Captain America: Civil War - Marvel Crossover

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Captain America: Civil War - Marvel Crossover

Faneditor: lapis molari  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st February 2019
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:21m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:9m:0s
Time Added: 0h:3m:0s
Franchise: Captain America
Genre: ActionSci-FiSuperheroes
Original Title: Captain America: Civil War (2016)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2016
Original Runtime: 2h:27m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


With friends like these, who needs enemies? This is the big AVENGERS battle you've been waiting for, a CIVIL WAR of Team IRON MAN versus team CAPTAIN AMERICA! When the Avengers fight villains, things break and people get hurt. Do our heroes share the blame? Should, and can, they be held accountable? Many politicians think so and Tony Stark agrees. The Sokovia Accords are the United Nations' response to the tragedies in New York, Sokovia, Korea, London, Washington DC, and Lagos. This will enforce registration and formal training of the super-human community, and establish accountability for their actions and operations around the globe. Captain America disagrees. Steve Rogers will not relinquish his freedom to choose, nor hide his responsibility behind politicians' decisions. The disagreement is violently forced to a conclusion when Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, seems to bomb a U.N. meeting that kills the king of Wakanda. The Avengers must choose between loyalty to the law or loyalty to their friends. Tony and Steve take a stand on conflicting principles. Tense and divided, everyone is distracted: Tony by people's pain and death he is (in-)directly responsible for, Steve by the explosive reappearance of Bucky, Black Panther by the death of his father, and Vision by Scarlet Witch. Nobody listens, culminating in a giant, spectacular battle of Avengers versus Avengers.


This AVENGERS CROSSOVER focuses on the Accords and adds context to them. Revenge-seeking Zemo is minimized, as are the Winter Soldier's brain-washed actions in 1991. They are catalysts not causes. For narrative clarity, they should command less exposition than the enormously consequential Accords. This is a light edit, it shift the screen time from Zemo and Bucky's past crimes to the Accords and the government's attitude to the growing concern over unconstrained super-powered individuals.

Change List:

- Replaced Bucky's opening scene with WHIH Newsreport interview of President Ellis (from Marvel online promo campaign). - When Cap and Scarlet Witch watch the news on TV about Lagos, inserted second WHIH Newsreport with President Ellis (different clip from Marvel online promo campaign). - Cut Zemo torturing Hydra's Bucky handler. Dub the pertinent exposition from that scene over when he shows Stark the video of Bucky killing Stark's parents. With the remaining exposition, we're left to think Zemo got all his information from Black Widow's online data dump. Which is no less plausible then getting it from a book that's bricked up in an unmarked wall. - Move Zemo in hotel room with electric-charge device earlier: into the slot that had the torture scene. - Cut all instances of Zemo listening to voicemail. - Small detail: cut Bucky's line "they can take... country down... wouldn't know it". - Small detail: cut Zemo's line "there's green in your eyes...". - Small detail: cut Zemo's line "Did it?". - Moved mid-credits scene, Bucky in Wakanda, earlier: between Zemo in cell and Tony driving Audi. - Replaced second half of credits music with part of Danny Elfman's unused "Inevitability, One Good Eye" from Avengers 2.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Marvel's online WHIH Newsreports, which were made to promote the film on Youtube. Danny Elfman's "Inevitability, One Good Eye" from Avengers 2 Age of Ultron on HDTracks.

Special Thanks:

Raising Cain - Director’s Cut
Pulp Fiction: The Chronological Edit
The Thing from 1951
The New Mutants - The Definitive Thriller Cut
Robots VS Kung Fu: The Matrix Grindhouse Edition
Superman Redeemed
Coming Home in a Bodybag 2
Star Wars: The House of Boba Fett - Chapter I [The Chronological Cut]