Certificate: 12A Source: Blu-Ray Resolution: Sound Mix: Language: Subtitles:    
The Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe but this time with less jokes and possibly even less in the nearby future.
I wanted to make the movie feel more serious, not having a joke in every scene made the movie much more serious.
Change List:
- Gamora flashback as opening - Thanos doesn't say: or should i say i am - Hulk appears suddenly while Thanos is talking - Doctor Strange doesn't say who - Tony and Strange's conversation is quicker in the park and in the sanctum - Bruce doesn't say: like the the Beatles - Peter Parker scene removed as everyone on the highway would now know who Spider-Man is - Iron Man three theme added - Drax joke of standing still is indivisible complete removed - Quill doesn't say: that was fast when Thanos fake dies - Starbucks line removed of Okoya - Shuri doesn't make a idiot of Bruce - Bruce doesn't fall in the hulk buster armor - only if i die line removed from Thor - Doctor Strange Theme added - Bruce saying to Cap: that's him removed - When the dusting happens cap and rodey do not speak anymore just complete silence - My name added to the editor credit.
Additional Notes:
Other Sources:
Special Thanks:
To TM2YC for always responding so quick and helping me make this fan edit possible.