Spider-Man: Hero Within

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Spider-Man: Hero Within

Faneditor: g1orkatsos  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st December 2012
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:7m:0s
Time Cut: 1h:16m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Spider-Man
Genre: ActionAdventureSci-FiSuperheroes
Original Title: Spider-Man (2002)   Spider-Man 2.1 (2004)   Spider-Man 3 (2007)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2002
Original Runtime: 2h:1m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital/DVD
Sound Mix:


I am combining the origin story from the 1st film with the villain from the 2nd film (Doc Ock) and any scene from the 3rd on that could be useful to make a new story mostly on Peter and his journey to become a hero, simplifying the awful romance with Mary-Jane to the very basics and essentials, removing all useless side characters, getting rid of some side-plots and making it a little more serious by removing many of the stupid campy stuff from the first 2 movies.


To make the best possible Spider-Man movie out of the Sam Raimi Trilogy (with the focus on films 1 and 2) while keeping it at a 2 hour length like any normal super-hero movie.

Change List:

-The introduction scene for Spider-Man is changed. A heavily edited version of the crane scene from no3 is used. -The whole BoneSaw segment is much shorter and much more tolerable. Most of his dialogue is cut. -The romance with Mary Jane is much more simplified and much easier to digest. Peter likes her, she starts to like him as well but he cant be with her because Spider-Man is his no1 priority. There are no constant breakups and then we are back together stupidness, no astronaut subplot, no wedding, no relationship with Harry, etc -MJ only gets saved twice in the edit and it is implied that she kinda understood that Peter was Spider-Man at the Alley rescue scene -Norman Osborn / Green Goblin is removed completely. Harry mentions him once, and we understand that he died sometime before the fan-edit. He never became Green Goblin or anything. -Harry Osborn is seriously trimmed down to the point that he feels like a secondary character. He is a friend of Peter at school and after they finish school he takes control of his Dad's company (as he turns 18, sort of like in the 1st iron man movie with Tony). No side-plot with MJ, no hate towards spider-man and the quest to kill him, no goblin junior stuff, no amnesia, etc -Aunt May's cliched speeches are much shorter and only the important stuff are left. She is more to the point. -the Doc Ock plot is preety much the same except for one thing. He goes after Spider-man at the train scene to get rid of him, so that he wouldn't try to stop his 2nd experiment, amd because he was getting suspicious from his absence(at that ime Peter gives up being a hero). After they finish the battle at the train he leaves him unconscious lying there, because he thinks he is dead. Also he gets the Tritium simply by scaring Harry while holding him out of the balcony. -Many side characters are completely gone, or trimmed down to the bare essentials (Mr Dichovich, Ursula are gone, JJJ's secretary is just a background character, Gwen Stacy is now just some blonde that spider-man saves and never sees again) -I am removing some of the more stupid scenes to make it A LITTLE more serious (the pointless scene where Doc Ock is saying a joke at the experiment, the shazam scene, etc) -Jonah Jameson is intact in all his glory with only the scene where he puts the spider-man suit gone. (it looked way too ridiculous) -Removed most of the stupid cameos by the extras in Spider-Man 2 -Made a new ending for the edit with mixing stuff from various scenes.

Additional Notes:

I used Sony Vegas Pro 10 to make the edit and DVD Architect Pro 5 for the dvd.

Special Thanks:

Neglify and Juice4z0 for doing the commentary with me. Gatos, njvc and Neglify again for reviewing my work-print and giving me useful feedback on it. And also to everyone else that helped in whatever capacity on making this edit.

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