Captain Marvel: It's 1995...

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Captain Marvel: It's 1995...

Faneditor: lapis molari  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st October 2020
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:1m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:2m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Captain Marvel
Genre: ActionAdventureSci-FiSuperheroes
Original Title: Captain Marvel (2019)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2019
Original Runtime: 2h:3m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:


In CAPTAIN MARVEL - IT’S 1995 ... YonRogg appears a good guy longer, so we're not yelling at Carol for half the movie that “He's lying to you!". Their rescue mission is clarified. The Skrull memory-machine is more straightforward because you can't make memories on the fly. That’s not how remembering works! No AT&T joke. An extra moment of Coulson and Fury. The mid-credit scene is cut and offered as a separate clip, so you can watch this movie before Avengers 1 and not yell "Oh come on! I didn’t want to see that yet! I first want to enjoy Avengers 1 through 3".


There weren't many frustrating moments, they were just distracting. I found myself yelling at the screen (I don't usually do that). Those are now cleaned up.

Change List:

Only +20 seconds are added, and 140 seconds are cut. 1) Add 4 seconds of deleted scene showing the monorail in the city. Insert before existing monorail shot. 2) End YonRogg talking to Carol on the monorail with "Control your impulses", to cut some condescending text and him poking her forehead. At this point it needn't be so obvious that he's a bad guy: Carol finds this out over the course of the movie, we can too. 3) Trim 5 seconds of YonRogg's exposition dump for the rescue mission, to improve clarity. 4) Small trim of YonRogg telling the natives he doesn't want to hurt them. 5) Small trim to Carol flashback: of boy telling young Carol a myth. 6) Small trims to Carol's flashback while hooked up to the Skrull machine. To minimize the appearance that the Skrulls can make Carol create memories (if she didn't read Lawson's name tag in her past, she shouldn't be able to bring that into focus in her memory). 7) Cut AT&T joke. The gag breaks my suspension of disbelief that Carol can MacGyver an interplanetary phonecall out of a pay-phone and a gameboy. Now Carol gets cut off by YonRogg instead of Ma Bell. 8) Add 15 seconds of deleted scene of Fury walking into Coulson in the corridor. Cut before Coulson sees Keller. The music leading into the next shot (Carol on motor bike) plays beautifully over Coulson walking away in the corridor. 9) Cut mid-credit scene of pager at Avengers building (add as post-credit scene in Avengers 3. where it's scene of Fury & Hill is shifted to mid-credit scene). Now you can watch Captain Marvel at any point you wish in the Marvel movie line-up, you don't have to stick to the original cinema release schedule.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Thanks to stferguson78 for convincing me to share this edit.

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