Fant4stic: The Unaired TV Pilot

Updated: 3rd May 2024

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Fant4stic: The Unaired TV Pilot

Faneditor: IronMan23  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st July 2017
Fanedit Runtime: 0h:50m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:57m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Fantastic Four
Genre: ActionAdventureSci-FiSuperheroes
Original Title: Fantastic Four (2015)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2015
Original Runtime: 1h:47m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


The biggest difference here, is that a half an hour movie is now trimmed down to a standard TV pilot, where everything the Fox studio clearly had 100% control over is gone, and what we have left is something better paced and hopefully more enjoyable.


I personally believe that this rendition of the first superhero family is by far the absolute worst of all the F4 films. It's overly drab and downbeat, nothing happens at all until maybe the third act, all the actors look bored out of their mind (with the exception of maybe Reg E. Cathy or Michael B. Jordon) and the whole thing looks like "Man of Steel" with no concept of color or proper lighting. So, along with all of that, I tried re ordering a few events so we get a "In medias res" style opening to kick things off and grab the audience's attention, remove any poor attempts at humor and tighten up any good gags I could find, as well as any small additions to sfx that might at least create a decent story out of a terrible film.

Change List:

Added aome alien desert ambience to go along with a much more vibrant Marvel logo - Brand new color overhaul (to each individual scene) over the entire project for a brighter and more pleasant experience - We now start out on Planet Zero to kick things off for a better pacing - Added title cards for 20th Century Fox as well as each cast member over the previously mentioned scene for a proper TV feel - Various trims to the scene, removing poor humor attempts (Instagram anyone?) and tightening things up for better pacing - After the explosion re entry and New York's subsequent blackout, we cut to the "Fantastic Four" title card - Following the above change, we then cut to several months earlier to Reed and Ben's high school science fair - The library scene, which is the first meeting between Reed and Sue was axed. It has a very awkward feeling all throughout and the two have a much better scene later on - Several sfx of telephones, cars passing by and whispering board members were added to the meeting between Franklin Storm and his financiers, to give the feeling of some life to a rather boring scene - Reduced and trimmed out the terrible CG test monkey wherever I could to the first testing of the Gateway at Baxter - After our four male leads enter the Gateway for a test run, we cut right back to the beginning re entry explosion where things continue on in the present - Subtle ambience of a bio hazard alarm was added to the remains of the gateway test site after our leads return - After Tim Blake Nelson (apparently cast officially as mole man) offers his deal to Ben, now the Thing we cut to the credits, where the Pilot comes to an end.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

TM2YC, Zarius, Canon Editor, bionicbob, ThrowgnCpr, and Addesin for input/suggestions on the coloring, edits and how to create a decent fan cover. ;)

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