Dawn of Justice: A Snyderverse Miniseries

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Dawn of Justice: A Snyderverse Miniseries

Faneditor: WilliamRedRobin  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 9h:5m:0s
Time Cut: 6h:46m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Justice League
Genre: ActionAdventureSuperheroes
Original Title: Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)   Man Of Steel (2013)   Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)   Wonder Woman (2017)   Aquaman (2018)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2021
Original Runtime: 14h:11m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


When the last survivor of an alien planet crash lands on Earth, his incredible superpowers cause a paradigm shift for the planets heroes. Witness the story behind the formation of the most famous superhero team in comics history, the Justice League, as legends assemble to face threats the likes of which the world has never seen.


With the upcoming second attempt at a DC cinematic universe, I thought it would be nice to recontextualise the DC movies from the last decade as a complete and self-contained Justice League origin story more in line with how movie series were pre-2010. I've tried to remove implications of a larger cinematic universe beyond normal worldbuilding, as well as trying to address common criticisms and my own issues with each movie.

Change List:

Part 1: The Last Son of Krypton -Man of Steel has been recoloured to looks less peaky -Krypton intro is halved in length -Jor-El's death is cut -Zod being sent to the Phantom Zone is cut -Zod's coup is presumed successful -Title cards added -Removed the word "Dicksplash" from the bus scene -Bus scene is slightly shortened (Clark no longer hesitates) -Removed questionable Pa Kent dialogue about letting children die and telling a random metallurgist that he found a new element -Moved childhood bully scene to after the bar scene (where it belongs) -Removed truck cruxifiction scene -Removed excess sass from Lois Lane's dialogue -Removed the early heat vision reveal to make the cauterisation scene more impactful -Trimmed cauterisation scene -Removed clunky exposition where I could -Removed jumping scene because I feel it takes away from the first flight -Removed tornado scene (Pa Kent now died of unkown cause) -Removed awkward stare from the end of Clark's conversation with his Ma -Removed toner joke for pacing reasons -Added cliff-hanger cut to black with "You are not alone!" -Removed IHOP Part 2: The Man of Tomorrow -Begins with the "You are not alone!" line that Part 1 ended with -Removed the church scene -Childhood bully scene is moved to Part 1 -Removed Lois' cultural insensitivity -Removed some awkward long pauses in the desert -Removed Feora checking Clark out -Removed references to Zod being sent to the Phantom Zone (This might make it feel like the 'phantom drive' plot point comes out of nowhere but it basically does in the original, too) -Trimmed ship escape for pacing -Trimmed Smallville fight to remove most of the military stuff and make Clark's reactions faster -Removed the "This man is not our enemy" scene -Trimmed the "Release the world engine!" scene -Trimmed the entire Metropolis sequence, mainly for pacing -Added Bruce Wayne to Metropolis Sequence -Recoloured BvS scenes to match MoS -Moved drone scene to Part 3 -Added Bruce hating Superman cliff-hanger cut to black -Removed IHOP Part 3: The Caped Crusaders -Opening credits sequence cut -First two Batman scenes moved to the beginning to better lead on from Part 2 -"Are you a terrorist?" line removed from Lois' interview -Jimmy Olsen's death isn't shown (Though he isn't shown to have survived) -Removed the actual rouge combatants from the scene where people later complain about Superman being a rouge combatant -Mercenaries aren't initially shown killing the terrorists, to make it more believable that the soldiers would think it was Superman -Moved the discovery of kryptonite to directly after the hearing asking how Superman can be held responsible -Moved Lex Luthor's introduction to directly after the discovery of kryptonite -Made Lex's first scene the operatic hallway walk in an attempt to make him more menacing -Jolly Ranchers scene is cut -Swapped around some Clark and Bruce scenes to flow better -Removed Man-bat nightmare sequence and Bruce Wayne whoring around -Shortened Lex Luthor's speech at the benefit to make him less blatantly insane to the public -Removed line implying Lex knows who Clark Kent is (I know he does, but he shouldn't be telling Clark that!) -Moved Lex's confrontation with the senator to after the benefit -Moved the prison murder and Lex approaching the wheelchair guy to directly after Lex's confrontation with the senator -Removed the implication that Lex arranged the prison murder -Moved Clark finding out about the prison murder to directly after the prison murder -Moved Clark's phone call with his Ma to directly after finding out about the prison murders -Removed Lois' scene with a random scientist woman -Moved Lois' meeting with Swanwick to after Clark's call with Ma -Moved the Senator asking Superman to the hearing to after Perry's line "No one cares about Clark Kent taking on the Batman!" -Removed the weird late night show gag from the start of the scene with Diana at the museum -Made the drive decryption instantaneous -Moved Bruce discovering the meta-human folder to directly after decrypting the drive -Removed IHOP Part 4: Wonder Woman -Cut most of Diana's childhood -This part begins with the bedtime story exposition -Cut line referencing the Amazons' enslavement because it comes out of nowhere -Cut line saying that men would destroy themselves "and us" because men destroying themselves should be bad enough for the guardians of mankind -Cut a line from the end of the story to make it flow better -Cut any reference to the sword, or hiding the fact that Diana is the Godkiller (In this version it's implied that Diana knows) -Trimmed Diana's training for pacing -Shortened the reveal of the Germans following Steve Trevor -Trimmed the beach fight for pacing and to remove ugly CG models -Tried to tie in the Amazon general jumping over the shield with her jumping in front of the bullet -Removed or tweaked some of the jokes I didn't think quite worked -Shortened the scene of Diana preparing to jump onto the tower -Trimmed.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Music clips from Justice League (2001 cartoon) and Justice League Unlimited.

Special Thanks:

Special thanks to ArtIsDead, INIGHTMARES and bbghost for helping with the fanedit review process, and ArtIsDead making the poster and a new avatar for me. Thanks to Dirtycop1036 for showing interest in the In-The-Works thread and for giving me the idea to use AI voice cloning to tie up loose plot threads, and thanks to my wife for being patient while I obsess over this edit.

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