what worked best for my film. I edited the Blu-ray version of The Walking Dead Season 1 (episodes 1-6), using Adobe Premiere Pro. Opening credits created using Adobe Photoshop, and end credits created using Final Cut Pro. The important changes I made regarding relevant characters are as follows: - Rick: The film will mostly be from Rick's point of view. I wanted to keep the story focused on him, so the majority of the campsite scenes are cut. Rick's family aren't mentioned or seen before he reunites with them, to create mystery. - Shane: I decided not to delve to deep into Shane's dark side, as it is not fully resolved in the first season. I wanted to portray him as a more sincere character at first, which why I chose to include the hospital flashback scene as the movie intro; this way, we know Shane's motive is genuine and it shows how much he cares for his friend. - Lori: As most of the camp scenes are either cut entirely, or trimmed down, we do not see Lori often, unless she is with Rick, or if the scene is important to the plot. The love affair with Shane isn't revealed until the 'frogs' scene, although it is subtly hinted to. I also reduced her protests, so she seems more supportive of Rick's decisions. - Andrea: I reduced Andrea's scenes, especially her moments of pessimism and general uselessness, in an attempt to mimic the Andrea of the comics. I wanted Andrea to come off stronger and more capable. This way, her decision to stay behind in the end will be somewhat more of a shock. - Glenn: As opposed to making a lot of changes, many of Glenn's lines and scenes are kept in, as I think his humour is a perfect representation of Glenn in the comics. I removed all scenes involving the red car, just to keep up the pace. I decided to keep the Vatos gang/Glenn's kidnapping in, to show Rick's evolution into becoming a leader, and Daryl getting more involved. - Carol: Although only a supporting character, Carol's progression into becoming a stronger person is important to her role. Therefore, I decided to keep in the majority of scenes involving Carol and Ed's relationship, for reference later on in her life. - Jim: I decided that Jim's story was stretched out a little too long, and felt like filler. So, I chose to cut the whole 'digging' sub-plot. Jim now appears throughout, but doesn't become an active member of the group until the camp attack. - Merle: I trimmed down a lot of Merle's dialogue and scenes. The last time we see him is now when Rick and the others first leave Atlanta, as opposed to a few days later. - Jenner: I trimmed his dialogue and removed Vi, so as to show that he is more isolated. We do not see him until the group enters the CDC building, and his intro scene is more tense and suspenseful. - Morgan: Morgan's dialogue has been trimmed in a way so that he comes across wary, yet more trusting and friendly. This is more in keeping with the comic version of Morgan. His wife is removed entirely, as is he whole radio contact sub-plot. We do not see Morgan or Duane again after leaving the police station, just like in the comic. - Leon Basset: Although not an essential character, I chose to keep the scene where Rick shoots re-animated Leon, to show Rick's first reaction to seeing someone he knows as a walker.

Additional Notes:

- Moved Production Company logos to the beginning. - Moved full 'Hospital Flashback' scene with Shane to the intro. - Added NEW Opening credits. - Removed Girl Summer/little girl walker scene. - Trimmed scene with Shane and Rick in the car; removed dialogue about Rick's marriage. - Trimmed journey to car chase/pursuit and shortened crossfire scene. Rick gets shot and cuts to hospital. - Removed Shane's visitation scene. - Trimmed hospital scene. - Removed audio and trimmed Rick's return home. 'Rick's Despair' by Bear McCreary is played over scene. - The shovel scene outside Rick's house is trimmed. He now passes out immediately after being struck. - Trimmed all scenes within Morgan's house; removed nighttime scene. Duane's dialogue mostly cut. Morgan comes across less aggressive. Removed subplot about Morgan's wife. - Trimmed baseball walker kill. - Cut return to Rick's house scene; we just see Rick take his keys. - Removed shower scene. - Trimmed dialogue between Morgan and Rick outside Police Station. Removed exchange of radio and further contact plans and mention of Rick's family. - Removed Morgan and Duane in house/Rifle shooting. - Added unedited original opening scene/Little girl walker scene. - Cut camp response scene when Rick is attempting to make contact on police car radio. - Removed scene at camp with Lori and Shane's kiss. - Trimmed Farmhouse/finding horse scene. Rick does not see or search the car. - Trimmed entering Atlanta scene. - Cut entire Tank scene and dialogue with Glenn. Rick now falls off his horse and immediately runs into Glenn, as if by accident. - Removed Shane and Lori sex scene. - Trimmed rooftop dialogue and traversal. - Trimmed introduction to Atlanta survivors. Andrea no longer holds a gun to Rick. There is no talk of a refugee centre. - Ascension to roof and Merle's shooting/fight scene trimmed. Merle doesn't spit on T-Dog. Removed Rick saying who it is he is looking for. - Removed following rooftop scene. - Removed entire sewer scene. - Removed Andrea and Rick in the store/Necklace scene. - Removed T-Dog and Merle's conversation on the roof. - Trimmed rooftop idea swapping for distracting the walkers. - Removed dialogue about the dead walker/wallet scene. - Heavily trimmed the walker dismemberment/guts scene. - Removed Campsite survivors receiving T-Dog's message. - Trimmed Rick and Glenn's escape from walkers. - Removed Glenn using the red car to distract the walkers. It now seems like Glenn never left the van. - Removed Merle's solo rooftop scene. - Heavily trimmed return to Campsite/Reunion scene. We do not see Shane until Rick does. Trimmed embrace. Lori no longer looks to Shane in shock. - Heavily trimmed campfire scenes. Removed Ed and Shane's dispute. - Trimmed Rick and Lori and in tent. They do not start to have sex. Removed Shane on RV roof. - Trimmed morning scene. Rick doesn't speak to Glenn about the red car. - Trimmed deer walker killing (It takes way too long). - Trimmed Daryl finding out about Merle. Rick no longer repeats what we've already seen. - Trimmed preparations for the return to Atlanta. Lori now seems to give in to Rick. Jim's dialogue is cut. There is no mention of Morgan. - Removed tent scene with Lori and Carl. - Removed Frog-hunting and fence-cutting scenes. - Trimmed dialogue of the women washing clothes. - Removed quarry fishing/Jim digging scenes. - Trimmed rooftop scene. We do not see Daryl bag Merle's hand. - Removed all scenes of the camp while Rick is at Atlanta, with the exception of Ed in the tent. - Trimmed scene where Rick prepares to fight the 'Vatos'. He doesn't talk about Glenn saving his life in the Tank. - Trimmed Nursing Home scene. There is no joke about Glenn being eaten by dogs. - Removed scene with Andrea looking for wrapping paper. - Heavily trimmed the campfire dinner scene. Removed all talk about Dale's watch. - Trimmed aftermath of camp attack. Jim does not speak. - Removed Rick's attempt to contact Morgan via radio. - Trimmed Lori and Rick's dialogue with Andrea. She doesn't talk about the gun safety. - Trimmed the scene with Dale and Andrea. There is no mention of Amy's birthday or Andrea's guilt. Andrea does not put the necklace on Amy. - Trimmed the resurrection and death of walker Amy. Andrea doesn't talk about 'more time'. - Trimmed the digging of the burial graves dialogue. - Removed Jim's traumatic hallucinations. - Removed Rick and Lori's post funeral dialogue. - Removed Jim and Rick's scene in the RV. - Removed Shane and Lori's scene outside the RV. - Removed the hunting scene/Shane's meltdown. - Removed Rick's message to Morgan about leaving for the CDC. - Trimmed camp departure. We do not see the red car and message to Morgan. - Removed RV overheating problems and Jim's request to Rick. - Trimmed Jim's farewell scene. Only Shane Rick and Jacqui speak to Jim. - Entirely removed Jenner's introduction scene/video log. We do not see him until Rick does. - Trimmed approach to CDC. Dialogue is shortened and Jenner.

Other Sources:

Take Us Back by Alela Diane.

Special Thanks:

TM2YC for previewing and approving.

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