I have tried to recreate the Superman Epic as it was originally conceived by Richard Donner, following the shooting script whenever possible and before the movie was cut in half. This is Superman I and II as a complete motion picture.
I always had an idea on what if Richard Donner was allowed to complete his version of the Superman Story, and when I watched an interview with Richard Donner saying that the end of "Superman I" was changed with the end of "Superman II", then I had an idea, to create a fan edit with both Superman Movies together as a single motion picture with the original end.
Change List:
-New beginning with Zod, Ursa and Non at Krypton breaking the red crystal. Superman II -RL. -Added Security Guard scenes and death. -Krypton destruction reconstructed showing Zod, Ursa and Non watching the destruction of Krypton. Superman II - RD. -"Praxis" effect added to the explosion of Krypton. -New effects of Kal-El traveling through space. -Added extended scene of Clark and Lara in Smallville. Superman I - Extended Edition. -Feed the babies scenes added. Superman I - Extended Edition.. -Added Otis saying "I'm a myth" in Lex Luthor's Lair. Superman I - Extended Edition. -Added Jimmy treating his people as bad as he is being treated by his boss Perry White. Superman I - Extended Edition. -Added a few reaction shots before the rocket is being launched. Superman I - Extended Edition. -Added "Get me the Pentagon" scene. Superman I - Extended Edition. -Nuclear misiles scenes reconstructed showing Zod, Ursa and Non heading to earth. Superman II -RD. -Lois is not dying and Superman is able to save her. -Lois realising that Clark and Superman are the same person removed. Removed reference to Clark. -Added the deleted scene when Lex tries to kill Miss Teschmacher. Superman I - Extended Edition. -Intermission added. -Added a deleted scene with Lex and Miss Teschmacher on the snow bike. Superman II - RD. -Jor-El scene with Lex Luthor recolored, added some extras. Superman II - RD. -Added a deleted scene with Lex and Miss Teschmacher on the snow bike when Lex realizes that the three supervillains are on earth. Superman II - RD. -Zod saying "What a strange surface" removed. -Added the Pisa scene from Superman III to this edit according the Superman II script. -Non failing with his heat vision first try removed. -Added Superman cooking the soufflé with Lois in the Fortress of Solitude according the Superman II script. -Zod, Ursa and Non are no longer using the fingers with powers. Superman II - RL and RD. -Bullet hits added on the attack of the White House. Superman II - RL and RD. -Clark returns to the Fortress of Solitude scene darkened and altered. Superman II- RD. -Added a scene when the three supervillains and Lex Luthor try to enter the Fortress of Solitude. -Again the bad guys are not using their fingers. Superman II - RL. -Added a scene with the bad guys and Lex being arrested. Superman II- RD. -Complete new "Turning Back Time" ending. -Jimmy Olsen brand new camera scene added. Superman II - RD. -Superman restoring the Pisa Tower scene added. -Color grading for some scenes. -Added new Special Effects to some scenes. -Improved fx of the ray vision.
Additional Notes:
I tried to follow the Superman I & II scripts whenever possible.
Other Sources:
Superman The Movie Score, Superman II - La-La Land Score, Interstellar.
Special Thanks:
Dwight Fry