Ant-Man and the Wasp: Ghost in the Machine

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Ghost in the Machine

Faneditor: BobsonDugnutt  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st February 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:58m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:7m:0s
Time Added: 0h:7m:0s
Franchise: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Genre: ActionSuperheroes
Original Title: Ant-Man and the Wasp (2023)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2023
Original Runtime: 2h:4m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


As Scott Lang tries to spend the last of his days under house arrest, he's pulled into action once more by Hank Pym and Hope Van-Dyne as they team up and suit up to save someone from the Quantum Realm, while fighting a new adversery. This edit aims to trim up a lot of ill-timed and poorly elongated jokes, adding back deleted material from the blu-ray, outtakes, trailers and TV spots, while also restoring an alternate opening with a mission in 1987, with a young Ant-Man and the Wasp. Strap in, and get ready to see ANT-MAN AND THE WASP against THE GHOST IN THE MACHINE!


After rewatching the film prior to Quantumania's release, and off the back of my edit of the first film, I figured that this film would be better after a trim and a few deleted scenes going back in. The alternate prologue with Young Hank and Janet felt sorely needed as a fun opening action scene, establishing the both of them and their relationship prior to the film.

Change List:

- cut original opening with Hank and Janet saying goodbye to Hope, and going on their final mission together, and a small recap of the last film - added deleted opening with Young Hank and Janet on a mission in Buenos Aires, 1987 (from Infinity Saga Box Set Bonus Disc) - added alternate take of Scott doing close-up magic (from the gag reel) - added Hank reacting to Scott's comment "You gave her wings?" (from Trailer #1) - added another line from Luis as he talks to Hank in the Ex-Con office (from Trailer #2) - cut the back and forth about breakfast food, Scott's desk, oatmeal, pastry, Baba Yaga, etc. - added Sonny finding security footage of Hank shrinking the lab (from Blu-Ray Deleted Scenes) - cut Kurt singing the Baba Yaga song, as the earlier mention was cut out - cut the painfully prolonged "wassup" gag from Luis (somehow there is a longer cut shown in the "Fun TV Spot", unused here) - cut Luis complementing the Wasp suit, and saying that he wants one - cut Luis screaming "we're gonna die" in the shrunken van - added alternate Stan Lee cameo (from Blu-Ray outtakes) - cut Luis "get pezzed" after the Pez dispenser is made giant - cut the cafe interior as Scott tries to stop the truck - added some more Whale Boat Captain Daniel Gooobler as played by Tim Hiedecker (from Blu-Ray outtakes) - added alternate lines as Giant-Scott-Man emerges from the ocean (from Blu-Ray/DVD release trailer) - added additional line from Whale Boat Captain Daniel Gooobler (from Blu-Ray outtakes) - added scene with Hank and Janet in the Quantum Realm encountering a Quantum Creature (from Blu-Ray Deleted Scenes) - cut awkward exchange with Agent Woo and Scott, the whole thing about dinner and seeing you later.

Additional Notes:

This edit is my first venture into deepfake tech, as one shot has Hank and Janet's stunt doubles faces' replaced with Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfiffer. Lots of fun research and experimentation went into making it possible, and I hope to get the oppertunity to do it again sometime.

Other Sources:

- Tim Heidecker Outtakes: Some extra lines and screams were taken from here - Stan Lee Outtakes: An alternate version of his cameo was taken from 10 other versions, with the VFX being completed for this - Gag Reel: An alternate shot of Scott performing his close-up magic was used - Blu-Ray Deleted Scenes: Sonny’s on the Trail and Worlds Upon Worlds are the only 2 scenes on the disc, and are both used - Infinity Saga B0x-Set: The alternate prologue was featured on the bonus disc from the boxset - Trailer #1 - Hank and Scott's exchange reintegrated from this trailer - Trailer #2 - Luis' extra lines taken from here - AMATW (2018) Original Score by Christophe Beck: Track 7 - Ava's Story was used during the re-edited origin flashback.

Special Thanks:

Nic and recordwrangler95 for watching preview cuts and providing feedback.

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