Man of Steel: Remastered

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Man of Steel: Remastered

Faneditor: Agent 9  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st September 2015
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:50m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:38m:0s
Time Added: 0h:5m:0s
Franchise: Superman
Genre: ActionAdventureDramaSuperheroes
Original Title: Superman: Man of Steel (2013)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2013
Original Runtime: 2h:23m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


This Version of 'Man of Steel' has been edited down a bit for a slightly faster pace, while it also has been completely re-Colored and Re-scored using the Classic john Williams soundtrack.


While I liked the Hanz Zimmer score, it still didn't feel like Superman to me, so I re-Scored the entire film with the John Williams Score and re-cut the film in a more traditional fashion, trying the best I could to match the original 78' Version, and also got rid of the sickly green overtone carried throughout the film.

Change List:

The Edit: Krypton – Sequences Removed: - In this Version the Codex is the Command Key. It is no longer in Kal'El's blood. - Birth Scene - Jor'El talks to Council - Jor'El is taken prisoner by Zod's men - Jor'El retrieves the Codex - Activation of Codex into Kal-El's body - "Any mention of being born naturally etc." Removed Scenes / Shots: In no particular order - Fishing Scene - Tanker Rescue - Stealing clothes - School room sequence - Bar scene & Truck on Pole - Clark fighting the Krptonian Drone in Scout ship - Clark healing Lois - Church Scene - When Clark comes home – 2/3 of the scene has been cut. - Tornado Scene - Superman trying to fly and crashing - (Zod's Message) The Other countries receiving the transmission have been removed - Shots and small sequences of the Fight Between Superman & Faora-Ul in Smallville - Kryptonian skipping down the road before attacking fighter jet - Superman laying on the rocks after destroying world engine - Zod hopping up the building - Shot of Kryptonian looking at Superman's blood in the syringe - Scene about Kal'El's blood being the key - Zod & Jor'El having a conversation aboard the scout ship - Perry & Gang getting trapped in the rubble of another building - 1/2 Daily Planet ending scene, Clark gets in Elevator and it cuts to black - Some shots of Logo's & Trademarks such as Ihop.. etc... Dialog Removed: - "I let my father die.." - "...yada yada yada.....flack jacket...." - "as for my rescuer............." - "...yada yada yada.. visit an old friend" - "I can't print this Lois you may hallucinated....." - "...yada yada yada..Ive fought these people before" - "If you destroy this ship, you destroy Krypton" - "Krypton had its chance" - "My soul is what you've taken from me" Moved / Changed: - Krypton has been cut in a similar fashion to that of the 78' Superman movie - Lois's search for Clark happens after talking to guy in bar. - Placed Bus flashback after Lois talks to Pete. - Flashback Jonathon talking to Clark, now During Clark & Lois conversation - Flashback of Clark being instigated, now During Clark & Zods conversation - All shots of Superman taking out World Engine – Cut together - Superman talking to General is now the last scene Added Shots / Scenes: - All New Establishing shots of Planet Krypton - New Establishing of Antarctic - New Zoom and establishing of Saturn & Superman's ship - Shot of the Entrance to the Daily Planet - Superman Flybys – With completely new sound design - All new Titles - All New ending in The tradition Superman cinema style Movies Used: - Man of Steel - Superman Returns - Guardians of the Galaxy - Contact - Superman: The Movie 78' - The Thing (2011) - NASA Footage.

Additional Notes:

- Removal of the Hanz Zimmer Score - Replaced with the John Williams Score Because of the Removal of the music, an entirely new 5.1 Dolby Digital track had to be redesigned. Which will include new Sound FX, new Ambiance etc.. while some Sound FX have also been replaced in order to enhance them, especially Superman's takeoff's. - The entire movie has been Re-Colored - New VFX: Removed the drone from certain shots aboard the Scout Ship.

Special Thanks:

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