Superman Returns – Fanedited by Booshman

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Superman Returns – Fanedited by Booshman

Faneditor: Booshman  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2012
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:20m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Superman
Genre: ActionAdventureDramaSuperheroes
Original Title: Superman Returns (2006)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2006
Original Runtime: 2h:34m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Blu-Ray/DVD
Sound Mix:


Superman Returns – Fanedited by Booshman restores the deleted “Return to Krypton” opener , and several other deleted scenes. Characters have been edited to be more likeable and give stronger performances. And the entire film has been re-colored. Culminating in a more enjoyable, less introspective Superman,experience, and one you’ll want to re-visit again and again.


To be able to sit through Superman Returns in one sitting. Make Superman less introspective and self doubting. Make it less obvious that Superman is the daddy. Make supporting characters more tolerable.

Change List:

* WB/ Legendary Pictures/ DC. * Superman Shield. (taken from trailer). A bit like Batman Begins/ TDK. No Credits * RTK – House of El crest omitted. * Martha at home, no Ben Hubbard, spaceship crashes. * Lex on the yacht, alternate deleted scene with wig added. * Lex in fortress, Jor-El dialogue heavily cut. * Clark wakes up, family photos deleted scene partially re-inserted. * Clark in the barn deleted scene. Reading at super speed cut. * Replaced Kent post box shot with alternate from “Look Up in the Sky”. * Clark/ Martha talk at home. Combination theatrical/ deleted scene. Martha dialogue trimmed. Ben Hubbard “you flew in last week” cut. * Clark arrives at the Daily planet. Jimmy’s cake and some dialogue cut. * Clark and Jimmy talk to Jack Larson the barman, some dialogue cut. * Blondie explains how the launch works, some Bosworth dialogue trimmed. * Mission Control and blackout scenes run continuously, no train set. * Clark leaves the bar without pause for thought. Shirt rip alternate angle from “Look Up in the Sky” inserted. * Superman saves the 777, Lois faint cut. * DP meeting, Perry’s dialogue trimmed. “All that stuff”. * Clark meets Jason. References to frailty and inhaler removed. Awkwardness between Clark/ Lois trimmed. * Lex reads the paper. * Lois and Clark in the lift/ leave work. Super whistle for cab cut. * Superman spotted above Metropolis, blatant CGI close-up removed. Superman flies high and hovers above the Earth. Jor-El dialogue trimmed. * Superman stops the rooftop gunner. Cop “Oh Sh…” removed. * Kitty’s car out of control/ visit to hospital/ museum robbery. Writers cameo removed. * Perry’s office. “I’s a bird…” removed. Lois whining trimmed. Superman called as a witness cut. * Lois goes back to her desk. “relationship?” removed. * Kitty hits Lex, Lex inspects Kryptonite. * Lois talks to Richard about Superman. Richard suspects Clark removed, other dialogue trims. * Lois drops her bag. Clark glasses coming off removed. * Lois interviews Superman. “I forgot how warm you are”, and “Who’s Clark” removed. * Night flight. * Superman returns Lois to the roof. “I’m always around” removed. * Lois returns to the office. * Lois hands in Superman article to Perry. * Superman finds his crystals are missing. * Lois calls around about the blackout. * Lois meets Lex on the boat. “you’re bald” removed. * Lex talks to Lois and Jason. Some dialogue trimmed. * Richard call Jason’s school/ talks to Perry & Clark * Lex explains his plan to Lois. Over the top moments removed. Alternate “Wrong” take used. * Krypto-crystal launch/ piano duet. Brief blackout before crystal release removed. * Lex stands and admires his handy-work. Train set reference removed. * Jason launches the piano. * Clark and Richard learn where Lois is and set off. * Superman spots the cracked sea-bed and flies back to save Metropolis. Lois trying to escape with rolling pin removed. * Super saves in Metropolis. * Richard arrives to save Lois and Jason. * Superman flies to Lex’s new continent and get shanked. * Superman in the water. Brando motivational dialogue removed. * Richard and Lois save Superman. * Superman raises the continent and falls to earth. Superman heart beat added. * Perry prepares for the worst, Richard and Lois talk. * Lois and Jason go to the hospital * Lex on the tropical island. OTT laugh and “what will we eat” removed. * Superman visits Jason. * Lois sees Superman. Lois’ “… around” removed. * Superman flies above the city/ smiles at camera. * End credits. Noel Neil/ Vanderworth family/ 15 year old Clark/ Hospital theatre staff removed. Reeve dedication first followed by cast. Score swapped, Superman theme is last.

Additional Notes:

In preperation for editing Superman II in HD I wanted a project to work out a good workflow for HD editing, and what tools I would need to do so. I intended to be done with it quite quickly, but as these things tend to do, it got a bit more involved than expected and I put in a lot more hours then I thought I would. I loved the original cut of Superman Returns when I saw it 5 times in the cinema. Over the years since then I have become less enchanted by it, to the point where I found it difficult to watch the whole thing in one sitting. There are too many things that annoy me to really enjoy the film as I once did, so I’ve decided to remove as many of them as I can. These include Lois’ bitching, some of Lex’s more OTT moments, Smallville flashbacks, obvious and unecessary CGI. Also, the colour of the original film is terrible, so I’ve colour corrected the entire edit.

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Everyone who chipped in on the forum with advice, particularly with the task of getting the bluray working.

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