X-Men: Trilogy

Updated: 27th April 2024

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X-Men: Trilogy

Faneditor: Wraith  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st March 2009
Fanedit Runtime: 4h:20m:0s
Time Cut: 1h:40m:0s
Time Added: 0h:17m:0s
Franchise: X-Men
Genre: ActionAdventureSci-FiSuperheroes
Original Title: X-Men (2000)   X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2000
Original Runtime: 1h:40m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital/DVD
Sound Mix:


This true fanedit condenses the X-Men movies to one long lasting action ride: less childish humor, a lot less repetitious exposition, more violence, more character depth for highly increased tension.


This fanedit was created to get the best possible movie from the X-Men trilogy following the original plots. The removal of repetitious exposition and of the childish humor greatly adds to the narrative. By expanding the Jean Grey subplot and allowing more character development the audience gets more attached to the X-Men. And by including more violence and re-organizing action sequences a lot more tension is guaranteed.

Change List:

X1 1. New WRAITH opening and New Fox Logo 2. Hybrid new opening titles combining X1,2 and 3 plus deleted scenes and credits and all opening narations edited down. 3. Barn door custom open and new caption to Washington. 4. John Ottman Score added to speech opening. 5. Opening WW2 Flashback deleted, now told as a reveal in Magneto thread to mirrow Wolverene and enhance his anger. 6. Film opens with Jean Gray flashback from X3 since that is what all 3 films are about. 7. Washington speech shortened removing telepathic reveal that is more dramatic in first Xavier/magneto chat 8. Washington speech split with cut at correct script point to Rogue reveal. 9. Magneto Xavier first chat with new flashback to WW2. 1st of 4. No reveal yet John Ottman underlytin music X2. 10. Rogue reveal trimmed twice to keep dramatic tension and clipped early.. Score segue from X2. 11. Switch to divided congressional speech with new music segue. 12. Wolverine fight re-instated (deleted in v1) but trimmed as per Requiem War 13. TV news trimmed to remove needless over exposition of Ellis Island 14. Split Senator flight, moving first half to follow Magneto “test”comment to speed pace. Chat trimmed in 2 places to remove duplication and redundancy. 15. Magneto flashback added to Sabertooth chat. Sabertooth rendered mute for the whole film. 16. Interspersed with Xavier scoole reveal and baco to Chooper fight. 17. Wolverine examination set to X”2 music and duplication of Wolverine amnesia and powers removes with right head turn edit point (lucky) 18. Post toad eating bird, senators disgust edited out. Childish! 19. Repetitive exposition removed and “who are you people” is he a complete idiot…he hates mutants..Kitty is re-instated (V1 deleted) though different actress.so the blue chick and green fellow must be…??? 20. Jean Gray telepathy on Wolverine incl extra shot of Striker to tie into X2 21. Wolverine Flash 2, insert x-rays from X3 and another striker shot. 22. Rogue / Mystique guard chat moved up to follow liquid senator escape 23. Senator Transformation inter spliced with final Magneto reveal 24. Slight reordering at whiteout to correct continuity error 25. Beach Liquid senator follow Xavier chat with Cyclops, jellyfish close up removed (patronizing) 26. Segue from Magneto jail to rogue 27. Motorcycle cheese speed up like batman cut down to credible shots only 28. Redundant rogue exposition removed on train and music segue added to maintain tension 29. Mother’s patronizing line to kid on smiling at Cyclops removed. Preaching to kids in audience…NO WAY 30. Sabertooth line to Storm in station removed. Childis and more speaking effective when Xavier controls. 31.Toads line to Sabertooth “quit playing around” removed. These are the bad guys not James bond 32. Magneto “young people”jibe removed. Makes him more ruthless. 33. Sabertooth and Mystique boat attack cut. Superfluous and pacing. How boat is taken hinted at when Rogue sees dead crewman. 34. Magneto speech trim “small consolation”. Out of place 35. Cyclops plan redundancy removed, and VFX swapped and Wolverine stares at storm not cyclops 36. Music X2 added to briefing to maintain tension, fades out in jet on “yellow spandex” 37. coast guard jibe about storm removed 38. Cyclops blasting toad goop off Jean deleted. Obviously added as after thought since overview shot she is still struggling. Clearly Cyclops peels off as you presume. This removes continuity error and speeds pacing. 39. Toads line to storm in fight removed 40. Ellis Island opening trimmed. One section removed and ref to USA removed. Superheroes are Global not just American. 41. Storms 2 lines to Toad removed. This is not James Bond and it makes her sadistic, which there has been no hint off. Save that for Jean Gray. 42. Mystique “storm” Q to Wolverine no useful. Removed. Then confusion is better set up for reveal. 43. “we saw the senator” cut. Leads nowhere 44. Terrible Matrix style swing on the Statue spokes deleted. 45. Sabertooth “you owe me a scream” deleted. Now more menacing X1 – X2 Bridge 46. Xavier asks Wolverine if saying goodbye, cut to Rogue but no news broadcast with Mystique reveal. Reveal Later in White house 47. Xavier Magneto end chat trimmed and cut to White house tour. 48. Establishing shot of White house from Independence day flared and inter cut to X2 White house log. 49. Tour guide intro removed for pacing 50. Entire museum sequence deleted. redundant, patronizing, cheesy and Xavier new power more dramatically revealed at end of this section. 51. Additional Music cue from X 3 used to bridge sequence and flash plus sound added. X2 52. White house Fight the same but new music bridge from X2 used to segue into “who attacked” at Xavier school which now follows White house. 53. Xavier Chat cuts.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

I have been inspired by the Phantom Editor. Using techniques described by the Phantom Editor I have attempted to recraft the Xmen trilogy into this. I am grateful to all the comments and suggestions which led me to further polish this to where it is especially Boon 23 who’s never ending support and candid comments make me see the error of my ways (and ditch the unworkable even if I love it - THANKS).

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