Superman decides to remove all nuclear weapons from the earth, for the sake of world peace. His actions, however, kickstart a chain of events that may leave the world in pieces! Mashup of Christopher Reeve Superman sequels II, II Donner Cut, III, and IV into one 3-hour film, like a greatest hits package. Inspired by Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman comic storyline. Serves as a direct follow up to Superman 1978. Both Lester and Donner scenes of Clark revealing his identity to Lois from Superman II are rejected, in favor of the apartment scene from Superman IV. Richard Pryor’s character Gus is changed to a cybercriminal scheming with his “friends”, and who also just happens to be a big fan of Superman. Scenes are rearranged to suggest Nuclear Man causes Superman to turn "Evil" and the Phantom Zone to break.
I never liked the sequels for Christopher Reeve's Superman, including both theatrical and Donner versions of II. However, I recognized the merit of a few good scenes, along with the entertainment value of some laughably bad ones. Rather than watch those movies again, I wanted those favorite scenes collected in just 1 viewing experience. Inspired by Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman, I patched together this edit, cutting out most of the slow, dull, and unfunny parts from the 3 movies, strung together through an outrageous, preposterous plot. I hope you enjoy it.
Change List:
Note: Actors become noticeably younger as fan edit progresses. Key: S2LC - Superman II Lester Cut S2DC - Superman II Donner Cut S3 - Superman III S4 - Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Order of events: Zod, Ursa, and Non trial trimmed. Krypton explodes, Superman II title screen - S2DC, S2LC Gus Gorman uses the Vulcan satellite to alter the weather over Colombia - S3 Ross, Vera, and Lorelei (Webster Co.) discuss oil plan on their ski mountain building, when Gus tells them about Superman - S3 Cut: Gus skiing off the building Gus scans for Kryptonite in space, inadvertently pulls phantom zone closer to Earth – S3, S2DC In jail, Otis mentions to Lex Luthor that Superman flies north sometimes, trimmed - S2LC Superman saves chemical factory near Smallville - S3 Cut: Jimmy Olsen Clark Kent attends his high school reunion and goes bowling with Lana Lang, her son, and her son's friends. Brad is there also - S3 Back at the Daily Planet, the Warfields restructure the company - S4 Cut: Lacy Warfield's interest in Clark Lenny Luthor drives into the prison quarry and breaks out Lex - S4 Daily Planet staff turns on the TV. The President announces the nuclear arms race is on. School classroom scene - S4 Superman flies to the Fortress of Solitude and consults the memory? of the elder council - S4 Lex and Miss Teschmacher snowmobile to the Fortress of Solitude and learn about the Phantom Zone - S2DC for Jor-El, S2LC for Lara Clark watches TV in deep thought, transition to Lois Lane handing Jeremy's letter to Clark - S4 Lex and Lenny steal Superman's strand of hair at the museum - S4 Superman attends the United Nations summit, declares the nuclear arms race is off and will throw all nuclear weapons into the sun - S4 Lex meets with weapons manufacturers and plans to kill Superman. Lex and Lenny do science, trimmed. Lex launches experiment to space via missile, removed weather delays - S4 Superman tosses all missiles into the sun. Nuclear Man emerges - S4 Superman lands on the moon to straighten the American flag. Nuclear Man tackles him from behind. Superman vs. Nuclear Man Round 1 moon fight, rearranged and trimmed - S4 Superman and Nuclear Man fight around the world. Superman is infected and defeated by Nuclear Man - S4 Nuclear Man meets Lex and Lenny - S4 Gus and Webster Co. run through oil plan with Gus. Gus demands more money - S3 Cut: Gus asking for another computer. Assume he’s been upgrading the same supercomputer, which I’ll refer to as Brainiac from here on after Lex takes the profits for himself by threatening his clients with Nuclear Man - S4 Trimmed helicopter scene. Brainiac computer lights up. Gus stops oil rigs and tankers - S3 Olympics - S3 Evil Superman is seduced by Lorelei on the Statue of Liberty. He punches a hole in an oil tanker, and visits Lorelei again - S3 2 men fight for gas at a station. Gus feels remorse - S3 Evil Superman is a jerk at the bar - S3 Modified: Lana and Ricky’s dialogue, since they haven’t met Superman Superman drops his cape on the Statue of Liberty - S4 Lois quits after Daily Planet releases “Superman Dead” headline and takes Superman's cape. Lois breaks into Clark's apartment and discovers he's Superman. She leaves the cape - S4 Nuclear Man is aroused by Lacy's newspaper photo. He crashes into the Daily Planet and kidnaps Lacy – S4 Perry assures Clark that Lois will be back. Clark runs outside and turns into Superman - S2LC Superman gets flashbacks to Nuclear Man fight and falls from the sky into a dump - S4, S3 Superman vs. Evil Superman. After defeating Evil Superman, Superman blows the oil spill back into the tanker - S3 Cut: Webster Co. flying to the cave Superman the video game. Brainiac drains the world's energy. Superman vs. Brainiac - S3 City lights back up - S4 Superman vs. Nuclear Man Round 2. Superman traps Nuclear Man in an elevator - S4 Superman hurls the elevator into space, and it explodes. Phantom Zone breaks - S2LC Superman makes a corny speech about peace - S4 Kryptonians land on the moon and kill the astronauts. Removed unfunny Houston banter - S2DC Lois and Clark air out their feelings at the Daily Planet - S2LC Kryptonians land on a lake. Ursa discovers heat vision - S2LC Lois and Superman fly to the Fortress of Solitude. Superman recaps his origin, then flies to a rainforest for dinner groceries - S2DC, S2LC 2 cops are stopped by the Kyptonians, trimmed down banter - S2LC, S2DC Lois and Superman have dinner - S2DC Kryptonians terrorize Houston, Ohio - S2LC, S2DC Cut: Zod's telekinetic laser finger Superman gives up his powers. Lois and Clark have sex - S2DC for Jor-El, S2LC for Lara Zod interrogates a general - S2DC Kryptonians desecrate Mt. Rushmore - S2LC Kryptonians trash the White House in all of its uncut glory - S2DC Lois and Clark go to a diner. Rocky harasses Lois and beats up Clark. TV broadcasts Zod at the White House. Clark returns to Fortress of Solitude and finds the green crystal. Trimmed truck passing to suggest it picked him up - S2LC Kal-El'
Additional Notes:
Created with iMovie.
Other Sources:
None. All footage and audio taken from the original movie sources.
Special Thanks:
INIGHTMARES, ArtIsDead, Zarius, Jrzag42