Kick-Ass 2 - Justice Forever

Updated: 3rd May 2024

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Kick-Ass 2 - Justice Forever

Faneditor: BionicBob  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st March 2014
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:36m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:8m:0s
Time Added: 0h:2m:0s
Genre: ActionAdventureComedyDramaSuperheroes
Original Title: Kick-Ass 2 (2013)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2013
Original Runtime: 1h:43m:0s
Original Links:

Source: DVD
Sound Mix:


Hit-Girl and Kick-Ass return, but this time they are not alone. Inspired by their exploits, a new wave of wannabe super heroes have emerged. Led by the noble Colonel Stars and Stripes, they are called Justice Forever! Together, they will discover what it really means to be real super heroes in the real world as they face off against the world's first super villain and his army of evil. It is an epic tale of consequences, escalation and destiny.


Bionic Bob fan edits Kick-Ass 2 into a tighter focused story that is more true to classic comic book conventions. The good guys are more heroic and the bad guys are more villainous. In this version, while Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl struggle to come to terms with their destiny, The Motherf@#ker embraces his immediately -- he likes being evil!

Change List:

--new title card: KICK ASS 2: JUSTICE FOREVER --added deleted scene "A Half-Ass Kick-Ass" --cut Chris "...Mommy?" line after tanning bed death --cut disrepectful Dave lines "Big Daddy was crazy..." etc --cut Chris's mom's sex toy --cut the two cameo scenes of Katie --restructured Dr. Gravity/Kick Ass street fight so it ends on a heroic note instead of them running away --restructured the MF store robbery scene, plays darker more serious --cut the downbeat homophobic joke at the end of KA joining Justice Forever, keeping the tone heroic --cut "Chuck little dick.." ending of boxing scene, cut whiney Chris, keep EVIL CHRIS!!! --added deleted scene "This Ain't A Comic Book" --created hero team montage --cut KA and NB shagging in bathroom --cut Dave and Mindy's school yard scene --cut bodyguard reporting someone at the door during poker game --cut KA "I think we are in trouble" line and horrified reaction shot, this is not his first time at the rodeo! --cut KA and NB "action" --restructured Colonel Stars Stripes death, MF pure evil, orders head cut off, no reference to dog --cut line "Are you sure she is his girlfriend?" --restructured BG assault, no attempted rape, again MF pure evil --cut "why is there a lawn mower...." --restructured police crack down and Dave's father's arrest --cut Dave phoning Mindy for help --added deleted scene "Promise Me" --cut line "...Really?" --cut whiney/insecure MF waiting at hide out, scene now opens with evil MF rallying his evil army --added deleted scene "Eisnerhower Gets It Started" --cut shot of MF running away during fight --restructured MF death so he does not flip flop or apologize to Dave, stays evil right to the end. --new ending --cut post-credits scene of MF -- he is DEAD!!! --replaced end credits music.

Additional Notes:

My guidelines were simple... Make MotherF@#ker as evil as possible while making Kick-Ass and Justice Forever as heroic as possible.

Special Thanks:

Thanks to all the forum for their support! In particular, a big shout out THANKS to TM2YC and Addiesin for their great input and interest.

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