The Amazing Spider-Man: Extended Edition

Updated: 3rd May 2024

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The Amazing Spider-Man: Extended Edition

Faneditor: Masirimso17  
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 1st February 2019
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:24m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:1m:0s
Time Added: 0h:9m:0s
Franchise: Spider-Man
Genre: ActionSci-FiSuperheroes
Original Title: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2012
Original Runtime: 2h:16m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Blu-Ray/Digital
Sound Mix:


This fan edit is an Extended Edition of Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man. I inserted all but one of the deleted scenes included in the Blu-Ray into the movie, making for a more complete and satisfying experience.


I think The Amazing Spider-Man is a great superhero movie, and I personally really love it. Despite the negative reputation it has gained in the years following its release, I find myself thoroughly engaged in the story and relating with the characters. Unfortunately, it also feels incomplete due to studio interference, and as a result, kind of redundant all things considered. Removing key scenes took away not only the freshness of the plot, but also some of the story and character depth. That is why I wanted to reinsert the deleted scenes that were made available to us so that we can all have a more complete Amazing Spider-Man experience.

Change List:

*The movie has been regraded to look brighter and more colorful. (Thanks Bobson Dugnutt) -Cut Peter pretending to be someone else. He just sneaks into the intern group. (v1 only; v2 reinstates Rodrigo Guevera in service of the next change) -As a result of the previous change, Peter getting bitten has been moved up to the Spider Room and Gwen taking his badge away has been cut. (v1 only; v2 keeps the original spider bite for much better dramatic effect, as the previous version simply fell flat and felt rushed). +Added Uncle Ben's alternate death scene which was a lot more tragic. +Added deleted scene of Connors giving his condolences. (V2 and on rescores this scene with subtle TASM2 leitmotifs). +Added the POV shot from the teaser trailer for a more grandiose superhero entrance. -Cut Peter bending the goal post with the football. (V2.5 reinserts this) -Cut Peter seeing newspaper photo ad. +Added deleted scene with Connors and his son. (v2 has the greenscreen arm decolored) +Added deleted scene where Peter follows Connors to the sewers. (v2 has the greenscreen arm decolored) +Added deleted scene where Peter and Gwen make out on top of a clock tower (foreshadowing?) (v2 has the scene rescored with "I Chose You" from the Amazing Spider-Man 2 soundtrack) -Cut Connors montage that was spliced together with different unused scenes and newly recorded voiceover. +Added deleted scene where Connors talks to himself. (v1 has flashbacks, v2 has VFX to hide Connors' arm). +Added deleted scene where Dr. Ratha tracks Connors' location. *I did not add deleted scene with the two random girls at the bathroom. (v1 only; v2.0 reinstates this scene and furthermore rescores the scene with the Sandman leitmotif from Spider-Man 3; V2.5 keeps the original music with no SM3 Sandman theme. WTF was I thinking??) +Added deleted scene where Connors asks Peter for help. This was re-edited to remove the greenscreen arm. *V1: Reworked scene where Peter asks Gwen for an antidote. Now Peter sends a voice message instead of calling. *V2: Moved Connors first entering the sewers from the middle of the movie to Peter calling Gwen to create an antidote as it was originally written and shot. This acts as a bridge between Connors asking Peter for help and "All the Power You Feel". +Added critical "All the Power You Feel" deleted scene at the sewer. (V2 removes Ratha saying "Do you have any idea what you really are?" to cut the special Parker blood aspect that ruins Spider-Man being a random kid from Queens). +Added deleted scene where Peter makes breakfast with Aunt May. (V1 Before the breakup. V2 as a post credits scene as I felt placing it before the breakup ruins the pace and flow). -Cut the man in the shadows (V1 cuts the scene entirely; V2 only cuts the Man in the Shadows coming and talking to Connors).

Additional Notes:

I used Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Encore CS6. While editing not only did I insert most of the deleted scenes but I also took some minor liberties by cutting some stuff.

Special Thanks:

Neglify and Reave for previewing, samspider3 for the inspiration and support, theryaney for the beautiful cover, and everyone who gave their support and feedback both on and off the forum.

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