Superman II : The Complete Cut

Updated: 4th May 2024

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Superman II : The Complete Cut

Faneditor: Ollie W  
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 1st September 2009
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:2m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:11m:0s
Franchise: Superman
Genre: ActionAdventureDramaSuperheroes
Original Title: Superman II (1978)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1978
Original Runtime: 1h:51m:0s
Original Links:

Source: DVD
Sound Mix:


This is a Donner biased version of Superman II that is complete. There is far less compromises with this version so for those who loved the Donner material this cut is for you.


To re-edit the official release so to making a Richard Donner Superman II that is complete.

Change List:

- WB logo - DC; Reeve credit is met with silence. - DC; Same music cue opens the picture but this is played over traveling space footage from the LC followed by a dissolve into Thau’s opening Krypton shot. - DC; Thau’s entire recap is retained, but I’ve replaced Thau’s flipped shot of Krypton exploding with that from STM. - DC; For credit sequence, Reeve receives top billing followed by Gene, then Brando. - DC; ‘S’ logo has been replaced with the STM ‘S’ logo. - DC; Daily Planet/Lex in Prison/Villains on the Moon - DC; Sound FX is added when Zod kicks the astronaut on the moon. - DC; End dialog between those guys in the control room has been trimmed. - DC; Lex escapes/Niagara Falls exteriors - LC; Hotel tour of the room scene is put back in. - DC; Dialog extended as Lex and Eve head north to include “Ice and snow is this your idea of a good time”. - RKS; Inserted scene of villains making havoc on Krypton. - LC; "No possibility for parol" is put back in. - LC; Included a shot of Eve walking away. - DC; Music cue added as Lex thinks out loud with toilet flush removed. - DC; Rescuing boy at Niagara Falls with dialog “oh course he’s Jewish” removed. - LC; Superman landing behind the stall followed by his explanation with Lois. - DC; Villains landing & Ursa and the snake scenes have been joined. - DC; Blank Bullets scene - DC; Encounter with the Sheriff features additional LC footage and RKS audio with “holy skunk sweat” dialog removed. - DC; lovers fly north - LC; Villains encounter with the people of East Idaho features RKS audio playing over the first half of the scene. Cut away from “these human are beginning to bore me” to Supes shows Lois around the fortress, minus crystal being left on the floor. - DC; Television crew show up features some additional LC footage. - DC; Cut from “Where’s Superman, and why doesn’t he do something” to LC Supes and Lois having dinner. - DC; Non catching rocket, then cut from “Is there no one on this planet to even challenge me” to DC Supes and Lois in bed. - DC; Zod speech which LC audio. - DC; Fall of Washington monument/Depowering scene - LC; Villains fly over the Whitehouse. - DC; Villains in the Whitehouse - DC; Diner scene fades into Clark’s trek to the fortress. - DC; Replaced Reeve’s delivery of “father” with that from the LC. - DC; For Lex at the Whitehouse, I opened with Ursa playing with the revolving planets gizmo, thus Non’s confused reaction with his toy is scraped. - DC; Back at the Daily planet - DC; Music added to the Daily Planet invasion. - LC; Door knob line put back in. - DC; Lex’s end dialog, “You ought to have that thing fixed” is removed. - Supes return uses mostly DC footage but features Thorne music and “would you care to step outside”. - DC; “I’m not a coward” audio has been fixed. - DC; Freezing the tanker with LC audio. A few shots from the LC were needed to keep the audio in sync. - LC; Included lady on the ground “Superman help us” - DC; Battle with Zod on the car uses LC audio. - DC; To the Fortress - DC; Superman defeats Zod with LC audio. Again a little bit of LC footage was needed to keep the audio in sync. - Artic patrol scene minus “Smallville strongboy”. - Artic patrol minus “Blast off” - DC; Destroy fortress/Break-up scene/Dropping Lois back home - LC; Memory kiss back in but ends with a dissolve from a dizzy Lois to a sun setting shot (from Superman IV), to a day shot of Metropolis. - DC: Back at the daily Planet (go get the Pizza) scene. - Clark and Jimmy by the elevator. - DC; Return to the Diner with LC audio. - LC; Supes returns flag using RKS’s restored shot of the fountains moving. - LC Fly over, DC fly bye - DC; End titles with Thorne score.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

There are three people who I must thank for making this edit possible. Red Krypton Son; Who gave his blessing for me to use some of his material from the RKS cut, including two re-composited scenes and two audio elements. These being; - New scene with Lex and Jor-El which shows Zod and co making havoc on Krypton. - Moving fountains when Superman returns the flag to the Whitehouse. - Sound element during Villains confrontation which the sheriff. - Sound element during the first half of the Villain’s entering East Idaho. Verisimilitude; For his guidance in matching LC footage with DC footage. Booshman; For some really helpful advice on audio editing.

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