Faneditor: Malthus   Fanedit Type: FanFix Fanedit Release Date: 1st August 2020 Fanedit Runtime: 2h:4m:0s Time Cut: h:0m:0s Time Added: 0h:9m:0s Franchise: Thor Genre: Action • Adventure • Sci-Fi • Superheroes Original Title: Thor (2011)    Original Release Date: 1st January 2011 Original Runtime: 1h:55m:0s
Original Links:
Certificate: Source: Digital Resolution: Sound Mix: Language: Subtitles:    
This edit featured a restructured narrative and 9 reinstated deleted scenes.
Thor is a great character but I always found his debut a little lackluster. For me the real issue was the films structure. The choice to front load the movie with huge Asgardian set pieces meant the second act drags. My edit aim was restructure the film and create and air of mystery around Thor. Having proved the concept of this edit with the original SD version of this edit I wished to rebuild it in HD using the blu ray source. This allowed me access to deleted scenes previously unavailable to me Main aims: #1 Reorder the narrative #2 Reinstate several deleted scenes #1 'Thor: Odinson' is an attempt to maintain an air of mystery around Thor and leave the audience to question whether he truly is the son of Odin. In the original when Natalie Portman finds Thor in the desert she questions where he came from leading the viewer to immediately be shown Asgard in all its glory. This edit will delay that reveal until Lady Sif and the warriors three arrive on earth effectively switching the first and second act. #2 There are some wonderful deleted scenes which add development to both Thor and Loki. I reinstated nine deleted scenes in this edit. Intention:
Change List:
Added Netflix dark banner Added Malthus Fanedits banner Cut Jane, Selvig Darcy finding Thor (2.43 -3.09) Cut Prologue* Cut five non earth scenes** Reinstated deleted scene Hospital Reinstated deleted scene of Thor and Selvig getting drunk Trimmed hangover/breakfast scene Inserted prologue* Reinstated deleted scene Loki and Thor pre coronation Reinstated deleted scene Lady Sif & The Warriors Three pre coronation Reinstated deleted scene Planning trip Reinstated deleted scene Frigga and Thor pre coronation Inserted five non earth scenes** Reinstated deleted scene Loki coronation Reinstated deleted scene Lady Sif & The Warriors Three pre coronation Reinstated deleted scene Thor and Selvig Third act plays out unedited.
Additional Notes:
This edit was made using completely free software: The NLE I used was Lightworks 14.5 Other programmes I used were: MakeMKV tsMuxeR_2.6.12 UsEac3to128 Audactity
Special Thanks:
Thank you to everyone who followed me on my journey with this project. I'd like to offer a special thank you to following members of the community: Scar - For watching the workprint of the HD edit mnkykungfu - For watching the early SD workprints and providing feedback on samples Canon Editor - For watching the early SD workprints.