Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2: Pruned Edition

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2: Pruned Edition

Faneditor: rb  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st October 2017
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:59m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:16m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Genre: Superheroes
Original Title: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 (2017)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2017
Original Runtime: 2h:16m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


GotG2: Pruned Edition is about 16 minutes shorter than the official film. It's a respectful effort to streamline an enjoyable if slightly overlong story about unkillable space adventurers. My opinion is below the surface, like a second onion layer, there's a snappier, smarter telling of the same story in the same order with the same humor. It just needs the tiniest bit of pruning. So! Here you will find the same wonderful movie but with slightly trimmer action and banter, mildly reduced beats in dialogue, and so forth, hopefully never at the cost of real feels or jokes -- it aims to enhance what's there, nudging things forward where they otherwise tend to linger (before they spoil the feels and jokes they set up so well). Don't get me wrong, I love a dick and poop joke as much as the next goofball, and I preserve many (most) silly moments. This isn't a humorectomy, although that would be an interesting project. The edit considers the overall rhythm and makes frequent, small, hopefully not glaring reductions, scene by scene, of a few lines to sometimes just a few frames. I feel like the flow is improved in aggregate, and would like to share.


I saw this movie three (3!) times in theaters, something I don't do. It was a blast in spite of its almost pathological tendency to squander each good moment. From the first minutes of the first viewing I knew I was in love with GotG2, but was kept at arm's length by those odd beats. And they seemed so easy to fix. Just STOP before a joke runs too long. Maybe let one gag in ten play out, to toy with the rhythm, but otherwise know when to quit. Not every punchline needs a big flashing applause/laugh sign. It's not an ABC sitcom. Also I've had a growing interest in the fanedit community and saw an ideal time and title to engage. Thank you very much.

Change List:

Approx. 150-200 edits. Broad strokes below (details to be added) - No prologue. - Various quips / reactions removed. - Gamora steps on more of Quill's lines. - Drax, Mantis, Taserface come off a bit less obtuse. - Fewer cartoon physics moments. - Microedits in action to punch up and / or move along. - Slightly less Baby Groot.

Additional Notes:

Other Sources:

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 (Original Score) / Composed by Tyler Bates.

Special Thanks:

TM2YC, stferguson78, gazza, SpectacularSMan and TVs Frink for your invaluable guidance, community support and feedback which shaped this middling concept into a proud achievement. Thank you. :) *Updated Dec 04, 2017: Thank you theryaney and lapis_molari for new cover art and full English subtitles, respectively. Amazing work!

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